
  • 网络cold beer;iced beer
  1. 她叫了一杯高玻璃杯装的冰镇啤酒。

    She ordered cold beer in a tall glass .

  2. 冰镇啤酒是吃咖喱的绝配。

    A cold beer is the perfect foil for a curry .

  3. 听起来像是一个卖冰镇啤酒的好地方。

    Sounds like a good place to sell cold beverages .

  4. 麻烦给我来两瓶冰镇啤酒。

    I 'd like two bottles of beer chilled with ice , please .

  5. 他们推出堆满商品的购物车,向狂欢的西班牙人售卖冰镇啤酒。

    From loaded shopping trolleys they sold ice-cold beers to the jubilant Spaniards .

  6. 或者你的家庭生活的内容只有冰镇啤酒?

    Or is your family life going to be merely beer on ice .

  7. 之后对同伴说:看起来好像也是冰镇啤酒。

    ' It looks like cold beer too , ' he says to his partner .

  8. 下班后去酒吧点一罐冰镇啤酒搭配零食

    An ice-cold beer is the perfect match for a few post-work snacks in a bar ,

  9. 拜伦赶紧跳起身,给他父亲端来一大杯冰镇啤酒。

    Byron jumped to his feet and brought his father a tall frosty glass of beer .

  10. 在炎热的太阳下工作数小时后,人们真想喝上一杯冰镇啤酒。

    After hours of working in the hot sun , the men were dying for a cold beer .

  11. 狩猎了一整天后,没有什么能比抱着一瓶冰镇啤酒狂饮一通更过瘾了。

    After a long day hunting , there 's nothing like wrapping your paw around a cold bottle of beer .

  12. 他可能已经坐在椅子上,打开一听冰镇啤酒,开始看电视了;

    He may have sat down on his chair , opened a cold can of beer , and began watching television ;

  13. 我们在一个看上去还不错的酒吧喝过冰镇啤酒之后,开始了三个小时的徒步热带雨林之行。

    With an approving look at the bar serving chilled beer , we headed out for a three-hour hike in the rainforest .

  14. 他们感到渴极了,非常想喝一杯冰镇啤酒,但苦于身无分文。

    They were very thirsty and wanted very much to have a glass of cold beer , but they had no money in their pockets .

  15. 他说我为已经发生的事感到有点心惊肉跳和震惊,但没有什么是一瓶冰镇啤酒搞不定的。”

    He said , " I was a bit jumpy and shocked about what had happened , but nothing a cold beer didn 't sort out afterwards . "

  16. 寒冷的气候;寒冷的房间;饭菜凉了;冷冰冰的手指;如果你冷,就打开取暖器;冰镇啤酒。

    A cold climate ; a cold room ; dinner has gotten cold ; cold fingers ; if you are cold , turn up the heat ; a cold beer .

  17. 很多日本人习惯晚上洗个热水澡后喝杯冰镇啤酒。现在,日本人又多了一个畅享啤酒的方式&“啤酒浴”。

    Having a cold beer after a hot bath is a nightly ritual for many Japanese , and now the country has found a way to further indulge & soaking in the suds themselves .

  18. 很多日本人习惯晚上洗个热水澡后喝杯冰镇啤酒。现在,日本人又多了一个畅享啤酒的方式——“啤酒浴”。

    Having a cold beer after a hot bath is a nightly ritual for many Japanese , and now the country has found a way to further indulge -- soaking in the suds themselves .

  19. 想象在辛苦工作一天回家之后,发现所有水龙头里流出的都是冰镇啤酒,许多男性对这种生活都梦寐以求。

    It 's a dream come true for many men . Imagine coming home from a hard day 's work to find every tap in your house had been re-plumbed to flow with chilled lager .

  20. 他让侍者为他冰镇一下啤酒。

    He asked the waiter to ice the beer for him .

  21. 我们就能回城里喝冰镇的啤酒了。

    The sooner we 'll be back in town drinking cold beer .

  22. 我上大学时喜欢上了喝冰镇的啤酒,但其实对白酒还是很少喝,也许是成熟的需要,对白酒也不排斥了。

    I go to college when liked the beer which drank ices , but was actually very little drinks to the white liquor , perhaps was the mature need , did not repel to the white liquor .