
  • 网络Agropyron;Agropyron Gaertn;Genus Agropyron
  1. 对冰草属植物的5种22个居群分8个取样梯度的混合样的醇溶蛋白多样性分析表明,当取样量达到12粒以上,醇溶蛋白图谱表现基本一致。

    The gliadin banding pattern with 8 level of bulked seed samples of 22 populations of 5 species in Agropyron Gaertn . was analyzed . When bulked seed samples surpassed 12 ( included 12 ) seeds , the gliadin banding patterns was relatively uniform .

  2. 冰草属植物种质资源遗传多样性研究

    Study on Genetic Diversity of Agropyron Gaertn Germplasm Resources

  3. 冰草属(AgropyronGaertn.)植物遗传多样性取样策略基于醇溶蛋白的研究

    Sampling Strategy for Genetic Diversity in Agropyron Gaertn . Based on Gliadin

  4. 几种冰草属植物种子萌发期及幼苗期抗旱性比较研究

    Study of the Drought Resistance Comparision on the some Wheatgrasses in the Germination Period and Seeding Stage

  5. 建议在利用生化指纹进行冰草属居群间及种间的遗传多样性研究中,混合取样量最低应保持在12个个体及以上方能代表居群整体,反映居群的整体遗传特性。

    Therefore , bulked seed samples above 12 could be chosen to represent whole populations based on the genetic diversity of gliadin .

  6. 同时,蒙古冰草是冰草属中珍贵的二倍体物种,不仅具有较高的饲用价值,还具有重要的生态价值和遗传育种价值。

    Meanwhile , it is a precious diploid species with genetic and feeding value , ecological value and breeding value in Agropyron Gaertn . There are abundant germplasm resources of Mongolian wheatgrass in China .

  7. 蒙古冰草(AgropyronmongolicumKeng)为禾本科冰草属多年生草本植物,主要分布在我国北方地区。

    Agropyron mongolicum Keng , a perennial grass , belongs to Agropyron in Gramineae , which is mainly distributed in the north China .