
  • 网络redundant encoding
  1. 一种高效的冗余编码Mesh流媒体覆盖网

    An Effective Redundant Coded Mesh Overlay Streaming Network

  2. 冗余编码图象不必包含基本编码图象的所有MB。

    A redundant coded picture is not required to contain all macroblocks in the primary coded picture .

  3. 采用脉冲处理硬件电路和CRC循环冗余编码解码技术,实现了低成本、高可靠、抗干扰脉冲采集和远程脉冲信号检测。

    Using pulse processing hardware circuit and CRC ( Cyclic Redundancy Check ) coding and decoding technique , the pulse collection and long distance pulse signal detection with low cost , high reliability and anti interference capability can be realized .

  4. 除了基本编码图象外,一个访问单元也可能包含一个或者多个冗余编码图象,以及不包含编码图象片数据的NAL单元。

    In addition to the primary coded picture , an access unit may also contain one or more redundant coded pictures or other NAL units not containing slices or slice data partitions of a coded picture .

  5. 为提高音视频传输质量,本文分析了现有的音视频传输的丢包恢复技术,并结合前向纠错(FEC)Reed-Solomon冗余编码技术及交织恢复丢包技术,提出了二项式概率传输模型。

    For the purpose of improving quality of voice and video transmission , we analyze the related works of loss recovery technology and propose Binomial Probability Model ( BPM ), which is based on Forward Error Correction ( FEC ) Reed-Solomon codec technology and interweaving loss recovery technology .

  6. 利用字符的冗余编码携带隐藏信息的文本数字水印技术

    Text Watermarking Technology Based on Storing Hiding Information in Redundant Code of Symbol

  7. 最小冗余编码及其程序设计

    Minimum - Redundancy Code and its Program Design

  8. 循环冗余编码算法及实现

    Programming Algorithm of Circle Redundancy Code

  9. 借助于两个子信号间的结构一致性,降低了冗余编码的码率,提高编码性能。

    Redundant coding rate is reduced by using the structure consistency between two sub-signals and the performance is improved .

  10. 通过8b/10b编码和循环冗余编码保证了总线的直流平衡和数据传输的可靠性。

    The DC balance and data transmission reliability were achieved by 8b / 10b encoding and cyclic redundancy code .

  11. 当一个描述丢失时,可利用另一描述中主编码和冗余编码重建图像。

    If one description is lost , it can be recovered by the primary and redundant coding from another description .

  12. 通过分析量化步长与压缩比之间的统计规律,提出基于统计规律的量化步长设计,减少冗余编码。

    Through analyzing the statistical law between quantization steps and compression ratios , a quantization step design algorithm is proposed to reduce time overhead .

  13. 提出了一种基于字符拓扑结构和冗余编码的文本数字水印系统的完整解决方案。

    Based on topology and redundant code of alphabetic symbol , an integrated solution of text digital watermarking ( TDWK ) system was proposed .

  14. 该算法利用同步信号定位水印的嵌入位置,以提高水印提取的正确率,同时将分段信息加入水印,采用冗余编码,增强了纠错能力。

    In this algorithm , synchronous signals are employed to position the embedded watermarking so as to improve the accuracy of watermarking extraction , the error-correction ability is strengthened by joining fragmentation information into the watermarking and adopting redundancy code .

  15. 提供了一种以符号的冗余编码保留隐藏信息的隐藏数据通信技术,以及与该方法相关的数字水印嵌入、提取技术和载体文件的显示技术。

    A hiding information communication technology based on storing hiding information in redundant code of symbol is proposed in this paper , as well as associated methods of embedding , detecting watermarking information and showing files in which watermarking information is embedded .

  16. PASIS架构将分散式存储系统、数据冗余和编码技术以及动态自维护技术相结合,创建了生存力强的信息存储技术。

    PASIS architecture combines decentralized storage system technologies , data redundancy and encoding , and dynamic self-maintenance to create survivable information storage technology .

  17. 本文研究了各种冗余度压缩编码方法对计算机产生的汉字文件的压缩效果。

    In this paper , the compression effect of various redundancy reducing codings for chinese character documents , which are formed by a computer , have been investigated .

  18. 提出了一种新的低功耗非冗余排序总线编码方法,通过对改进的偏移地址线的动态重排以降低具有高负载的地址总线的功耗。

    The irredundant sorting bus encoding method reduces the power dissipation of highly capacitive memory address bus based on the dynamic reordering of the modified offset address bus lines .

  19. 信源编码的代码冗余度邮政编码制度(邮编)实验结果表明在不提升码率的前提下,提高了编码速度,有利于实时编码。

    The experimental results show that the proposed method speeds up the encoding process on the basis of not increasing code bit rate , and it also benefits on real-time coding .

  20. 文中对编码过程中零树、冗余树及其编码速率之间的关系进行了定量分析,并给出了重要性排序和冗余树分配的具体算法。

    The relationship ( among ) zero trees , redundant trees and their coding rates are analyzed , and the algorithm of sorting process and assigning strategy of redundant trees are also presented in detail .

  21. 光纤信道具有比传统电缆信道更高的信号传输速率和更大的带宽,当采用光纤调制解调器进行电光信号转换时,可以使用具有较多冗余位的编码方式来保证信号传输的准确性和可靠性。

    Fiber channel possesses wider bandwidth and higher signal transmission speed than traditional cable channel , which permits the encoder adding more redundant bits in encoding process when the electric signals convert into optical signals by an optic modem to guarantee the reliability and veracity of the communication system .

  22. 循环冗余校验CRC由于编码简单、误判概率低,在通信系统中得到了广泛的应用。

    For its simple coding and low rate of error identification , the Cyclic Redundancy Check ( CRC ) is widely used in digital communication system .

  23. KL变换作为一维线性变换被用于消除一维(1D)谱冗余,且SFCVQ编码被应用于提高压缩比。

    KLT is used to remove the correlation of spectral redundancy as one-dimensional ( 1D ) linear transform , and SFCVQ coding is applied to enhance compression ratio .

  24. 编码中采用运动估计技术能消除帧间的时间冗余,从而提高编码的效率。

    The motion estimation is used to eliminate the temporal redundancy , which can improve the coding efficiency .

  25. 为了进一步降低码率,提出了减少信号帧间冗余信息的轨迹编码方法,同时引入了解码端频域无相位综合算法。

    To give further bit reduction of the redundancy between signal frames , a novel Sinusoidal Tracking Coding algorithm has been proposed .

  26. 通过增加一些冗余信息,总线编码可以很好地消除串扰影响,同时可以提供一些差错控制特性以对抗噪声干扰。

    By adding some redundant information , bus encoding can eliminate crosstalk well , and also provide some error control features to combat noise .

  27. 利用局部和非局部的冗余信息对稀疏编码进行约束,强制稀疏编码靠近其非局部均值以减少编码误差。

    Using the local and nonlocal redun-dancy information , sparse coding constraints forced sparse coding close to its nonlocal means to reduce coding errors .

  28. 并且,基于冗余小波变换视频编码的框架,提出了一种多描述视频编码新方法,该方法以牺牲少量编码效率为代价,来提高编码系统的传输鲁棒性。

    Furthermore , based on the redundant wavelet video coding system , a new multiple description coding scheme is proposed , which can enhance the transmission robustness with low redundancy .

  29. 在视频编码和视频处理领域,运动估计和运动补偿技术对降低视频序列时间冗余度、提高编码效率起着非常关键的作用。

    In the video encoding and video processing , motion estimation and motion compensation technology to reduce the redundancy of video sequence time , improve the coding efficiency plays the very essential role .

  30. 本文针对双通道立体视频编码中的编码和传输问题进行优化研究。首先,根据人眼关于立体视频的视觉特性提出一种降低人眼视觉冗余的立体视频编码方法。

    The study subject of this thesis is the optimization of the coding and transmision of 3D video . First , a stereo video coding method considering the human vision property is proposed to reduce the redundancy of the human vision .