
rǒnɡ yú shù jù
  • redundant data
  1. 将冗余数据添加到XML文档的想法对于老练的关系数据库管理员来说是不可思议的。

    The thought of adding redundant data to an XML document is heresy to a seasoned relational database administrator .

  2. 被限制为一个类型一个XML表示,就意味着在网络上总要有冗余数据传输。

    Being limited to a single XML representation of each object type means it is likely that there will always be some redundant data traveling across the network .

  3. 在运动补偿模块中,我们提出了基于象素行的,直接映射的cache,大大降低了冗余数据的读取,提高了数据总线的利用率。

    In MC process , a pixel line based , two dimensional cache is proposed for reducing redundant fetching rate .

  4. 针对商务决策支持系统中存在信息不确定、冗余数据量大的问题,提出了一种基于RoughSet理论的提取最小规则算法。

    This paper aims to resolve problems of uncertain information and generous data of business information systems based on Rough set theory , and date processing of business information .

  5. 针对冗余数据过滤问题,建立了一种基于过滤器的嵌入式RFID前端中间件数据过滤模型。

    To solve problems of redundancy data filtering , we design an embedded RFID middleware data filtering model based on data filter .

  6. 本文通过分析比较,验证了BP神经网络数据融合方法在发动机的多套冗余数据融合处理中的可行性和效果。

    The article though analyse and compare , proves the possibility of appling the data fusion method of BP neural network to processing multisystem 's data of solid rocket motor .

  7. HLA的核心思想是互操作和重用,它解决了仿真系统的灵活性和可扩充性问题,减少了网络冗余数据。

    The technique of HLA will help to solve the problem of agility and expansion in simulation system . And it will help to reduce the network redundancy data .

  8. 本文首先分析了目前入侵检测系统(IDS)的不足之处,如报警量大且冗余数据多,误警率高,没有自动分析的功能等。

    This thesis analyzes the deficiencies of current intrusion detection systems , such as IDS has no automatic analysis capability , and often provides the flooding of duplicate alerts and false positives .

  9. 文件都是使用众多压缩算法中的一种算法压缩成一个ZIP文件的,但这些压缩算法都是以相同的方法操作:删除冗余数据或空白。

    The files are compressed into a ZIP file using one of many compression algorithms , but they all operate the same way : by removing redundant data or whitespace .

  10. 该方法为后续网格优化和曲面重建算法建立了几何基础,同时也降低了STL文件的冗余数据。

    This method has established geometric foundation for subsequent algorithm of mesh surface optimization and reconstruction , and also has reduced redundant data of STL files . 2 .

  11. 高层体系结构(HLA)提供通用、开放的数据交换协议和数据语义互操作协议及将仿真功能与通用的支撑环境相分离的体系结构,减少了网络冗余数据。

    The high level architecture ( HLA ), provide common and open data exchange protocol and data semantic co-operation protocol , it also offer an architecture which can separated simulation application from support environment .

  12. 集元辨识(Setmembership)法中的最优界椭球算法(Optimalboundedellipsoid,OBE)采用优化策略与有效数据评价准则,实现了冗余数据的过滤并具有较理想的时变参数跟踪潜力。

    The optimal bounded ellipsoid ( OBE ) algorithm , which belongs to set membership identification methods , can discern and refuse redundant data through optimization scheme and data validation principle , potential for time varying parameter tracking .

  13. 通过这三层的层层数据融合,将能够有效地消除网络中的冗余数据,节省节点能耗,从而延长WSN的生命周期。

    Through the data fusion of the three layers , it will be able to eliminate the redundant data in the network , save the node energy and then extend the life cycle of the WSN .

  14. 本文以消除冗余数据为目标,从字符数据和数值数据两方面考虑,提出了DAS模型中基于属性粒度的综合加密方案和适用于DAS模型的综合密文索引技术。

    A synthetical encryption scheme on attribute-grain and a synthetical cipher index technology in the DAS model to eliminate redundant data are presented through considering numeric data and character data respectively .

  15. 研究了STL文件读取时的冗余数据,提出了避免多次重复读取同一个三角面片信息的方法,并通过三角面片顶点的θ,r,z坐标在各三角面片之间建立起了索引关系。

    The method that avoiding repeatedly reading a triangular facets information is proposed by studying the redundant data of STL file , and the index relation is built up by the 6 , r , z coordinates of triangular facets .

  16. 先对连续属性离散化,逐个作筛选,剔除冗余数据后,再由C4.5方法构建决策树。

    First , continuous attributes are discretized and filtered one by one , and redundant data is removed . Then , decision tree is constructed by the C4.5 .

  17. 针对Rice算法中一维差分预测方法不能有效剔除冗余数据的问题,提出一种新的二维差分预测方法,该方法实现双序列差分预测与Zig-Zag扫描差分预测。

    Because the Rice can 't eliminate the data redundancy efficiently , the thesis gives a new way of two dimension difference prediction . The new way can achieve a double order difference predict and " Zig-Zag " scan difference predict .

  18. VSS采用分布式虚拟循环采样的方法进行采样,VSS在实现保存有意义的信息的基础上能有效的平衡各节点的能量消耗,减少冗余数据。三.基于时空相关性提出了一种自适应数据融合算法。

    Furthermore , VSS can balance the energy consumption amongst nodes by using a round robin method and reduce redundant sensor data to conserve energy while retaining the meaningful information . Thirdly , the paper proposes a novel adaptive data fusion algorithm basing on the spatial-temporal correlation .

  19. 本文提出了基于V-F结构的平衡二叉树(AVL)顶点聚合算法,简化数据文件的存储容量至原来的18%~25%,并有效地去除了大量冗余数据点;

    In this paper an integrated vertexes algorithm of AVL tree is introduced based on the V-F structure to delete a large number of redundant vertexes and reduce the size of data file up to 18 % ~ 25 % of the original one .

  20. 实验测试说明:ED-MAC协议具有良好的数据融合性能,减少了网络中冗余数据的收发,降低了节点的能耗,延长了节点的工作寿命。

    Finally , the experimental test explains that the ED-MAC protocol has a good performance of data fusion , which greatly decreases the cumbersome data transceiver in the network to reduce the nodes energy consumption and to prolong the working life of the node .

  21. 网络数据库系统中实现冗余数据一致性的一种方法

    A Method of Implementing Redundant Data Consistency for Network Database System

  22. 数据库系统冗余数据的查找和删除

    Checking and Deleting of the Redundancy Data of Database System

  23. 集成保护中冗余数据处理的软件设计

    The Software Design of Data Redundancy Processing for Integrated Protection

  24. 快速成型加工的自适应分层及冗余数据的优化处理研究

    Research of Adaptive Slicing and Redundant Data Optimizing in Rapid Prototyping Manufacturing

  25. 使用冗余数据设计树型关系的数据结构

    Use redundancy date to design tree mode data structure

  26. 数据库设计中的重复字段和冗余数据

    Research on Repeated Fields and Redundant Data in Terms of Data Base Design

  27. 实验结果表明,提出的预测方法可以有效的剔除冗余数据,提高了数据压缩效率。

    It was proved to be more efficient and higher data compression ratio .

  28. 系统还必须清除冗余数据。

    Systems must also be cleared of redundant data .

  29. 冗余数据约简的研究与设计

    Study and Design of Reduction for Redundant Data

  30. 冗余数据的存在,不仅浪费储存空间,而且干扰了人们做出正确而简洁的决策。

    These data not only waste the storage space but also disturb making decision .