
  • 网络Looking for an Echo
  1. 辽东铸造厂2004再铸辉煌

    Liaodong Foundry Plant Will Be Resplendent Again

  2. 为上海竞技体育再铸辉煌提供强有力的精神动力和思想保证

    Provide strong spirit power and ideological pledge to founding the brilliance again for Shanghai sports

  3. 激流勇进再铸辉煌&第四届成都国际家具工业展回眸

    Navigate in Riptide Reforge the Brilliance Look back on the 4th International Furniture Fair Chengdu

  4. 继往开来再铸辉煌&中国科学院文献情报系统发展概述与展望

    On the History and Future of the System of Information Services of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

  5. 相信今后的日子,公司的事业有你们及你们的家人的支持一定会生机勃勃、再铸辉煌!

    Supported by you and your family , our company will be full of vigor and glorious in the near future !

  6. 愿我们真诚合作,为了共同的新世纪,携手共勉,再铸辉煌。

    Your selection between us and let , s encourage each other with hand-in-hand to re-make the resplendence for the common new century .

  7. 愿我国双层客车再铸辉煌&纪念我国双层客车诞生40年暨新型双层客车诞生10周年

    Wish Double Deck Passenger Cars in Our Country to Make Brilliant Achievements Once More For the Forty Years Anniversary of Double Deck Passenger Cars and the Tenth Anniversary of the New Type of Double Deck Passenger

  8. 打造立体交通再铸梧州水运新辉煌

    To Build Three Dimensional Transportation as the New Breakthrough of Wuzhou Water Transport

  9. 学习实践科学发展观再铸高职发展新辉煌

    Study and Practice Outlook of Scientific Development , Recast the New Glory of the Development of Higher Vocational Education

  10. 当代江南人要完成好打造世纪精品,再铸江南长兴新辉煌的历史使命。

    Contemporary Jiangnan people are required to finish the historical mission by making the century fine works and casting the new brilliance of a perpetually prosperous Jiangnan .

  11. 抓住西部开发机遇再造西北电建辉煌打造立体交通再铸梧州水运新辉煌

    Seizing Hold of Opportunity Developing West China Creating Brilliance of Northwest Electric Power Construction Again ; To Build Three Dimensional Transportation as the New Breakthrough of Wuzhou Water Transport