
nèi zhào shè
  • internal radiation
  1. ~(32)P内照射脑胶质瘤的实验治疗研究

    The Experimental Therapy of the Brain Gliomas by Means of Internal Radiation of ~( 32 ) P

  2. CRP(国际辐射防护委员会)的剂量系数估算方法确立以来,内照射剂量估算的主要问题变成了如何估算摄入量的问题。

    According to the dose coefficient method of ICRP , the problem of internal radiation dosage estimation has turned into how to estimate the intake .

  3. ~(32)P组织间质内照射治疗囊性脑肿瘤22例分析

    Intracavitary Irradiation with ~ ( 32 ) P for Cystic Brain Tumors

  4. 30例恶性肿瘤病人行~(32)P内照射治疗的护理

    Nursing care of 30 malignant tumor patients undergoing ~ ( 32 ) P internal irradiation

  5. ~(32)P内照射防治血管成形术后再狭窄的实验研究

    The experimental study of inhibition of restenosis after angioplasty by ~ ( 32 ) P brachytherapy

  6. ~(32)P制剂内照射治疗难治性实体瘤的临床研究

    Clinical study on treatment of refractory solid tumor by intervention with ~ ( 32 ) P colloids or microspheres

  7. 我国成年男子~(40)K所致内照射剂量估算

    Estimation of Internal Dose from ~ ( 40 ) K for Chinese Adult Man

  8. 诊断性超声波子宫内照射对人早孕绒毛细胞DNA损伤的研究

    Study on DNA damage in human early chorionic villus cells after the exposure of uterus to diagnostic ultrasound

  9. ~(192)Ir血管内照射防止兔球囊血管成形术后再狭窄

    ~ ( 192 ) Ir intravascular irradiation prevents restenosis after balloon angioplasty in rabbit

  10. 北京地区人骨中~(232)Th活度及所致内照射剂量

    ~ ( 232 ) th concentration in bones of Beijing residents and internal exposure dose

  11. 血管成形术后后装机~(192)Ir内照射对后期血管重塑的影响

    Effects of Endovascular Irradiation with ~ ( 192 ) Ir Afterloading System on the Vascular Remodeling after Angioplasty

  12. He-Ne激光血管内照射治疗脑血栓36例疗效观察

    Curative Observation on Cerebral Thrombosis with Intravascular Radiation of He-Ne Laser

  13. 低强度He-Ne激光血管内照射改善血液流变学性质机理探讨

    Mechanism analysis on ILIB improving the property of rheology of blood

  14. He-Ne激光血管内照射治疗缺血性脑血管病

    Therapeutic Effects of He-Ne Laser Intravascular Irradiation for Ischemic Cerebrovascular Disease

  15. 在细粒热释光测定年代中,真实的α剂量必须被转换成与β等效的内照射剂量,这个转换由α内照射效率K值完成。

    It is important in fine-grain TL dating that the full α dose must be converted into the equivalent β dose .

  16. 血管内照射(He&Ne)对人外周血T淋巴细胞亚群及NK细胞的影响

    The effects of ILIB on peripheral blood T lymphocytes subpopulations & NK cells

  17. He-Ne激光血管内照射治疗冠心病临床观察

    Clinical Observation of Coronary Patients Treated by Intravascular Laser Irradiation on Blood

  18. 低能量He-Ne激光血管内照射疗法在脑囊虫病后遗症治疗中的应用

    Application of intravascular laser irradiation on blood in treating sequelae of neurocysticercosis

  19. 低强度He-Ne激光血管内照射疗法及其机理分析

    Intravascular low level He-Ne laser irradiation therapy and analysis of its principle

  20. 低剂量~(134)Cs内照射对中枢免疫器官免疫反应的兴奋效应研究

    Stimulatory effect of low dose ~ ( 134 ) Cs on cells of central immunological organs

  21. 低能量He-Ne激光血管内照射治疗肿瘤疼痛的临床观察

    The clinical observation of treatment with He-Ne laser of low energy cancer pain

  22. 结论得出美甲顾客们在2年内照射8次,就能造成DNA损伤足以致癌的程度。

    So salon customers sitting under the highest-intensity nail dryer just eight times in two years could reach the threshold for DNA damage associated with cancer .

  23. He-Ne激光血管内照射对家兔纤维蛋白溶解功能影响的实验研究

    Influence of Intravascular Low level He Ne Laser Irradiation on Fibrinolytic Function in Rabbits

  24. 脑梗塞的He-Ne激光血管内照射治疗的信息生物学分析

    Cerebral Infarction Therapy Information Biology Analysis of the Intravascular Low-Intensity He-Ne Laser Irradiation on Blood

  25. He-Ne激光血管内照射对脑梗死患者血液流变学和细胞凋亡的影响

    Effects of Intravascular Irradiation of He Ne Laser on Cerebral Infarction : Hemorrheology and Apoptosis

  26. 高原地区低能量He-Ne激光血管内照射治疗肺性脑病疗效观察

    Therapy of pulmonary encephalopathy with intravascular irradiation by low energy He-Ne laser at high altitude

  27. 低能量He-Ne激光血管内照射仪的设计

    The Design of Low - energetic He - Ne Laser Inner - blood Vessel Illuminator

  28. 低强度He-Ne激光血管内照射辅助治疗急性CO中毒后迟发性脑病

    Study of Effect of Intravascular Low Intensity He-Ne Laser Irradiation on Patients with Delayed Encephalopathy after Acute Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

  29. 术后配合放疗尤其是组织内照射,可有效控制肿瘤复发(P<0.05)及提高患者生存率(P<0.05)。

    Surgical treatment with postoperative radiotherapy could control tumor recurrence effectively ( P < 0.05 ) and enhance the survival rates ( P < 0.05 ), especially with interstitial brachytherapy after operation .

  30. 目的讨论He-Ne激光血管内照射对脑血栓的疗效。

    Objective To discuss the curative effect of intravascular radiation with He-Ne laser for cerebral thrombosis .