
  • 网络neijiang city
  1. 内江市西林大桥通行150t平板挂车计算与观测分析

    Calculation & Observation of 150 t Flat Trailer on XiLin Bridge , NeiJiang City

  2. 内江市生态可持续发展评价研究

    Study on assessment of ecologically sustainable development of Neijiang City

  3. 土壤pH值与土壤养分有效态关系探讨&以内江市白马镇为例

    Relationship between pH and Available Nutrient of Soil & a Case Study in Baima Town of Neijiang City

  4. 内江市沱江三桥方案设计特点

    Features of the Design Scheme of the Third Tuojiang Bridge in Neijiang

  5. 势能模式与内江市区位优势研究

    Potential model and the study on Neijiang 's location superiority

  6. 内江市地貌与国土开发整治对策

    The geomorphology of Neijiang City and the territory developing and harnessing strategy

  7. 内江市城区高血压流行病学调查及健康指导

    Epidemiological study and Health Guidance of Hypertension in neijiang City

  8. 内江市临床护士工作满意度的调查分析

    Investigation and Analysis of Job Satisfaction among Clinical Nurses in Neijiang City

  9. 预防控制艾滋病性病社区健康教育模式研究&四川省内江市城区示范社区组织运作参与模式

    Study on Community Health Education Models for AIDS / STD Prevention and Control

  10. 内江市城区生活污水中氮含量的初探

    Preliminary Study on Nitrogen Content in Neijiang Urban Sewage

  11. 内江市沱江三桥是一座位于市区中心的城市桥,建成后将成为内江市的标志性建筑,开发其景观价值和商业价值是十分重要的。

    The Third Tuojiang Bridge is an urban bridge in the center of Neijiang .

  12. 本论文是关于内江市农村劳动力转移问题的研究成果。

    This paper is about the issue of rural labor transfer in Neijiang research .

  13. 内江市近40年日照变化的统计特征

    The Statistics Characteristics for Sunshine Change in the Recent fourty Years in Neijiang Municipality

  14. 四川内江市地质灾害危险性分区评价

    Assessment of Division of Danger of Geological Hazards in the Neijiang Region , Sichuan

  15. 内江市一医院儿科2005年抗生素使用情况分析

    Analysis of antibiotics application in a pediatric department of a hospital of Neijiang City

  16. 四川省内江市土地集约利用现状评价

    Assessment of land intensive utilization in Neijiang City

  17. 内江市中区人感染猪链球菌病流行病学调查

    Epidemiological Survey on Streptococcus Suis Human Infected Cases in Central District of Neijiang City

  18. 内江市郊区菜园土壤和蔬菜重金属污染及其评价

    Assessment of Heavy Metal Pollution in Vegetables and Vegetable Garden Soil in Suburban Neijiang

  19. 内江市绿化树种的现状及乡土树种的推广利用

    The Present Situation of the Afforestation Plants and the Extension of Indigenousspecies in Neijiang City

  20. 第三点是内江市农村劳动力转移现状和特点。

    The third point is the Neijiang rural labor force transfer characteristics and the present situation .

  21. 目的:了解内江市执业医生掌握法定传染病报告知识的情况。

    Objective : To understand situation on knowledge of legal infection disease for executive doctors in Neijiang City .

  22. 方法对内江市2007-2009年健康危害因素信息系统报告资料进行统计分析。

    Methods Statistical analysis was conducted on the data of health hazards information in Neijiang during this period .

  23. 内江市幼儿教师职业倦怠现状及影响因素研究

    A Research on the Status Quo of Neijiang Kindergarten Teachers ' Job Burnout and It 's Influencing Factors

  24. 西部小城镇建设初探&以汉中地区为例内江市城区生活污水中氮含量的初探

    On the Development of Towns in West China ; Preliminary Study on Nitrogen Content in Neijiang Urban Sewage

  25. 内江市中区环境噪声长期监测和降低噪声污染的对策

    Long-term Monitoring of Environmental Noise in the Town Centre of Neijiang and Some Countermeasures to Reduce Noise Pollution

  26. 西部地级市生态可持续发展评价&以内江市为例

    An Assessment to Ecological Sustainable Development of West regional City & Take the Neijiang City as An Example

  27. 卢鸿第,1929年生于四川省内江市,自由爱画。

    Lu hongdi , was bornin Neijiang city , Sichuan Province in1929 , has loved to paint since the childhood .

  28. 内江市城镇中小学生及家长职业价值观的调查与分析

    A Survey and Analysis of Values Held by Students of Urban Primary and Middle Schools of Neijiang City and by Their Parents

  29. 本文以四川盆地中部丘陵区的典型代表内江市为研究对象。

    Neijiang city was selected as the research object , which was a typical regional case Of central hill district of Sichuan basin .

  30. 从可持续发展三大资本的角度对内江市资源、环境、经济基础和社会状况进行了系统分析。

    From the angle of three capitals of sustainable development , it gives a systemic analyze to resources & environment , economic base and social condition of Neijiang .