
yǎnɡ yú chí
  • fishpond;piscina
养鱼池 [yǎng yú chí,yǎng yú cáo]
  • [fishpond] 为养鱼用的池或槽

  • 在养鱼池中,将鱼养大养肥,以供食用

  1. 材料与方法:12例溺水儿童,溺于清水中8例,污水3例,养鱼池1例。

    Materials and Methods : Twelve children had near drowned , among them 8 in fresh water , 3 in filthy water , and 1 in fishpond .

  2. 本机适用性强,可广泛应用于游泳池、戏水池、景观池、温泉洗浴池及养鱼池等。

    Applicability of this machine can be widely used in swimming pool , paddling pool , landscape pool , hot spring bathing pool and fishpond and so on .

  3. 他的花园里有两个养鱼池。

    There are two fish ponds in his garden .

  4. 在日常生产管理中,投饵行为对养鱼池中氨氮、COD和SS浓度影响显著,而对亚硝酸盐氮浓度影响较小。

    In the daily production management , feeding behavior on fish ponds significantly affected the ammonia nitrogen , COD and SS concentrations but little did the nitrite nitrogen concentrations .

  5. 以(NH4)2SO4为惟一氮源的选择性培养基,从养鱼池水中分离筛选到1株高效氨氮降解菌X2。

    A high effective microorganism X_2 degrading ammonia-nitrogen has been isolated from a fish pond by the selected culture medium with ( NH_4 ) _2SO_4 as exclusive nitrogen source .

  6. 精养鱼池水质生物净化初步研究

    Preliminary Study on Bio - Purification of Water in Intensive Fishpond

  7. 工厂化养鱼池底沉淀分离装置的试验研究

    Experiment and research of deposit separated device in industrial fish farming system

  8. 影响精养鱼池水质的关键性因素及其调控

    The Key Factors of Affecting Water Quality of the Intensive Pond Farming

  9. 墨西哥水域短粗的小鱼;养鱼池中很常见。

    Small stocky Mexican fish ; popular aquarium fish .

  10. 养鱼池水质与鱼肉中重金属污染的关系

    The Heavy Metal Content in Fish and Fish Pond

  11. 以训练海豚为特色的商业性的养鱼池。

    A commercial aquarium featuring trained dolphins .

  12. 氯化铵为氮源追肥对精养鱼池浮游生物的影响

    The effect of fertilizing with ammonium chloride as nitrogen source on plankton in intensive fishponds

  13. 产于南美洲和西印度群岛小型淡水鱼;养鱼池中常见。

    Small freshwater fish of South America and West Indies ; often kept in aquariums .

  14. 欧亚被用于养鱼池或水族馆中的金色或桔红色小鱼。

    Small golden or orange-red freshwater fishes of Eurasia used as pond or aquarium fishes .

  15. 炎热的夏季北方精养鱼池的水质调控与日常管理

    Water Control and Routine Management for Pond with Intensive Culture in the Sweltering Summer in Northern Part

  16. 中美洲有剑一样长尾巴的淡水鱼;养鱼池中很常见。剑鱼的肉,常用来做鱼片。

    Freshwater fish of Central America having a long swordlike tail ; popular aquarium fish . flesh of swordfish usually served as steaks .

  17. 上个世纪三四十年代,金鱼池的养鱼业开始衰败,随着居民的增多,金鱼池的养鱼池后来也成了臭水沟。

    Thirty or forty years of last century , gold fish pond fish industry began declining , with more residents , gold fish pond in the aquarium later became a drainage ditch .

  18. 讨论了影响精养鱼池水质的关键性的因素,并结合养殖生产实践提出了具体的、有效的调控方法。

    The key factors of affecting water quality of the intensive pond farming were discussed in this article , some frondose and effective ways of controlling water quality were provided in practice .

  19. 方法用小鼠骨髓细胞微核试验对采自天津市南、北排污河流域污水养鱼池的污养鱼肉有机提取物进行致突变性检测。

    Methods The mutagenecity of organic extracts of uncooked meat specimens of fish raised in fishpond water mixed with sewage water taken from South and North Sewer Drainage Canals of Tianjin was detected by mice bone marrow micronucleus test .

  20. 外源饲料输入量相同时,养鱼池新颗粒物生成量(干重)比未养鱼池大15.63%,而沉积量比未养鱼池小19.49%;

    Compared with the non-stocking ponds , the quantity ( dry weight ) of new particle formation and the sediment formation in rearing pond was 15.63 % higher and 19.49 % lower in the ponds with fish when same quantity feed was introduced .

  21. 上星期,劳拉夫人对记者说,媒体对这场婚礼非常感兴趣,但是她和布什总统却很平静。这是在布什家牧场举行的一次私人活动。婚礼在一个养鱼池附近的一个石头十字架前举行。

    Speaking to reporters this past week , Mrs. Bush said she and her husband are staying calm amid all the media interest in the ceremony , a private affair at the family ranch before a stone cross placed near the fishing pond .

  22. 到了明代时京城养金鱼之风为最盛,到清代时这里有了上百个养鱼池,随之也形成了专门饲养金鱼的行业。

    To the Ming Dynasty capital of goldfish when the wind as the height , to the Qing Dynasty has been here hundreds of fish ponds , and with it the formation of a special feeding goldfish in the industry .