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  • 网络nourish the heart and quiet the spirit;nourish the heart to calm the mind;refreshing and tranquilizing;tranquilize the midn by nourishiong the heart;tranquilizing by nourishing the heart
  1. 疏肝健脾养心安神法治疗糖尿病抑郁障碍临床研究

    Clinical Study on Liver-Coursing , Spleen-Strengthening , Heart-Nourishing and Mind-Calming Therapy for Diabetic Depression

  2. 养心安神汤治疗重度神经官能症

    Treating severe neurosis with Yangxin Anshen Tang

  3. 平肝熄风,助以化痰定志、养心安神为治疗原则,加味四虫汤为临证基本方。

    And its treatment is based on extinguishing liver-wind , resolving phlegm and nourishing heart by modified " Sichong Decoction " .

  4. 目的:研究远志、酸枣仁、合欢皮、柏子仁和罗布麻叶等五种养心安神药的抗惊厥活性。

    Objective : To study the anticonvulsant activities of Polygala tenuifolia , Ziziphus jujube , Albizzia julibrissin , Platycadus orientali and Apocynum venetum .

  5. 滋阴补肾、养心安神法对老年阴虚大鼠模型学习记忆的影响

    The effect of strengthen kidney-yin and mourishing te heart and tranquilization on the learning and memory ability of the aged and yin-deficiency rat model

  6. 用药方面注重活血化瘀、健脾利湿、养心安神和填精补髓。

    The herbal treatment concentrates on activating blood and resolving stasis , nourishing spleen and disinhibiting dampness , nourishing heart and quieting spirit , enriching essence and marrow .

  7. 其药用部位主要为茎皮和根,具有益气健脾、养心安神、解郁和血等功效。

    As medicinal parts , the root and stem bark of this plant have the effect that replenishing qi to invigorate the spleen , raising a heart to calm the nerves , dispelling melancholy , as well as activating the blood and so on .

  8. 结论:提高和调整机体低下的IL-2-干扰素-自然杀伤细胞免疫调节网水平,可能是安可梦口服液发挥滋补肝肾、健脾养心、安神定志功效,治疗慢性疲劳综合征的机制之一。

    CONCLUSION : Enhancement and regulation of the lower levels of IL-2-IFN-NK cells immunoloregulation net may be one of the mechanisms of AKM in invigorating liver and kidney , reinforcing spleen and nourishing the heart , tranquilizing the mind and treating CFS .