
  • 网络ordnance industry
  1. 由于金属粉末注射成形技术(MIM)在技术、经济效益上的优越性,在现代兵器工业中得到了广泛的应用。

    Because of MIM 's superiority in technology and economic performance , MIM has extensive applications in the ordnance industry .

  2. 概述了金属注射成形(MIM)技术的基本工艺过程及其特点,从几种MIM典型工艺分析入手介绍了MIM技术的发展状况,最后介绍了该技术在兵器工业中的应用。

    The Processes and characteristics of metal injection molding MIM technology were described . Then the development of MIM technique was introduced by analyzing several typical MIM Processes . And finally the application of MIM in ordnance industry was briefed .

  3. 该公司是中国兵器工业集团公司(ChinaNorthIndustriesCorp.)的子公司,自称控制着价值100多亿美元的矿产资源,包括上述缅甸的铜矿和刚果民主共和国的一座钴矿。

    A unit of China North Industries Corp. , Wanbao says it controls more than $ 10 billion worth of mineral resources . , including the Myanmar mine and a cobalt deposit in the Democratic Republic of Congo .

  4. 本文的研究进一步丰富、发展了快速成形理论,研究开发的SLS覆膜Al-Fe-Ni合金系金属纳米复合粉末材料具有较高的学术研究价值,在航空航天、车辆生产、兵器工业等领域有着广泛的应用前景。

    Coated Al-Fe-Ni alloy series metallic nano-composite powder materials by SLS developed have high academic research value and broad applied prospects in aeronautics & astronautics , vehicle manufacturing , and ordnance industry etc.

  5. 从标准化程度分析抗战前山西兵器工业发展的状况

    Non-Standardization : Reflection about Shanxi 's Weapon Industry before Anti-Japan War

  6. 斯大林和战前苏联兵器工业

    Joseph Stalin and Soviet Munitions Industry Before World War II

  7. 金属注射成形技术及其在兵器工业中的应用

    Metal injection molding technology and its application in ordnance industry

  8. 兵器工业建设项目安全评价研究

    Analyze the safety evaluation of the construction programme in the ordnance industry

  9. 兵器工业的热处理现状和展望

    Heat Treatment Present Conditions and Prospects of Weaponry Industry

  10. 兵器工业技术装备更新改造问题浅议

    Elementary Exploration on the Renewal and Transformation of Technical Equipment of the Ordnance Industry

  11. 本课题来源于中国兵器工业集团某研究所的内弹道测试项目。

    The task comes from a graduate school of China North Industries Group Corporation .

  12. 兵器工业事故容易受噪声影响。

    The accident of the weapon industry is easy to be controlled by noise .

  13. 中国兵器工业集团公司是国家授权投资的机构和国有资产经营主体。

    CNGC is an investment organization authorized by the State and a performance subject of state-owned assets .

  14. 兵器工业自身固有的特殊性和高危险性,决定了其开展安全评价的必要性。

    The special and high risk enhances the necessity to cany on safety evaluation in the ordnance industry .

  15. 第二章对湖南省兵器工业集团有限责任公司的民品发展现状进行了分析,在此基础上提出了今后的发展目标;

    Chapter 2 analyses the actuality of the civil product development , then put forward a target for the corporation ;

  16. 兵器工业机械加工产品的单位产品原材料消耗指标计算方法的探讨

    Discussion of the ways to calculate the raw material consumption index of unit product in MECHANICAL-WORKING production of ordnance industry

  17. 摘要:抗战爆发前后,我国兵器工业的精华陆续内迁四川。

    Abstract : After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War , the essence of Chinese arms industry began to move in Sichuan .

  18. 目前转塔系统在航天工业、兵器工业以及自动化控制工业应用越来越来广泛。

    The application of turret systems now is more and more extensive , in the space industry , weapons industry and automation and control industry .

  19. 提出了一种针对运动平台,低信噪比图像序列行之有效的信任域与卡尔曼滤波相结合的目标跟踪算法,并在与兵器工业部某所的合作项目中得到应用。

    For low S / N ratio image sequences on fast moving platforms , we propose an effective trust region Kalman filtration based tracking algorithm .

  20. 第四章从湖南省兵器工业集团有限公司的现实情况出发,根据战略分析和战略选择,提出了民品发展战略七个方面的具体实施意见。

    Chapter 4 puts forward seven aspect actualizing opinions according to the actual condition , the strategic analysis and the strategic selection of the corporation .

  21. 对核、航天、航空、船舶、兵器工业等行业实施行业管理,指导军工电子行业管理;

    Exercising administration of the nuclear , space , aviation , shipbuilding and weaponry industries ; giving guidance to the administration of the military-related electronics sec-tor ;

  22. 在过去十年中,兵器工业集团曾遭到美国政府的防扩散制裁。对于阿里巴巴而言,它似乎是个奇怪的合作伙伴。

    Norinco - which has faced nonproliferation sanctions from the United States government over the last decade - appears to be an odd partner for Alibaba .

  23. 现在,它与另一个看似不可能的公司成为了合作伙伴:中国兵器工业集团,一家国有武器和机械生产商。

    Now it is cooperating with yet another unlikely partner : a Chinese state-owned arms and machinery producer , the China North Industries Corporation , or Norinco .

  24. 高强度、高精度的突变壁厚锥形件强力旋压是适应航空、航天和兵器工业的发展需要而出现的一种新工艺。

    The advent of the spinning of high-strength and high-precision cone parts with discontinuous wall thickness adapt to the increasing demand of aeronautic , aerospace and military industry .

  25. 本研究课题来源于航空科学基础研究基金(02I53073),以及与兵器工业部某所合作项目复杂地面背景中地面目标的跟踪。

    The work described in this dissertation is supported by Aeronautical Foundation of China ( NO. 02153073 ) and the project of ground target tracking in complex background .

  26. 在我国,国防科技工业由核工业、航空工业、航天工业、船舶工业、兵器工业以及军工电子六大行业组成。

    In China , defense science and technology industry is composed of nuclear industry , aviation industry , aerospace industry , marine industry , arms industry and military electronic industry .

  27. 本论文通过分析中国兵器工业总公司江南机器厂产权制度,来探讨我国军工企业有效的产权制度。

    The thesis analyses the property right of Jiangnan Machine Factory ( JNMF ) of Chinese Weapon Industrial General Company to probe into effective property right of Chinese weapon enterprise .

  28. 兵器工业集团是中国最大的武器出口商,最近因为去年夏季向南苏丹运送首批武器成为新闻头条。

    Norinco is one of China 's largest arms exporters and more recently attracted headlines when it delivered the first part of an arms shipment to South Sudan last summer .

  29. 最后,中国的军事现代化计划反衬出中国国内的兵器工业无法制造出军队所想要的高技术武器系统。

    Finally , China 's military modernization plan has highlighted the inability of the indigenous arms industry in China to produce the advanced technology weapon systems that the military wants .

  30. 目前,兵器工业某研究所自然环境试验中心对材料表面腐蚀特征进行共享和管理主要是通过文本检索的方法。

    Nowadays , corrosion characteristic on the surface of material is mainly shared and administer through the method of text retrieval in a China Industries Institute Natural Environmental Testing Center .