
jūn shì sī xiǎnɡ
  • military concept
  1. 数据链的广泛应用,将带来战术思想、乃至军事思想的变革。

    The wide use of data link has brought about great changes in tactical concept and even military concept .

  2. C2研究中心是Web上研究敏捷与“命令与控制”之间关系的最佳的军事思想集散地。

    The C2 Research Center is the place on the web where the best military minds are studying Agility relative to " Command and Control " .

  3. 在军事思想和边防策略上,他们也有一定建树。

    They also made contribution to military thoughts and frontier tactics .

  4. 他在革命实践中形成了自己独特的军事思想和指挥艺术。

    He originated his military thoughts and commanding art through practice .

  5. 论李大钊军事思想的地位与作用

    On the Position and Role of Li Dazhao 's Military Thought

  6. 《易经》军事思想管窥

    A Restricted View about Military Thinking of The Book of Changes

  7. 《易·师》与孙武的军事思想

    The SHI Gua in Iching and Sunwu 's Military Thoughts

  8. 赵国名将李牧及其军事思想

    Famous militarist Li Mu of Zhao and his military idea

  9. 刘志丹的军事思想和指挥艺术

    On Liu Zhi-dan 's Military Thoughts and His Commanding Art

  10. 浅析孙子军事思想的人本观

    The Art of War by Sun Wu : Humanism Thoughts

  11. 古朴性是其军事思想的重要特点。

    The simplicity is the most important salience of its military thoughts .

  12. 军事思想的主要载体是军事著作。

    The main earner of military thought is military works .

  13. 晚清军事思想变迁考察

    An Investigation of Military Thought Transformation in Late Qing Dynasty

  14. 苏轼兄弟的军事思想及边防策略

    Su Shi Brothers ' Military Thoughts and Frontier Tactics

  15. 苏轼军事思想与实践述论

    The Military Thoughts and Practical Commentary of Su Shi

  16. 王安石军事思想初探

    A tentative study on Wang Anshi 's military thought

  17. 《孙子兵法》与《战争论》军事思想体系的比较研究

    Comparative Study of Military Ideology between Military Science of Sun Tzu and On War

  18. 略论孔子的军事思想

    A Tentative Study on Confucius ' Military Thoughts

  19. 左宗棠的军事思想,可以说是在这个特定时代激荡下思考的结果。

    His military thought can be treated as the outcome from the particular time .

  20. 《逸周书》军事思想研究

    Research on Yi Zhou Shu 's Military Thoughts

  21. 无论在军事思想的体系化和军事理论的应用上,陆贽都远远胜于苏轼。

    Both in military theory and applications , LuZhi was much better than Su Shi .

  22. 论土家族军事思想

    On the Military Thinking of Tujia Nationality

  23. 简论孔子的军事思想

    Military Affairs ' Thoughts of Confucius

  24. 《孙子》的军事思想是建立在朴素唯物主义的辩证法思想基础之上。

    The thoughts about war in Sun Zi are based on simple materialistic and dialectic philosophy .

  25. 美国建国初期海军军事思想争论析评

    Review on the Debate on Naval Military Thinking in the Early Days of the United States

  26. 王安石的军事思想

    Wang Anshi 's Military Thought

  27. 学习这一军事思想,对把握世界军事趋势具有重要意义。

    It is of vital significance to grasp the world military tendency by Studying the Rumsfeld military thought .

  28. 该报告同时描述了美国对北京军事思想的可能对策。

    It also describes what actions the United States can take in response to Beijing 's military thinking .

  29. 孙子的军事思想博大精深,其中蕴涵着丰富的军事心理内容。

    The military theory of Sunzi has been broad and profound , which contains substantial contents of military psychology .

  30. 它除了具有大量的军事思想外,还带有朴素的战争法思想。这其中就主要表现在三个方面:一是对战争权的态度;

    This masterpiece presented not only a large amount of military thinking , but also simple law of war thoughts .