
  • 网络Point Of Interest;Poi;interest point
  1. 随着计算机应用水平和城市信息化管理程度的提高,地理信息系统得到越来越多的应用,诸如公众电子地图、城市户籍管理、门牌号码分布、POI兴趣点、数字城管、数字园林等等各行各业。

    With the development of computer application and improvement of information management in cities , geographic information systems get more and more application , such as Electronic Maps , urban residence registration , house number distribution , point of interest , digital city management and digital landscape .

  2. 以下是我进入美国南方地方菜食品的兴趣点。

    Here is what I get after entering Cajun Food into the point of interest .

  3. 他的兴趣点是REST数据服务、Web范围数据库和云计算。

    His interests are REST data services , Web-scale databases , and cloud computing .

  4. 兴趣点是一种非常有用的图像底层特征,它是图像灰度在x,y两个方向上都有很大变化的一类特殊点。

    Interest points are useful low level features where the image gray-value changes two dimensionally .

  5. 用兴趣点凸包和SVM加权反馈实现图像检索

    Image Retrieval by Convex Hulls of Interest Points and SVM-Based Weighted Feedback

  6. 兴趣点是图像灰度在x,y两个方向上都有很大变化的一类特征点。

    The points of interest are those of useful low level features where the image gray value changes bi dimensionally .

  7. 基于Harris兴趣点区域的图像拷贝检测算法

    Copy Detection Scheme Based on Harris Interest Points Area

  8. 针对同一个工作组中成员可能对Web有相似的兴趣点和访问习惯问题,研究了主要包括缓存和预取两个部分的智能代理技术;

    In a Web the users in the same workgroup may have similar interests and habits . This paper studies the intelligent proxy techniques for people who have access to the Web .

  9. 基于LBS的兴趣点查询与更新机制研究

    Research on POI Query and Update Mechanism Based on LBS

  10. POI(Pointofinterest)的全称为地理兴趣点,顾名思义,就是令人感兴趣的点。

    POI ( point of interest ) as the entire geographic point of interest , as the name suggests , is an interesting point .

  11. •iOS6新地图应用可提供约一亿个“兴趣点”

    • new Maps app in IOS 6 knows about 100 million " points of interest "

  12. SCCM产品财务经理也可能在这里找到他们的兴趣点。

    SCCM product budget holders are also likely to find points of interest here .

  13. 研究了多种基于兴趣点的特征描述方法,采用了一种改进的SVM方法来进行最后的识别工作,并拍摄了家庭环境下的6类动作视频数据库。

    To research a variety of feature description methods based on interest point , to adopt an improved SVM method for the final identification , and photographed six kinds of action video database on family environment .

  14. 首先,提取出彩色图像的重要位平面,然后在位平面的基础上用Harris算子提取出图像的感兴趣点,最后对这些感兴趣点进行模糊颜色直方图的计算,进行图像检索。

    Firstly , the significant bit-planes are extracted from the color image . Then , the Harris-Laplace detector is utilized to extracted interest points from the significant bit-planes . Finally , calculate the fuzzy color histogram based on salient points .

  15. 其次,选用SIFT特征作为兴趣点描述方法,对不同颜色、车型的车辆进行SIFT特征提取,显示了提取的过程并验证了对纹理较多的车辆体现出的可靠度。

    Secondly , SIFT was selected to describe interested points and then cars with different color or size are tested , which not only shows the extraction process but also verify the reliability especially on cars with more texture .

  16. 为提高用户会话聚类的准确性,充分利用页面路径的相似性,提出了基于兴趣点的会话相似性测量方法IPB(interest-pointbased)。

    To improve the accuracy of clustering in Web sessions , by fully utilizing the URL path similarity , a new method of measuring similarity of sessions is proposed , viz . IPB ( interest-point based ) .

  17. 设计了用于包含交通约束的受限路网中基于兴趣点(POI)的门到门包含重复节点的寻路算法。

    An algorithm was developed to find the shortest paths between points of interest ( POIs ) in traffic road networks constrained by traffic regulations and with shortest paths containing overlapped nodes .

  18. 该方法首先利用Harris角检测器提取两幅图像中的兴趣点,并在此基础上采用比较最大值法提取出对应兴趣点特征对,最后利用这些匹配特征对来实现图像的拼接。

    Firstly , the interest points from two images were extracted by Harris corner detector , then the corresponding interest point pair of features were got by comparison maximum algorithm . At last the images could be stitched by the corresponding pair of features .

  19. 全国信贷咨询基金会(NationalFoundationforCreditCounseling)的发言人盖尔•坎宁安(GailCunningham)表示,关键在于“发现自己的专长或者找到自己兴趣点所在。”她表示,比如说,有电脑技能的人或许希望能够授课、安装电脑或者创建网站。

    The key , according to Gail Cunningham , a spokeswoman for the National Foundation for Credit Counseling , is to ' find your skill or what you think would be fun to do . ' She says , for example , someone with computer skills may want to teach a class , install computers or create Web sites 。

  20. 使用尺度不变特征描述器描述的Harris-Laplace兴趣点以及边缘颜色直方图描述的边缘特征表示图像。

    The content of an image is characterized by two kinds of features : Harris-Laplace interest points described by the scale invariant feature transform ( SIFT ) descriptor and edges described by the edge color histogram .

  21. 红外海面目标图像序列兴趣点的自动识别算法研究

    Automatic recognition algorithm for interesting point of ship infrared image sequence

  22. 如果没有,那就去挖掘,因为你们需要共同兴趣点。

    If not , create them , because you need them .

  23. 基于兴趣点检测和仿射变换模型的序列图像拼接

    Sequential Images Mosaic Based on Interest-point Detection and Affine Transform Model

  24. 基于兴趣点和边缘特征的图像检索方法的研究

    Image retrieval based on combining interest points and edges for content

  25. 一种基于兴趣点特征匹配的图像镶嵌技术

    An Image Mosaic Technique Based on Interest Points Feature Matching

  26. 基于兴趣点的电子商务自适应谈判模型

    An Adaptive Negotiation Model Based on Interests to Opposite Side

  27. 本文采用小波变换提取兴趣点的方法。

    We adopt the wavelet transformation to get the points of interest .

  28. 兴趣点及灰度差分不变量在图像匹配中的应用研究

    Image Matching Based on Interest Points and Gray-value Differential Invariants

  29. 首先使用兴趣点检测的方法得到一个大致的显著性目标位置。

    First , we get a coarse salient region by detecting interesting points .

  30. 在世捐赠为他们的精力提供了一个兴趣点。

    Lifetime giving provides a focus for their energies .