
  • 网络HUNGNAM;Heng-Nam Kong
  1. 早些时候阿蒙德曾问过史密斯如果他认为可以的话可以把埋葬在兴南的阵亡者遗体挖出来带走。

    Earlier Almond had asked Smith if he thought it feasible to disinter the dead buried at Hungnam .

  2. 通过对兴南公路路面基层冷再生技术的应用,介绍了路面基层冷再生技术的施工工艺及有关性能试验。

    In accordance with application of recycled technique in Xing-Nan Highway pavement base , the paper introduces construction technology and relative tests of performances for pavement base .

  3. 酒店位于广州市番禺迎宾路口与兴南路口的交汇处,紧靠华南快速干线的出口处,地理位置优越,交通方便。

    Located at the junction of Yingbin Road and Xingnan Road , next to the exit of Huanan Express Way , the hotel enjoys favourable geographical position and convenient transportation .