
  1. 心理行为疗法与兴趣激励在儿童弱视治疗中的作用

    Effects of psychological behavior therapy and interests actuating in the treatment of amblyopia in children

  2. 目的:采用心理行为疗法中正强化疗法与兴趣激励结合治疗儿童弱视,并观察其效果。

    AIM : The reinforcement method of psychological behavior therapy combined with the interests actuating in the treatment of amblyopia of children , and to observe its effects .

  3. 心理干预组在常用综合治疗基础上增加心理行为治疗中的正强化疗法及兴趣激励,及时奖赏孩子不同分级的奖品或出游活动,激发弱视儿童的内在合作动机以提高其顺应性。

    The reinforcement therapy of psychotherapy and interest actuating were add to psychotherapy group on the base of the commonly used complex treatment . The different grade prizes or outside activities were awarded to children in time to irritate children 's synergic motivation and enhance their acclimatization .

  4. 我鼓励他考虑其他的选择,告诉他也许会对大学课程感兴趣并激励他顺从自己的意愿。

    I had encouraged him to consider other options , telling him about college programs that might interest him and urging him to listen to his instincts .

  5. 在实践过程中,作者体会到,合理有效的教学策略,激发了学生创造的潜能、增强了自主学习的能力、调动学生学习的兴趣、激励生物教师的教学转变。

    In practice , the authors realize that reasonable and effective teaching strategies to stimulate the students to create the potential to enhance the capacity of autonomous learning , student interest in learning to mobilize and encourage the teaching of biology teachers change .

  6. 本文从激发学生学习兴趣,激励学生学习的信心,帮助学生归纳记忆,培养学生的安环意识等几个方面谈高职有机化学教学。

    This article discusses the teaching of organic chemistry in vocational colleges from such aspects as inspiring the interest of study of the students , prompting their confidence of study , helping them summing up their memories and cultivating their consciousness of security and environmental protection .

  7. 因为准确恰当的说明书翻译不仅担负着向消费者提供信息的作用,同时还要力争使消费者对产品产生足够的兴趣,并激励消费者进行消费行为,从而使厂商获得利润的最终目的。

    As accurate and appropriate translation of the manual not only can provide information to consumers , but also enable consumers to take enough interest in the product so as to consume , allowing manufacturers to achieve the ultimate goal of profiting .

  8. 研究者们说,尤为引人注意的是,这些表现更好的受试者并不是比其他人对这款游戏更感兴趣或受到的激励更大。

    Of particular note , say the authors , the subjects who performed better were not more interested or motivated than the other subjects .