
  1. 结果:髌骨高度恢复正常,膝关节伸屈功能及Lysholm评分较术前显著改善。

    Results : The patellar height was completely recovered , the function of the knee and its Lysholm score were significantly improved .

  2. 置于自制实验台,用特制夹具将股四头肌固定,能牵拉膝关节伸曲自如,标本分别应用NT-PC和改良AO张力带固定。

    It is placed in the self-made experimental device , using the specially made tongs to fix the quadriceps , keen joint flexing and extending normally and easily , the specimen was fixed by the NT - PC and AO tension band .

  3. 偏瘫患者膝关节伸屈肌等速肌力测试研究

    Isokinetic muscle strength of knee flexor and extensor in hemiplegic patients

  4. 膝关节伸屈过程中胫骨旋转的动态磁共振成像评价

    Evaluation of the Rotation of the Tibia with Kinematic MR Imaging

  5. 肘关节伸屈功能障碍治疗与康复

    Treatment and rehabilitation of functional disturbance of the elbow in extension and flexion

  6. 肘关节伸侧皮下注射重组人红细胞生成素治疗贫血的观察

    Observation on subcutaneous injection of EPO at extensor side of elbow joint for patients with anemia

  7. 超声诊断近端指间关节伸指肌中央腱断裂的临床研究

    Ultrasonographic diagnosis of central slip rupture in the finger extensor mechanism of the proximal interphalangeal joint

  8. 患者男,14岁,4岁时双肘关节伸侧、臀部相继出现结节状黄色肿块,无自觉症状。

    A 14 year old male patient had presented with nodular xanthomas on the dorsal part of both elbow joints and buttocks without subjective symptoms .

  9. 肘关节伸屈活动度的丢失是影响治疗结果的主要原因,但这种活动受限会随着时间的延长而有所改善。

    The results were affected mostly by the lost motion range of the elbow which can be improved with time by reinforcement of functional training .

  10. 用于各种风寒湿热引起的腰、肩、背疼痛,四肢麻木,关节伸曲不利症的康复。

    For all kinds of pain in waist , shoulder , back induced by cold and dampness , numbness of limbs , stiff extend and band .

  11. 术前肘关节伸屈活动度最大60°,最小0°,平均26°;

    Before operation the maximum range of joint motion of the elbow was 60 ° and the minimum was zero , with an average of 26 ° .

  12. 结论超声检查是一种非侵入性早期准确诊断近端指间关节伸指肌中央腱断裂的方法。

    Conclusion As an accurate noninvasive method , ultrasonographic diagnosis can identify central slip rupture in the extensor mechanism of the finger over the proximal interphalangeal joint in early stages .

  13. 结果肘关节伸侧处注射时疼痛明显减轻,注射部位出血的发生率低于对照组,患者的耐受性高于对照组,两处注射治疗效果比较其差异无统计学意义。

    Results Elbow joint injection can relieve pain obviously and the incidence of bleeding is lower than that of the control group . Patients ' tolerance in observation group is higher .

  14. 本文尝试将新的训练方法与足球运动相结合,探讨新的力量训练方法对足球运动员膝关节伸膝肌群和屈膝肌群快速力量的影响。

    The research tries to combine the new training method with football and discusses how the new training method influences the speed force of knee extension and flexion muscles of football players .

  15. 经6个月~2年(平均1年2个月)的随访,肘关节伸屈功能均恢复正常,无肘内翻畸形等并发症发生。

    A follow up study for 6 months to 2 years ( average 1 year and 2 months ) showed that the extension and flexor function of elbow joints returned to normal without any complications like elbow inversion .

  16. 作者认为,骨端钢板治疗股骨远端骨折,具有手术操作简便,内固定确实的优点,便于早期进行膝关节伸屈练习,疗效满意。

    The authors considered that the bone end plate is effective for the treatment of the distal femoral shaft fracture because of its advantages of a simple procedure with less operative trauma and strong fixation allowing relatively early mobilization .

  17. 患膝关节伸、屈活动范围达到健侧水平的时间是2~10周。

    The time of bending their knees to 90 ° is 1.5 3.5 weeks and the time of the scope of the injured knee joint stretching or bending to the level of the other joint is 2 10 weeks .

  18. 结果治疗6例,随访时间8~56个月,平均26个月,膝关节伸屈活动取得了满意的治疗效果。

    Results We used the apparatus to repair the tendon of knee cap in 6 cases . The follow up of 8 to 56 months ( averaging 26 months ) showed that their functions of the knee joint were all satisfactory .

  19. 结果38例中35例获6~36个月的有效随访,30例骨折对位良好,钢板固定确实,膝关节伸屈功能≥90°,达到优良标准;

    Results Thirty five cases were effectual follow up 6 ~ 36 months in 38 cases . Fine criterion , which contraposition of fracture were good , internal fixation of anatomical plate were assuredness and movement degree of knee joint were more than 90 °, were achieved in 30 cases .

  20. TA突出表现为双峰模式,前峰在协调GAS传递能量和防止VM功能加强引起的膝关节过伸方面起重要作用。

    TA particularly exhibited double bursting patterns of activation , and on harmonic power transfer by GAS along with preventing knee hyperextension by greater VM action , frontal burst had more important function .

  21. 本组报告采用腕关节背伸位固定治疗Colles骨折100例,并就临床特点和治疗方法进行讨论;

    One-hundred cases of Colles ' fracture were treated by plaster immobilization with the wrist in extended position .

  22. 结论:关节屈伸运动时力矩峰值变化与sEMG的变化呈现出明显的相关关系。

    CONCLUSION : There is an obvious correlation between the changes of PT and sEMG during the flexion and extension of elbow joint .

  23. 结果:XOS运动反馈训练后肘、膝关节屈伸肌群峰力矩、耐力比均有提高,与对照组比较差异有显著性(P0.05);

    Result : The peak torque values and endurance ratio were increased after training . There was significant difference ( P0.05 ) match with controls .

  24. 方法采用腕关节背伸位固定治疗Coles骨折100例。

    Method 100 cases of Colles ' fracture were treated with plaster fixation of wrist in extended position .

  25. 观察XOS综合运动反馈仪训练对正常人肘、膝关节屈伸肌力的影响。

    Objective : To observe the effects of flexor and extensor strength of limbs with training " XOS " motion feedback machine .

  26. 结论术后CPM机进行被动关节屈伸功能锻炼,肩袖损伤部位愈合速度明显优于自由活动组,以小强度功能锻炼效果最为明显。

    Conclusion : Postoperative CPM for passive joint flexion exercises , the speed of rotator cuff injury healing was significantly faster than the control moving group , the effect of small strength training group was the most obvious .

  27. 目的:探讨GartlandⅢ肱骨髁上骨折术后肘关节屈伸功能的远期疗效及并发症。

    Objective : To study long-term outcomes in function of elbow flexion and extension after open reduction for Gartland ⅲ supracondylar fractures in children and its complications .

  28. 优势腿在CYBEX等动练习器上做膝关节屈伸练习2组,60次/组,角速度为180(°)/s,两组间休息10min。

    To bend and extend the knee joint with CYBEX for 60 times of 2 groups with an angular velocity of 180 ° per second and a 10 minutes ' rest among the interval .

  29. 根据评定标准:优良129例,差3例(1例严重肘内翻畸形,1例膝关节屈伸部分受限,1例术后2年余患肢增长12·5mm)。

    According to criterion of evaluation : 129 cases obtained excellent and good results , 3 poor ( 1 case had severe cubitus varus , 1 case had limited knee joint flexion-extension , 1 affected extremity grew 12.5 mm longer in 2 years after operation ) .

  30. 方法:应用水囊压迫兔膑下脂肪垫,水囊内压力保持330~340mmHg,配合膝关节屈伸运动,每天2小时。

    Methods : We used pockets of water compressing rabbit infrapatellar fat pad , the pressure in water pockets remaining 330 ~ 340mmHg , accompanied by knee joint flexion and extension 2 hours every day .