
  1. 本文作者为莫斯科国立大学(MoscowStateUniversity)国际关系社会学系主任

    The writer is chairman of the department of the sociology of international relations at Moscow State University

  2. 灾害中的家庭&家庭与灾害相互关系的社会学考察

    Family Exposed to Disasters & Sociological Research on Interrelation between Disaster and Family

  3. 体育教学中师生关系的社会学分析

    Sociological Analysis of Teacher-student Relation in Physical Education Teaching

  4. 我国现阶段医患关系的社会学研究

    Study on the Relationship Between Doctors and Patients Nowadays through the Sociological Direction

  5. 诉讼程序公正和效益价值关系的社会学思考

    Thinking over Justice and Profit in the Law Suit on the Point of Sociology

  6. 个人与社会的关系是社会学的基本问题。

    The matter concerns the individual with the society is the main subject of sociology .

  7. 学校教育价值的失落与复归&师生关系的社会学解读

    Loss and Reversion of Schooling Value : A Sociological Reinterpretation of the Contact Between Teachers and Students

  8. 人与社会的关系是社会学研究的基本问题,因为人与社会关系的问题贯穿在社会学研究的各种社会问题之中。

    The relationship between human and society is the basic problem in social study , for it has penetrated through all the problems in social study .

  9. 本文根据大多数西方哲学中理想世界与现实世界之间的关系,结合社会学的研究方法和对象指出,Grice构建的理论属于理想世界的层面。

    Based on the classical relationship in most western philosophies between " presence " and " absence ", or between ideal / virtual worlds and actual worlds , the paper proposes that the ideal world of Grice 's theorizing is one on which all social theorization is based .

  10. 国际关系的历史社会学:基于流派的考察

    Historical Sociology in International Relations : A Review of the School

  11. 关于劳动关系的法社会学分析

    Law-socialogical Analysis of Laber Relation

  12. 教育与经济生活之关系是教育社会学研究的基本主题,鲍尔斯与金蒂斯提出的符应原则是在该主题上的一个重要表述。

    A major theme in the field of Sociology of Education is the relationship between education and economic life .

  13. 辅修课程包括:公共关系,社会传播学,媒体政策关系和行销市场。

    Auxiliary repairs the curriculum to include : The public relation , the society disseminates study , the media policy relates and sells the market .

  14. 社会学理论体系的构建与拓展&简析个人与社会的关系问题在社会学理论研究中的意义

    The Construction and Development of Sociological Theory System : An analysis of the meaning of the relationship between person and society in the research of sociological theory

  15. 个人与社会的关系问题既是社会学的元问题也是基本问题,它的展开构成了社会学的理论元层面,是社会学知识体系的基础;

    The individual - society relation is the meta as well as basic issue of sociology , and its unfolding constitutes the meta-level of sociological theory , which becomes the base of sociological knowledge system .

  16. 法国社会学家福轲首次提出话语权概念,将话语权理论应用于危机事件新闻报道领域中,就一定需要传播学、新闻学、公共关系学、社会学等多学科的理论视野与相关的研究方法。

    The French sociologist Foucault first put forward the concept of discourse power , will right theory applied to the crisis in the field of news reporting , correspondingly need communication , journalism , public relations , sociology science theory field of vision and the related research methods .

  17. 检讨、应对、分析中国人口与SARS的关系,是人口社会学研究中一个迫切需要探讨的理论与现实问题。

    Analyzing and responding to the connection between SARS and the Chinese population is a serious problem in theory and in reality , which requires being further , studied .

  18. 明末清初起讫分段关系到历史学、社会学、文学诸方面研究的深入。

    The division of Ming and Qing concerns many respects such as history , sociology , literature .

  19. 从关系角度思考的社会学研究方法

    Sociological Method of Relational Angle

  20. 社会行动的意义效应与东亚三国集体结构的锻铸&关于现时代中、日、韩关系的一种社会学理论构想

    Effect of Social Action and Tempering of the Collective Structure of the Three Countries in East Asia

  21. 二十世纪三十年代美国社会心理学家莫雷诺创立了分析人际关系资料的社会计量学方法。

    In the thirties , American Social Psychologist , Moreno , established a social metrological method to analyze relational material .

  22. 代际关系问题一直是社会学、青年学、文化人类学和人口学等诸多领域学者关注的重点。

    Generation relationship has been the key topic for scholars in sociology , youth science , anthropology and demology for a long time .

  23. 压力(或应激)与健康有密切的关系,是医学社会学和社会医学研究的重要领域之一。

    Stress has a close connection to health of the aged , for which played an important role in the medical sociology and social medicine research .

  24. 应通过分析文学与社会之间的密切关系,为文学社会学的研究方法寻找可行性依据。

    Through the analysis of the close relationship between literature and society , the present paper endeavors to locate a liable basis for the method of the literary sociology .

  25. 社会分层与流动是现代社会的重要议题,而教育与社会分层和流动的关系则是教育社会学研究的重点。

    Since the social stratification and mobility are the dominant theme in modern society , the relationship between education and social stratification and mobility has been paid close attention to in educational sociology .

  26. 停下来想想自己和对方的关系。华盛顿大学社会学教授佩珀-施瓦茨建议道,她著有16本婚恋作品。

    Stop and think about yourself in relation to the other person , advises Pepper Schwartz , a professor of sociology at the University of Washington and the author of 16 books on dating and romance .

  27. 科学知识社会学与库恩哲学在历史上有着一脉相承的关系,科学知识社会学继承了库恩哲学的相对主义思想,并将其发展得更为彻底。

    The Sociology of Scientific Knowledge and Kuhn 's philosophy is in direct line of succession in history . The Sociology of Scientific Knowledge inherits the thought of relativism from Kuhn 's philosophy and develops it thoroughly .

  28. 高考与学校教育的关系,属于高考社会学中的一个基本理论与实践问题,是我国乃至世界各国亟需研究的一个课题,是高考改革面临的一个世界性难题。

    Relation between the matriculation and the schooling , is a basic theoretic and practical issue , which needs studying urgently in China and all over the world . It is a hard issue which is faced for the worldwide reform of matriculation .

  29. 通过分析体育与人文社会科学之间的关系,体育人文社会学主要分支的研究进展,总结了近年来我国体育人文社会学的发展趋势,并对未来我国体育人文社会学的发展提出展望。

    The paper analyzes the relationship between sports and humane social sciences and the development of the main branches of humane sociology of sports , summarizes the developing tendency of humane sociology of sports , and predicts the prospects of humane sociology of sports in China .

  30. 研究居民在旅游开发中的作用,目的在于了解当地的社会关系,为城市产业再结构以及空间关系的改造提供社会学上的理论依据。

    A research on the role of local residents in tourism development has based the theory on reconstructing the local place and social relationship sociologically .