- 名Tariff rate;customs tariff;tariff schedule;rate of customs duty

From Jan 1.2004 , the custom tariff rate of truck crane will reduce from 12.8 percent on entering WTO to 5 percent ;
By the two listed frames of custom tax rate of printing equipments , the author expounds the changes of custom tax rate printing equipments with the changing of general tax of China after China 's entering WTO .
Over the past two decades Apec members have cut average tariffs from 17 per cent to 5 per cent , and shaved 5 per cent off cross-border business costs .
On Appropriate Tariff Rates Discussion about Bindings Used in the Ethernet
Preferential tariff rates based on localization rate of automotive production .
There is a very high tariff on this kind of merchandise .
Second , the import tariff rates were different .
Chapter II Establishment and Application of Tariff Rates of Import and Export Goods
Theoretical Model of Tariff Rate Adjustement on Economic Effects
Conversely , even low tariffs may cause more harm than they offer protection .
Part IV consultations and negotiations on tariff concessions to participate in the international tariff rates .
On Appropriate Tariff Rates
Based on economic policy studies , the economic effects fort he adjustment of tariff rates was analyzed .
Customs and excise tariff
In order to realize the fair tax burden , some measures should be taken : Reduce the rate of import tariffs ;
Latin American exporters of manufactures face average tariffs in Latin America that are seven times higher than tariffs in industrial countries .
The objectivity of formulating the model is to help the corporation management evaluate the effect of transfer price decision on the worldwide profit .
Reducing the tariff rate played an important role on producer such as the employment , the labor transformation and the development of the industries .
Hello . the customs code of nut is : 08029049 , customs duty rate is 24 % , value added rate is 13 % .
Although China has tariff rate quotas for rice imports , there have been large amounts of the grain smuggled through the borders say analysts .
There is obvious difference in licence management and tariff tax rate between compound rubber and natural rubber , it brings a certainty difficulty to the custom .
It proves that the marginal costs of the enterprises are important factors to influence the optimal tariff rate , and their effects are different in different phases .
Further more , we use the statistic data of China 's automobile industry to adapt to the model and find the optimal average import tariff for imported automobile .
Tariff rates were fixed by the State Council , and partial adjustment to the duty rates was subject to deliberation and final decision by the State Council Tariff Commission .
Tariff rate is an important content of customs system . The relatively high tariff level in the past has taken its protection function somehow , but the disadvantages are obvious .
China will be entitled to export its products and services to the markets of other WTO members at the rates of duty and levels of commitment negotiated in the Uruguay Round .
Firstly , it is due to the significant number of product groups , for which there is a gradual unification of customs tariffs , each of which has a number of preferences .
As a result , analysts expect some increase in the price of solar cells and modules in the US , but not by as much as the 31 per cent duty rate .
It proposed duties at much higher rates than a first round announced in March 2012 and with a broader scope , covering both assembled solar panels and the cells used to make them .
Six months after the establishment of this tariff , the rate would increase by one percentage point a month until the Chinese trade surplus with the US declines to $ 5bn a month .