- 名tariff concession;tariff diminution

In return , he offered cuts in industrial tariffs that were , if anything , even more vacuous .
The key challenge now is to balance the deep , progressive tariff cuts with " flexibilities " that offer exceptions .
Because we have permitted the British to sell more to us , they are now able to buy more from tis .
The absence of effective duty exemption / drawback programs , coupled with fiscal reliance on tariffs on intermediate and capital goods , have increased costs facing exporters .
Some of the round 's doubters have questioned its value because it promises no substantial further reductions in actual tariffs , merely aiming to limit countries'scope to raise them .
Japan and India have signed a free-trade agreement that will see tariffs on94 % of goods scrapped within a decade .
The investigating authority should bear in mind that an important question is whether the authorities in the exporting Member have reasonably calculated the amount of waste , when such an amount is intended to be included in the tax or duty rebate or remission .
Xiv . tariff and import duties reduction and exemption for enterprises
China has provided tariff breaks to the least developed countries in Asia and Africa , and cancelled the debt owed by38 developing countries there in the amount of RMB13.778 billion .