
  • 网络a eutectic alloy;NaK
  1. 稀土La(镧)对Al-Si共晶合金性能的影响

    Effect of Rare Earth Element on Properties of Al-Si Eutectic Alloy

  2. Al元素对Ti&Si共晶合金恒温氧化行为的影响

    Effect of Al element on the isothermal oxidation behavior of Ti-Si eutectic alloy

  3. Fe-C-Cr共晶合金自生增强纤维的生长机理

    Growth Mechanism of Reinforcing Fibers in Situ for Fe-C-Cr Eutectic Alloy

  4. Al-l8%Si过共晶合金熔体结构特征及磷的影响

    Structure of molten hypereutectic al-18 % si alloy and influence of phosphorus

  5. Cu-37at%Ag共晶合金的离子溅射研究

    Investigation of ion sputtering for eutectic Cu-37at % Ag alloys

  6. 研究了稀土钇对TiSi共晶合金的微合金化作用。

    The effect of rear earth Y on Ti-Si eutectic alloy was studied .

  7. 超过冷条件下Fe(83)B(17)共晶合金的凝固行为及显微组织演化

    Solidification behavior and microstructure evolution of fe_ ( 83 ) b_ ( 17 ) eutectic alloy under hyper-undercooling

  8. 适量的元素Al可显著提高Ti&Si共晶合金的抗氧化性能。

    Appropriate addition of Al alloying elements effectively improves the oxidation resistance of the Ti-Si eutectic alloys .

  9. Zn-Al共晶合金超塑性m-δ曲线及CL方程的应用

    Superplastic m - δ curves of Zn-Al eutectic alloy and application of CL equation

  10. La的扩散对Al-Si共晶合金显微组织结构的影响

    Effect of La diffusion on the microstructure of Al-Si Eutectic Alloys

  11. 电磁振荡对Al-Si过共晶合金凝固组织的影响

    Effect of Electromagnetic Vibration on Solidification Structure of Al-Si Hypereutectic Alloy

  12. Ni-24.19wt%Nb过共晶合金跃迁减速定向凝固下初生Ni3Nb相的消失

    Disappearance of Ni_3Nb Primary Phase in Hypereutectic Alloy of Ni-24.19wt % Nb at Abruptly Decreasing Growth Rate under Directional Solidification

  13. 高能量密度脉冲电流对Fe(76)Si(12)B(12)共晶合金凝固组织的影响

    Effect of high-energy-density pulse current on solidification microstructure of Fe_ ( 76 ) Si_ ( 12 ) B_ ( 12 ) eutectic alloy

  14. 深过冷Ni-P共晶合金凝固组织的形成和转变

    Formation and transition of solidification structure in high undercooled Ni-P eutectic alloy

  15. 在常规凝固条件下,Al24%Si过共晶合金中的初生Si为粗大的板片状。

    The primary silicon phases of hypereutectic Al 24 % Si alloy will be solidified into large plate on traditional condition .

  16. Al-Cu共晶合金熔体中稀土Ce与氢的相互作用

    Interaction between rare earth Ce and hydrogen in Al-Cu eutectic alloy melt

  17. 具有负U中心机制的稀掺杂共晶合金的泛函积分方法求超导体的临界温度

    Critical temperature of superconducting eutectic alloys containing dilute impurities under the negative U centers mechanism with a functional integral method

  18. 冷却速度和变质剂添加浓度对Al-Si共晶合金变质作用的影响

    Effects of cooling rate and modifier concentration on modification of Al-Si Eutectic Alloys

  19. 熔体温度对快凝Al-Si过共晶合金条带微观组织及性能的影响

    Effects of melt temperatures on Microstructure and mechanical properties of rapidly solidified al - ( 14 % - 18 % ) si ribbons

  20. 深过冷Ni-P共晶合金凝固动力学分析

    Solidification kinetics of high undercooled Ni-P eutectic alloys

  21. Al-Si共晶合金超导性加强机制

    The superconductivity enhancement mechanism of Al-Si Eutectic Alloys

  22. 对不同Na含量的Al-Si共晶合金各相中Na的分布进行了分析,并结合显微结构的变化,用DTA方法研究了合金的凝固过程。

    The influence of micro Na on the solidification process of Al-Si alloys was investigated by differential thermal analysis .

  23. 熔体过热处理对Al-Si过共晶合金凝固组织及耐磨性的影响

    The Effect of Melt Overheating Treatment on the Microstructure and Wear Resistance of AL-Si Hypereutectic Alloys

  24. Sb,Bi和Fe对Cu-8P共晶合金熔点和组织的影响

    Effect of Sb , Bi and Fe on melting points and microstructures of eutectic Cu-8P alloys

  25. 对影响AlSi共晶合金断裂的因素第二相Si粒子形状、Si粒子长大以及Si相与α相高温硬度差进行了详细分析。

    The factors Which affect fracture of A1-Si eutectic alloy the shape and growth of Si particles and microhardness of the two phases are analyzed in detail .

  26. 本文研究了FeC及FeCSi共晶合金单向凝固过程中生长速度突变引起石墨由粗到细和由细到粗的转变过程。

    Transformation from coarse to fine flaky graphite and on the contrary in Fe-C and Fe-C-Si eutectic alloys caused by the suddenly changing growth rate during unidirectional solidification was studied .

  27. 电磁搅拌对Fe-C共晶合金石墨片间距与过冷度的影响

    Influence of induction stirring on Fe-C eutectic lamellar spacing and supercooling

  28. Zn-Al共晶合金超塑性变形特性的研究

    On the Superplastic Deformation Behaviors of Zn-Al Eutectic Alloy

  29. NiAl-Cr(Mo)-Ho-Hf共晶合金的高温磨损特性

    High temperature wear behavior of nial-cr ( mo ) - ho-hf eutectic alloy

  30. NiAl基定向共晶合金的组织和压缩性能

    Microstructure and Compressive Properties of DS NiAl-based Eutectic Alloy