
  • 网络Common Community;intentional communities
  1. 该证交所是一个会员制的共同社区,几乎垄断了新股发行与二级市场交易。

    The LSE was a member-owned mutual society with a near-monopoly of secondary trading and new issues .

  2. 社区治理是政府与社区组织、社区公民共同管理社区公共事务的活动。

    Community administration is cooperative participation of government , community organization and community residents in community business .

  3. 鼓励青年人与社会各界人士建立夥伴关系,共同参与社区发展。

    Encourage youths to enter into partnership with different sectors of the community for joint participation in community development .

  4. 信息价值、信息传播者特征以及社区工具效用三者共同影响社区成员的参与层次,信息传播者特征的影响则最大。

    The value of information , disseminators features and community tools utility which together affect the level of participation , and disseminator features is the maximum factor .

  5. 政府与社区关系变得日益复杂,社区治理要求政府、社区组织与社区居民共同承担社区公共事务治理的责任。

    Relationship between government and community is transforming . Community governance demands that the responsibility of community public affairs should be undertaken by government and community together with residents .

  6. 在借款国政府的支持和领导下,我们正与社区、地方政府、私有部门和民间团体一起,共同支持社区型发展模式。

    With the support and leadership of our client governments , we are working with communities , local governments , the private sector , and civil society , to support community-driven development .

  7. 国家与社会的高度一体化使得社区公共利益缺乏生成的空间,随着利益主体的多元化,城市社区政治过程中各个利益主体之间通过合作互动,共同解决社区公共问题。

    High degree state-society integration increasingly squeezes the formation space for communal public interest while diversification of interest subjects in urban community is ever-growing , therefore , they solve communal public issues by cooperative interaction .

  8. 在现实的层面上,地方政府应该进一步规范社区管理,健全社区组织结构,努力形成共同的社区群体文化,建立健全的社会保障体系。

    In the level of reality , local governments should further standardize the community management , and improve the community organizational structure , and make efforts to form common culture of community groups to establish a sound social security system .

  9. 世界各个角落都有许多不同种类的动物共享生活的地方,共同生活在社区里。

    In every part of the world , many different kinds of animals share living places and live in communitiestogether .

  10. 理顺物业管理与社区服务的关系共同创建文明社区

    Rationalizing the Relation between Estate Management and Community Services , Establishing Civil Community

  11. 这是一座位于两个没有什么共同点的社区之间的桥梁。

    It is a bridge between two societies that have very few in common .

  12. 从规范意义上讲,在社区治理中,这四种主体应分工合作,共同处理好社区公共事务。

    From a normative sense , in community governance , the four main should work together on community public affairs .

  13. 正是由于这种我们共同度过的社区岁月、共同扮演的戏剧、共同做过的梦想,我们始终是朋友。

    And out of respect for those crossroads years , for those dramas and dreams we once shared , we will always be friends .

  14. 现代经济学把社区当作一个增进共同利益的社区组织,一个微观主体。

    In modern economics , Community is regarded as an organization that is able to increase common benefit , and also is micro-subject in socio-economic systems .

  15. 将这个地方建设成一个共同管辖的社区由一个以上办公室占用,并由他们共同管辖公共用地的一个地区。

    Developed the site as a community of condominiums . An area planned for occupancy of more than one ( 1 ) office establishment with shared common areas .

  16. 挖掘共同利益,社区居民之间以及居民与社区之间存在的共同利益越多越有可能发展出共同的意识。

    To discover common interests among residents and more and more common interests among residents and between residents and urban community is likely to develop a common consciousness .

  17. 中关村急需培植本地科学家、工程师、科技企业家之间的信任、人际网络关系和共同发展中关村社区的共识。

    It is urgent for ZSP to cultivate trust among scientists , engineers , and entrepreneurs and to build networks of personal relations and the consensus on the goal of the community .

  18. 政治参与是政治社会化的基础,只有建立起完善的多元参与机制,才能具有调动社会力量共同参与农村社区建设的可能性。

    Political participation is the foundation of political socialization , and only if we set up perfect multiple participation mechanism , can we have the possibility of mobilize social forces to participate in the rural community construction .

  19. 对社区体育建设目标模式进行功能定位的基础上,确立了政府、社区组织、社区成员3方合作,经济、政治、社会文化3种资源共同支持的社区体育建设目标模式的基本含义;

    On the basis of functional orientation for urban community sports constructive target model , this paper establishes the basic meanings among government , community structure and community member . It is supported by three kinds of resources of economy , politics and social culture .

  20. 初创企业葬礼就这样开始了,这是一个在TechHub举行的初创企业员工和未来企业家的集会。TechHub是一个面向科技企业家的共同办公场所和社区,位于英国首都伦敦的老街(OldStreet)的谷歌园区。

    So begins the Start-up Funeral , a gathering of start-up employees and would-be entrepreneurs , here at TechHub , the co-workspace and community of tech entrepreneurs , on Google 's Old Street campus .

  21. 欧盟喜欢将自己看作一个享有共同价值观的社区。

    The EU likes to think of itself a community of shared values .

  22. 高新区正走向新时期两个文明共同繁荣的新社区

    Advancing Toward New Communities of the New Era Featuring Both Material and Cultural Prosperity

  23. 街道社区体协以街道办事处为依托,以辖区单位和居委会为参加单位,共同组成了街道社区体协。

    Street to street office in the SF community as support , district units and neighborhood committees for the participating units together to form neighborhoods and communities in the SF .

  24. 介绍了由香港非营利机构与广东省清新县卫生界、教育界共同进行跨地区跨部门合作,共同建立健康社区和健康校园的做法和成效。

    This article introduced the methods and effects of building up health community and health campus by the cooperation of nonprofit organization of Hong Kong and health and education organizations of Guangdong Qingxin county .