
  • 网络Republic Day
  1. 一名工人照亮南座,为即将举行的共和国日庆祝活动的政府大楼,在新德里,印度,星期五,2010年1月22日。

    A worker illuminates south block , government building for forthcoming Republic day celebrations , in New Delhi , India , Friday , Jan.22,2010 .

  2. 《关于中华人民共和国国庆日的决议》

    Resolution on the National Day of the People 's Republic of China .

  3. 周四,伊朗将庆祝其成为伊斯兰共和国纪念日。

    On Thursday , the country will celebrate the anniversary of when it became an Islamic republic .

  4. 世博网5月30日消息:圣马力诺共和国于28日发行一套一枚“中国2010年上海世博会”邮票,以纪念奥运会后中国又将迎来的一大盛事。

    San Marino on Friday issued a stamp to mark the Expo Shanghai – another major event for China after Olympics .

  5. 今天是中华人民共和国的国庆日。赞美上帝,上帝爱中国人,差遣圣子在十字架上受死为我们赎罪。

    As NATIONAL DAY is observed today in the PRC , praise God who so loved China that He put the people first by sending His Son as a sacrifice to die for them on the Cross .

  6. 中华人民共和国自建立之日起,就始终坚持在统一中求强盛,在强盛中求和平,在和平中求发展。

    Ever since its founding , the peoples republic of china has been consistently seeking prosperity through unification , seeking peace through prosperity and seeking development through peace .