
ɡònɡ tónɡ cái chǎn
  • common property;joint property;community property
  1. 国有资产是全体人民的共同财产。

    State-owned property is the common property of the whole people .

  2. 论夫妻共同财产制的不足与完善

    On Defects And Improvement Of Marital Common Property System

  3. 第三十九条离婚时,夫妻的共同财产由双方协议处理;

    Article 39 At the time of divorce , the disposition of the property in the joint possession of husband and wife is subject to agreement between the two parties .

  4. 在加利福尼亚等实行夫妻共同财产制(communityproperty)的州,婚后财产往往是对半分。

    In ' community property ' states , such as California , marital assets are typically split 50-50 .

  5. 保护气候视为人类共同财产

    Conservation of climate as part of the common heritage of mankind

  6. 如何保护夫妻共同财产所有权

    On protection of the ownership of conjugal estates by the entirety

  7. 但是,我国离婚夫妻的共同财产分割仍然存在一些棘手的问题。

    However , there are still intractable problems of community property under divorce .

  8. 浅谈夫妻共同财产的使用和管理

    The Usage and Management of the Common Property of the Man and Wife

  9. 杜晓伟个人存款为我们夫妻共同财产。

    Du xiaowei 's personal savings were our joint property of the spouses .

  10. 另一位知情人表示,这对离婚夫妇正在出售他们所有的共同财产。

    Another source said the pair are selling all of their joint property .

  11. 签了婚前协议。如果肯尼斯出轨,安德莉亚就可以拿到90%的共同财产

    A prenup . If Kenneth cheated , Andrea got 90 % of everything .

  12. 婚姻法不宜设定以夫妻共同财产清偿共同债务

    Paying off Common Debts with Property Shared by Both Husband and Wife : Not Advisable

  13. 但还存在一些不足之处,本文拟就夫妻个人财产与共同财产相互转化;

    The paper discusses the mutual transformation of the private property and the community property ;

  14. 夫妻财产也同样属于共同财产,离婚时应作平均分配。一物只能且只须有一个产权。

    Marital property is the same as community property and is divided equally upon divorce .

  15. 王宝强称他的妻子转移并藏匿了部分夫妻双方共同财产。

    Wang has alleged that his wife transferred and hid some of the couple 's assets .

  16. 第二,保护夫妻共同财产,维护家庭整体利益。

    Second , protect joint property .

  17. 最后完善夫妻共同财产分割制度中的保障与补偿机制。

    Finally , the jointly owned property division improve the system of protection and compensation mechanisms .

  18. 他还从共同财产问题和延留义务的角度揭示了企业的性质。

    He also reveals the nature of enterprises from the perspectives of common property and delaying obligations .

  19. 当然也为夫妻共同财产的分割打下了良好的理论基础。

    Of course , it also lays a good theoretical foundation for the division of joint property .

  20. 在本论文中我们讨论的是夫妻共同财产的分割。

    In this paper we are talking about the division of Common property of husband and wife .

  21. 两种处理原则的着眼点不同,第一种方式旨在扩大夫妻共同财产的范围,承认人力资本是夫妻共同财产。

    The two principles are different , the first approach seeks to expand the scope of property .

  22. 语言既是一个民族不可或缺的文化遗产,也是人类的共同财产。

    Language is a nation 's indispensable cultural heritage as well as the common heritage of mankind .

  23. 这不意味着我们把共同财产放在一边。

    All of this does not mean that we have put deliberation and common property to one side .

  24. 分割共有物之诉,分割共同财产之诉共同共有人对共有财产享有权利,承担义务。

    Each of the common owners shall enjoy the rights and assume the obligations respecting the joint property .

  25. 离婚纠纷中,非法转移、隐藏共同财产的现象经常出现,现行法律制度对受害一方的保护不尽如人意。

    This paper discusses the illegal transferring and hiding of the shared properties by spouses in divorcing disputes .

  26. 对家务劳动的社会性别分析&兼谈我国夫妻共同财产的范围

    Research from the Prospect of Gender Analysis on Housework & Also on the Scale of Marital Property in China

  27. 而解决这些问题的前提,是对夫妻共同财产的范围予以明确认定。

    But the premise to solve these question , is recognizing clearly the husbands and wives joint property scope .

  28. 婚内损害赔偿与夫妻共同财产制的冲突和协调

    Conflict and Coordination Among Damage Compensation During Marriage Period and the System of Common Property of the Wife and Husband

  29. 尼科尔:我们生活在共同财产州里,所以事情应该会简单化,难道不是吗?

    Nicole : We live in a community property state , so that should simplify things , shouldn 't it ?

  30. 在司法实践中,夫妻共同财产分割遇到了很多新的问题,离婚时的共同财产分割显得更为复杂。

    In judicial practice , there have been lots of problems for the partition of community property , especially under divorce .