
  • 网络axiomatic system;axiom system
  1. 关于模糊集与系统的一个新的数学公理系统的研究

    New mathematical axiomatic system of fuzzy sets and systems

  2. 他也能够说明,算术在它自身的公理系统中,可以证明是相容的。

    He was also able to show that arithmetic could not be proved consistent within its own axiomatic system .

  3. Fuzzy集合论的公理系统

    An axiomatics system for the fuzzy set theory

  4. R0代数公理系统的简化与独立性

    Simplified axiom systems of R_0 algebras and independence

  5. 连续统假设与ZFC公理系统

    On the Continuum Hypothesis and the ZFC System of Axioms

  6. 文献〔1〕中给出了聚合公理系统cog的布尔值模型∧b.本文在〔1〕的基础上讨论∧b中的混合与混合原理。

    The Boolean-valued model in B of the conglomerate axiom system COG is given [ 1 ] . This paper will discuss the mixture and the mixture principles on the basis of in B.

  7. 在策梅洛-弗兰克尔的集合论公理系统ZF中,基础公理把集合的论域限制到良基集合。

    In the Zermelo-Fraenkel system ZF of set theory , the foundation axiom restricts the domain of set theory to well-founded sets .

  8. 基于Kripke可能世界语义模型给出了AML语义,构造了AML公理系统及演绎规则,并证明了AML的可靠性与完备性。

    The AML semantics is given based on Kripke 's possible world semantic model . The AML axioms and rules are constructed and the soundness and the completeness of the system are proved .

  9. 证明概率论中集合论方法是因果空间的产物,从而改变了Kolmogorov公理系统把集合论方法硬性地搬到概率论中的做法。

    Theorem 2 proves that the set methodology in probability theory is the product of the causation space , and in this way the practice of indiscriminatingly applying the set methodology into probability theory by Kolmogorov 's axiom system can be avoided .

  10. 在本文中,通过关联BCK-代数与立体格公理系统的联系,给出了M-R公开问题一个肯定的答复。

    In this paper , by the contact has between BCK-algebra and axiom system of cubic lattices . The M-R open problem on infinite cubic lattices is answered in the affirmative .

  11. 空值环境下函数依赖公理系统的完备性

    Completeness of Axiom System of Functional Dependencies Under Null Value Circumstances

  12. 约束数据库中的函数依赖公理系统与设计理论

    Axiom System of Functional Dependencies and Design Theory in Contraint Databases

  13. 模糊近似空间上的粗糙模糊集的公理系统

    The Axiomatic Systems of Rough Fuzzy Sets on Fuzzy Approximation Spaces

  14. 描述教学世界的一个模态公理系统

    Description of a Mode and Axion System in Teaching World

  15. 古典公理系统在通信协议证明中的应用

    Application of the classic axiom system in communication protocols verification

  16. 平面质点几何公理系统∑的一个模型

    A Model of the Axiomatic System ∑ in Particle Geometry

  17. 线性空间公理系统的等价性

    The Equivalence on the Axiom Systems for A Linear Space

  18. 投影时序逻辑的公理系统与形式验证

    Axiomatization for the first-order projection temporal logic and formal verifications

  19. 关于传递闭包和函数依赖完备公理系统存在问题研究

    On the existence of finite complete axiomatization for transitive closure and functional dependencies

  20. 完全连接依赖及其有效公理系统的研究与应用

    The study and application based on completeness join dependency and valid Axion system

  21. 聚合公理系统的布尔值模型

    The Boolean valued model of the conglomerate axiomatic system

  22. 一般模类的公理系统的独立性

    Independence of axioms for the general class of modules

  23. 经典公理系统在模糊命题演算中的不和谐性

    Inconsistency of the classical axioms in fuzzy propositional calculus

  24. 介绍了模糊嵌入多值依赖的概念及公理系统。

    The conception and theorem of fuzzy embedded multivalued dependency are also introduced .

  25. 关于BCK-代数与立体格公理系统

    On BCK algebra and axiom system of the lattice of faces of cube

  26. 一种可以消除相对论困难的公理系统

    A New Axiom System Can Eliminate the Difficulty of the Theory of Relativity

  27. 关于线性空间的公理系统

    On the axiom systems for a linear space

  28. 布尔函数最小化公理系统

    An Axiom System for Minimization of Boolean Functions

  29. 欧几里德公理系统中几个公理的独立性

    The Independence of Several Axioms in Euclidean System

  30. 电磁学公理系统分析

    An Analysis of the Axiom System of Electromagnetics