
  • 网络public relations activities;PR Activities;PR campaign;PR Event
  1. 精致的公关活动优势;&注重客户感受的全程服务。

    Sophisticated public relations activities ascendancy & full-range service focus on customer experience .

  2. 因而,项目管理的效果对于公关活动显得尤为重要。

    Thus , the effect of project management for public relations activities is very important .

  3. 高盛(goldmansachs)在许多方面都很擅长,其中就包括发起公关活动。

    Goldman Sachs excels at many things among them , waging a public relations campaign .

  4. 论述了提高产品品牌形象的三个基本方法:广告传媒、公关活动和导入CIS战略。

    Three ways to improve the visions of brands are presented : advertisement , P.R.and CIS .

  5. 中兴的公关活动包括推出字体更讨喜的新商标,赞助美国职业篮球联赛(NBA)的五支球队,其中包括休斯顿火箭(HoustonRockets)、金州勇士队(GoldenStatewarriors)和芝加哥公牛队(ChicagoBulls)。

    ZTE 's PR push has ranged from a new , friendlier font for its logo to sponsoring five US National Basketball Association teams including the Houston Rockets , the Golden State warriors , and the Chicago Bulls .

  6. 当华为(Huawei)、小米(Xiaomi)等竞争对手致力于开拓印度、巴西等较低端的手机市场时,中兴已经开始在美国的高端市场展开全方位的公关活动。

    While rivals including Huawei and Xiaomi have been expanding into cheaper phone markets such as India and Brazil , ZTE has embarked on a full-blown public relations push into premium market in the US .

  7. 任何有效的公关活动都包括旧事发布会。

    Any effective PR campaign is going to include press releases .

  8. 他们因其精心组织的公关活动而受到祝贺。

    They were congratulated on a well-orchestrated PR campaign .

  9. 中国电视媒体的公关活动管理

    On the management of the public relations campaign of TV media in China

  10. 这种循环不是封闭的环状运动,而且螺旋式的上升运动,它每次都带有新的内容,都把公关活动推进一步。

    The circulation is not close cricoid movement but the screw type ascending movement .

  11. 公关活动是现代IT企业必要的营销手段。

    Public Relationship is one of the necessary marketing tools which helps IT company alot .

  12. 她策划了那次公关活动。

    She engineered the public relations campaign .

  13. 企业代表作为特邀嘉宾出席赛事系列公关活动。

    Corporate representatives can attend a series of major PR events as special invited guest .

  14. 对于小公司或者个体户来说,运作公关活动似乎是不可能的。

    For small business or even individuals , managing your public relations campaign may seem impossible .

  15. 公众利益优先&现代企业公关活动目标的理念转型

    Thinking about the Public Interest first : the Changing Idea of Public Relation Activities in Modern Corporation

  16. 网络的出现使当前高校图书馆的公关活动面临新的机遇和挑战。

    The appearance of the network lets the present public activity of university libraries face new opportunities and challenges .

  17. 大型体育赛事公共关系探讨及各届奥运公关活动评析

    Research on Public Relations of Major Sports Events and Analysis Of the Public Relations Activity of Each Olympic Games

  18. 如果没有兑现通过企业公关活动作出的承诺,苹果就不会拥有品牌了。

    If they did not deliver on the promise made through corporate communications , Apple would not have a brand .

  19. 在我国古代的准公关活动中,游说活动非常盛行,但是真正的游说公关活动在我国还处于起步阶段。

    In ancient China , para-lobbying was quite popular . However , the real lobbying activity in China is now only beginning .

  20. 2012百事全球活动包括了电视广告宣传、极富视觉冲击力的产品店铺推销、公关活动以及价值昂贵的数字活动。

    The 2012 global campaign will incorporate TV advertising , visually impactful in-store merchandising , PR activity and an extensive digital campaign .

  21. 事实上,你很难确定销售量上涨了,和公关活动究竟有什么关系。

    In fact , it is very difficult to determine the relationship between any increase in sales to that of PR activities .

  22. 企业公关活动的普及、规范,是中国的IT企业走向成熟的催化剂。

    Of activity of business public relations gain ground , standard , the IT enterprise that is China moves toward mature activator .

  23. 世界许多国家都十分重视在国内和国际公众面前的形象,尤其是美国等发达国家,早在20世纪上半叶就为树立良好的国家形象而开展了一系列公关活动。

    As early as half of the 20th century , they have been organized series of public activities to establish good national images .

  24. 企业代表作为冠军赛嘉宾或颁奖嘉宾出席赛事主要公关活动,如开球仪式、配对赛和欢迎晚宴等。

    Corporate representatives can attend major PR events such as tee-off , Pro-Am and welcome Gala dinner as special invited guests or guests of honor .

  25. 不幸的是,这首先是一场公关活动,旨在诱骗公众相信欧盟终于开始采取行动了。

    Unfortunately , it is a public relations exercise first and foremost , designed to dupe people into believing that the EU is finally doing something .

  26. 经过多年的发展,我们形成了品牌咨询、媒介投放、广告创意和公关活动四大主要业务,范围遍布西部。

    With years'development , it comes into four major business all over the West , including brand consultation , media delivery , advertising creative and public relations .

  27. 广告对联想集团而言,这只是一次普通的公关活动,该公司一直十分积极地利用这次奥运会在全球宣传自身形象。

    On one level this is a garden-variety PR campaign by Lenovo , which is very active in using the Olympics to market itself around the globe .

  28. 我国政府纵观世界形势,重视市场变化,以实施名牌战略,振兴民族工业,促进经济发展为目标开展了一系列卓有成效的公关活动。

    Our government , taking world situation and market changes into consideration , has launched a series of initiatives aimed at boosting national industry and economic development .

  29. 论述了大学图书馆应用公共关系原理,面向新生读者开展公关活动的目标和实施的具体措施。

    Based on the principle of public relations , the article discusses the academic libraries goal and strategy of public relational activities , which direct to first-year students .

  30. 广告教育提升阶段的人才培养目标是:培养具备能够在国际市场从事市场营销、广告信息传播和从事公关活动能力的广告人才;

    The goal of this education is to train people of higher calibre who are capable of marketing , advertising , management and public relations in international trade markets .