
bā jié
  • Eight Sections;the eight important dates of the lunar calendar
八节 [bā jié]
  • [eight solar terms] 指二十四节气中的八个主要节气:立春、春分、立夏、夏至、立秋、秋分、立冬、冬至

  1. 最常见的病变部位是位于中间的胸椎,尤其是第八节胸椎(T8)。

    The most common location is the midthoracic vertebrae , especially the eighth ( T8 ) .

  2. 第八节协议许可证中对限制竞争行为的控制

    Section 8 : control of anti-competitive practices in contractual licences

  3. 七,八节车厢脱轨。

    Seven of the eight cars were off the tracks .

  4. 第八节扰乱市场秩序罪

    Section 8 crimes of disrupting market order

  5. 共八节。

    It is divided into eight sections .

  6. 第八节没收财产

    Section 8 confiscation of property

  7. 第四章改进长治市县乡公路管理的主要对策,包括八节。

    Chapter IV in Changzhi City , county , and township roads to improve the management of major response , including 8 sections .

  8. 在有对外窗的教室上第八节课的班级,请老师提醒同学在下课时锁上窗户。

    If you are the last one using the classroom in the day , please remember to ask students to lock the windows .

  9. 第八节课:晚上回去要陪女朋友睡,不睡多点哪有力气陪她睡?再睡;

    The eighth class : How can I be lustily enough to sleep with my girl at night if I haven 't slept enough ?

  10. 属推罗城邑的居民(原文作田间的众女八节同)必被刀剑杀灭,他们就知道我是耶和华。

    And her daughters which are in the field shall be slain by the sword ; and they shall know that I am the LORD .

  11. 目前,还没有提到“隐形”列车的速度、功率和环境影响,但是此项目好像计划要在日本2018财政年度率先启用七列八节车厢的火车。

    The speed , power and environmental impact of the " invisible " train has not yet been discussed , but it appears that the program is projected to start with seven eight-car trains in Japan 's 2018 fiscal year .

  12. 一位母亲与她六位当中的三位小孩五月八日母亲节于宏都拉斯合照。

    A mother poses with three of her six children during Mother 's Day in Honduras , May8 .

  13. 琐赐王哈大利谢(哈大利谢撒母耳下八章三节作哈大底谢)往伯拉河去,要坚定自己的国权,大卫就攻打他,直到哈马。

    Moreover , David fought Hadadezer king of Zobah , as far as Hamath , when he went to establish his control along the Euphrates River .

  14. 你愿意去看一下“怎样成为神的孩子”并照着做吗???如果你已经相信了主耶稣,你会听神的话并去顺服吗?这一周里你会每天读八到十节圣经吗?

    Will you go now to " How to Be a Child of God " and take those steps ? ? ? If you have already believed on Jesus , will you listen and obey God 's Word ? Will you this week read 8-10 verses in your Bible daily ,

  15. 甲:我们迎来了新华初第八届科技艺术节。

    We are welcoming the eighth Science and Art Festival of our New Hua Chu .

  16. 1983年11月赴香港参加第八届亚洲艺术节演出。

    November , 1983 Invited performance at the 8th Annual Asian Art Festival in Hong Kong .

  17. 这个节日会持续八天,光明节的开始并不总是在同一天。

    The holiday lasts eight nights , the start of Hanukkah isn 't always on the same day .

  18. 2017年第八届中国风筝节在斯德哥尔摩中国协会拉开帷幕。

    The 2017 edition of the Chinese Kite Festival is the 8th put on by the Stockholm Chinese Association .

  19. 这种情况下不用冠词,参阅第八章第二节。

    No article should be used in such case . ( Cf. Chap . 8 , Sec . 2 . ) .

  20. 中南剧场作为第八届中国艺术节演出场地之一,对剧场声环境有较高的要求。

    As one of the arenas of the Eighth China Art Festival , Zhongnan Theater is of stringent stipulation in the respect of acoustic environment .

  21. 近期在广州举办的第八届性文化节上展出的一个公仔身穿深蓝色西装,系着红色领带,奥巴马的脸被精心网版印刷到这个公仔头部。

    A doll wearing a dark blue suit and red tie , and with Obama 's face carefully screen-printed onto its head , was exhibited at the recent8th Sex Culture Festival in Guangzhou .

  22. 第八届中国艺术节的主会场琴台大剧院,从远处看去,它外伸的构件既像是钢琴敲击的簧片,又似当空飞舞的水袖,粗旷、张扬之中蕴涵着丰富的楚文化内涵。

    Looking from a distance , Qintai Theatre , a place where the8th China Arts Festival will be held , looks like piano reeds and sleeves flying in the sky , which embodies the connotation of Chu culture .

  23. 大家都会做广播体操,但是很少有人知道广播体操的起源就是八段锦。八段锦就是古人创编的八节不同动作组成的一套医疗、康复体操。

    In China , I am sure that everyone knows radio gymnastic exercises , but seldom anyone knows it from eight sections brocade , which is a set of medical and healing exercises created by ancient people .