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  1. 汉普顿宫被作为礼物转送给了亨利八世。

    Hampton Court was made over to Henry VIII as a present

  2. 包括在导游的带领下参观温莎城堡和汉普顿宫——汉普顿宫是亨利八世最喜欢的宫殿。

    Includes a guided tour of Windsor and Hampton Court , Henry Ⅷ 's favourite palace .

  3. 爱德华八世为了与离过婚的美国人沃利斯·辛普森(WallisSimpson)结婚,在1936年12月放弃了王位。

    As Edward VIII , he renounced the throne in December 1936 to marry the American divorc é e Wallis Simpson .

  4. 据称,火鸡肉首次取代诸如孔雀肉、野猪肉、鹅肉等的肉类发生在十六世纪,在英国国王亨利八世(KingHenrytheVIII)把火鸡肉纳入他的圣诞大餐之后。

    In England it first replaced meats such as peacock , boar and goose in the 16th-century , after King Henry the VIII was said to have dined on turkey as part of his Christmas feast .

  5. 在伦敦萨维尔街,曾是爱德华八世的裁缝的亨斯迈公司(Huntsman)的创意总监RoubiL'Roubi发现,亚洲客户专门到这家伦敦商店订购花呢西装。

    Roubi L'Roubi , creative director of Huntsman of Savile Row - once the tailor to King Edward VIII - has found that customers from Asia are visiting the London shop specifically to order tweed suits .

  6. 就好像历史上的乔治六世和他的弟弟爱德华八世,后者为了傲慢的美国新娘WallisSimpson而不惜退位,这点另他的嫂嫂,也就是后来的伊丽莎白女王很厌恶——现在这样的戏码又上演了。

    It 's as if the painful history of George VI and his brother , Edward VIII - who abdicated for the love of his brash US bride , Wallis Simpson , to the disgust of his sister-in-law , later Queen Elizabeth - is being played out all over again .

  7. 亨利八世:为什么你要到这里来为她求情?

    King Henry VIII : Why are you here for her ?

  8. 1536年的今天,英国国王亨利八世命令在每座教堂里都要放置圣经。

    1536-King Henry VIII orders Bibles be placed in every church .

  9. 亨利八世将王权凌驾于教权

    when Henry VIII made himself Supreme Head of the Church .

  10. 英王爱德华八世娶了离异的辛普森夫人后退位。

    King Edward VIII abdicated when he married the divorced Mrs simpson .

  11. 亨利八世向安妮博林示爱的一封情书(1527年)

    King Henry VIII expresses his love for Anne Boleyn ( 1527 )

  12. 他的爸爸是亨利八世。

    His father was King Henry the Eighth of England .

  13. 亨利八世对这个主意尤其热衷。

    King Henry VIII was especially sold on the idea .

  14. 亨利八世:那么在这里你能找到吗?

    King Henry VIII : Do you see one here ?

  15. 从亨利八世时代起它就是一家酒馆。

    It 's been an inn since the days of Henry viii .

  16. 亨利八世下令将安波林斩首。

    Henry VIII gave the order to behead Anne boleyn .

  17. 乔治五世去世后,爱德华八世继位。

    The succession of Edward at the death of george .

  18. 我对爱德华八世的退位感到遗憾。

    I am sorry that Edward VIII has been bounced into abdicating .

  19. 英国走出中世纪&以亨利八世宗教改革为例

    England 's out of Middle Ages & on the reform of Henry ⅷ

  20. 亨利八世的宗教改革对英国以后宪政制度的发展产生了极大的影响。

    The Reformation had further effect on the development of British constitutionalism later .

  21. 亨利八世是英国过去的一个国王。

    Henry ⅷ was a past king of England .

  22. 爱德华八世-后来称作温莎公爵。

    Edward VIII & later styled Duke of Windsor .

  23. 英王亨利八世与西班牙凯瑟琳公主结婚。

    1509 Henry V ⅲ married Spanish Princess Catharine .

  24. 亨利八世欲与阿拉贡的凯瑟琳离婚,但是教皇拒绝了。

    Henry VIII wanted to divorce Catherine of Aragon but the Pope refused .

  25. 她是亨利八世的第二位妻子。

    She was the second wife of Henry VIII .

  26. 你知道英王爱德华八世放弃王位的原因吗?

    Do you know the reason of King Edward the 8th 's abdication ?

  27. 1527年,亨利八世给安妮写下了这样的情书:

    Henry VIII wrote Anne this letter in 1527 :

  28. 最重要的是,亨利八世促成了教会的宗教改革。

    Henry VIII was above all responsible for the religious reform of the church .

  29. 《亨利八世》中凯瑟琳王后形象与宗教改革

    Queen Katherine and the Reformation in Henry VIII

  30. 亨利八世为甚麽多次娶妻,又与罗马教廷决裂?英国国王亨利八世从天主教会中分离出来。

    King Henry the Eighth of England had separated from the Roman Catholic Church .