
  • 网络systemic effect;systemic action;general action
  1. 结论克林霉素磷酸酯阴道凝胶单次和多次给约Cmax降低,t1/2延长,提示该药以局部作用为主;亦可吸收入血,缓慢产生全身作用。

    Conclusions The Cmax of clindamycin phosphate ovule after a single dose and multiple doses were obviously lower and t1 / 2 were longer than that of clindamycin phosphate oral preparations , which suggests that clindamycin phosphate ovule act topically and be absorbed slowly with systemic actions .

  2. 硬膜外注射糖皮质激素的全身作用

    Systemic effects of epidural glucocorticoid injection

  3. 减轻这些炎症介质的全身作用是对SIRS/MODS患者进行辅助治疗的一个重要目的。

    Attenuating the systemic effects of these inflammatory mediators is a logical goal of adjuvant therapy in SIRS / MODS .

  4. 现就硬膜外注射此类药物对神经系统、肾上腺皮质系统、呼吸循环系统、周围组织及血糖与视力等的全身作用作一综述,以指导硬膜外注射糖皮质激素在临床的合理应用。

    The systemic effects of epidural glucocorticoid injection on nervous system , adrenocortical system , respiratory and circulatory system , peripheral tissue , blood sugar and visual acuity were summarized in this paper , in order to guide the reasonable use of this intervention in clinic .

  5. 方法:全身创面作用MEBO剖腹产切口使用MEBO涂抹,每天4次。

    Method : MEBO was applied on burn wounds and cesarean incision , 4 times a day .

  6. 吸入性激素(ICS)是一种局部激素,全身性作用极小,已成为哮喘长期治疗的一线药物。

    Inhaled corticosteroids are one kind of local steroid with minimal systemic side effect and the first line medication choice of therapy for persistent asthma .

  7. HSP70具有明显全身治疗作用,适当剂量的HSP70能提高肿物切除后的荷瘤小鼠生存率,比术后应用IL-2治疗效果明显。

    Combination therapy of surgery and appropriate dose of HSP 70 can increase the survival rate of tumor-bearing mice after tumor resection , and it is much better than the combination therapy of surgery and IL-2 .

  8. 评价生物材料不同给予方法致急性全身毒性作用的实验初探

    Investigation on effects of different administration way on acute systemic toxicity

  9. 全身麻醉作用机理研究已有百年的历史,特别是中枢作用部位,至今仍然是国内外麻醉学界十分关注而又悬而未决的研究课题。

    The mechanism of general anesthesia has been studied for about 150 years .

  10. 观察期间未发现严重全身副作用。

    No serious systemic side effect was observed .

  11. 栓剂不仅可以起局部治疗作用,还可以起全身治疗作用。

    Suppository is not only used in local treatment but also total treatment for whole body .

  12. 学科作为大学的基本组成单位,它在大学管理中起着牵一发而动全身的作用。

    As an elementary part of university , discipline plays a crucial role in university management .

  13. 鼻内给药引起人们特殊的兴趣,这是基于其定向于中枢神经系统传输的全身潜在作用。

    Intranasal administration is of specific interest based on its general potential for targeted central nervous system delivery .

  14. 用喜疗妥和特强喜疗妥治疗,没有全身副作用,不影响凝血系统。

    Therapy with Hirudoid and Hirudoid forte is without systemic adverse reactions and without influence on systemic coagulation .

  15. 结论碳纤维增强型树脂基复合材料对动物无全身毒性作用也无溶血作用。

    Conclusion Carbon-fibre reinforced resin compound had no acute systemic toxic action on animals and haemolysis effect in vitro .

  16. 在许多国家和地区,房地产业己经成为经济繁荣的重要支撑点之一,它对国民经济具有牵一发而动全身的作用。

    In many countries and regions , the real estate industry has become one of the important pillars of economic prosperity .

  17. 皂甙发挥佐剂活性的特点是诱导一个平衡的Th1/Th2反应,T细胞依赖性和缺乏全身性作用。

    The characteristics that saponins exerted adjuvant activity involved inducing the balance of Th1 / Th2 reaction , T-cell dependent and local .

  18. 而全身麻醉剂作用于中枢神经系统,导致知觉的丧失并对全身疼痛不敏感。

    Local anesthesia is that type of anesthesia in which only the peripheral nervous system is brought under the influence of the anesthetic .

  19. 吸入糖皮质激素的口腔沉积率约为80~90%,是引发局部和全身副作用的主要原因。

    Oral deposition rate of aspiration corticosteroid is 80 ~ 90 % . The deposition is the main cause of local and total body side effects .

  20. 口腔粘附制剂不仅能够局部治疗口腔疾病,而且药物可以透过口腔粘膜吸收,直接进入循环系统,起到全身治疗作用,避免了胃肠道的酶代谢及酸降解和肝脏首过作用。

    It can treat oral disease , and drugs can be absorbed through the oral mucosa directly into circulation system to play the role of systemic treatment .

  21. 结论介入治疗既可经肿瘤供养动脉注入化疗药物,肿瘤局部化疗药物浓度高,减少全身副作用,又可阻断肿瘤供养动脉,使肿瘤缺血坏死,达到治疗目的。

    Conclusions Interventional therapy via the main tumor arteries enables administration of higher concentration of cytotoxic agents with minimal systemic side effects . It also leads to ischemic tumor necrosis .

  22. 危重病症患者常伴有不同程度的出血倾向,而肝素的全身抗凝作用是引起出血并发症的重要原因。

    Patients with critical illness is often accompanied with various degrees of bleeding tendency , but the role of heparin anticoagulation is one of the most important reasons caused systemic bleeding complications .

  23. 肝脏疾病是临床上的常见病和多发病,用于治疗肝炎、肝纤维化、肝硬化和肝癌等肝脏疾病的药物虽有一定疗效,但无组织和器官选择性,肝药浓度不高,全身副作用大。

    The hepatic diseases occur frequently in clinical practice . Many drugs used for hepatitis , liver fibrosis , cirrhosis and hepatoma clinically no organ selectivity , which lead to low drug concentration in liver .

  24. 结论:直接局部注射Fas单克隆抗体对表达Fas的小鼠膀胱实体肿瘤具有治疗作用,可明显延长荷瘤小鼠的存活期,且无明显的全身毒副作用。

    Conclusions : Without significant systemic toxicity , local direct injection of Fas monoclonal antibody into solid tumor tissue had therapeutic effect on carcinoma cells expressing Fas .

  25. 本文结果显示,IL-2是一高选择性药物,其血浆半寿期很短,而肝,肾等靶器官浓度很高,用于治疗肝肾肿瘤时,具有疗效高而全身毒副作用低的优点。

    Our results indicated that IL-2 is a high organ-specific drug . It 's plasma half life is short under high concentration in its target organ . So it might have advantages of high effectiveness and low whole body toxicity in treatment of tumor of liver and kidney .

  26. 2在外加磁性的作用下,磁性CS-PAA-EPI微球可以靶向至大鼠膀胱,同时减少肝、脾等脏器的分布,降低EPI的全身毒副作用。

    In combination with constant external magnetic fields , CS-PAA-EPI polymer magnetic microspheres were targeted at rat baldder , which decreased the EPI distribution in other organs and the side effect of EPI .

  27. 氧化应激效应与SO2全身性毒作用研究

    Oxidation stress effects of SO_2 and its systemic toxin

  28. 肠道外补充的谷氨酰胺减少了低出生体重儿全身蛋白水解作用

    Glutamine supplement with parenteral nutrition decreases whole body proteolysis in low birth weight infants

  29. 哮喘儿童持续吸入低剂量糖皮质激素的全身性副作用

    Systemic side effects of long-term treatment with low dose inhaled corticosteroids in children with asthma

  30. 治疗5个疗程以后,没有明显全身毒副作用。

    After 5 courses of treatment there was no obvious poisonous and side effects in the whole body .