
  1. 《中国海洋21世纪议程》和《全国海洋经济发展规划纲要》均把滨海旅游列为予以重点发展的支柱性海洋产业。

    《 China Ocean Agenda 21 》 and the 《 National Marine Economy Development Plan 》 were the " Coastal tourism " as a key development to be a pillar of marine industry .

  2. 在《全国海洋经济发展规划纲要》划分的11个海洋经济区中,辽东半岛海洋经济区居于首位,它对全国海洋经济发展负有表率作用和拉动使命;

    In order to carry it out , the National Design for Ocean Economy Development Plan carves up 11 ocean economy regions , of which Liaotung Peninsula is of the primacy and endowed with the model effect and leading responsibility .

  3. 2003年5月,《全国海洋经济发展规划纲要》中,第一次明确提出了逐步把我国建设成为海洋强国的战略目标,为我国在新时期实施海洋开发、发展海洋经济做出了战略部署。

    In May , 2003 , strategic aim of " gradually establishing of powerful marine country " was definitely launched in " Planning Outline of National Marine Economy Development ", which guided China in the approach of implementing marine development and opening up marine economy .