
  • 网络coal royalties
  1. 省级探矿权、采矿权使用费及价款勘查项目的管理模式

    Management Mode of Exploration Projects Supported by Provincial Funds on the Exploration and Mining Rights

  2. 据此,符合减免条件的矿业权人,可以享受不同程度的探矿权、采矿权使用费减免优惠。

    It will stipulate that the eligible mine owners are entitled to different degrees of lower or free charges of using the exploration and mining rights .

  3. 摘要我国采矿企业除了要交纳其它行业企业所需交纳的增值税、所得税等税之外,还需交纳矿产资源税、采矿权使用费、矿产资源补偿费。

    In china , mining enterprises not only should play value-added tax and income tax like the enterprises of other industries , but also must pay the mineral resource tax , mineral right tax and mineral compensation tax .