- immunoglobulin superfamily;Ig superfamily

Intercellular adhesion molecule-1 ( ICAM-1 , CD54 ), which belongs to the immunoglobulin superfamily , is one of the important adhesion molecules on the cell surfaces .
The molecule has the homologous sequence with Immunoglobulin superfamily ( IgSF ) members , which suggests its functions as a adhesion molecules .
L1 cell adhesion molecular is a type ⅰ membrane glycoprotein of immunoglobulin superfamily .
DNA sequencing analysis showed that the cDNA had an open reading frame encoding 344 amino acid residues without transmembrane domain and belonged to immunoglobulin superfamily .
Expression of immunoglobulin supergene family adhesion molecules ( CD45 ) in malignant lymphoproliferative disease and its clinical implications
CD28 , a cell surface glycoprotein , predominantly expressed on T cells , belongs to the Ig superfamily and provides critical co-stimulatory signals .
Searching in the Profound protein database , we found the protein was a member of the immunoglobulin superfamily . Through western-blot , we identified it as β 2-MG .
CD147 is a member of the immunoglobulin superfamily ( IGSF ) . It exists in many normal tissues widely .
Killer cell inhibitory receptors ( KIR ) are members of the immunoglobulin superfamily ( Ig SF ) and transmembrane molecules type I expressed on human natural killer cells and some T lymphocytes .
Objective : The glycoprotein CD83 has a molecular mass of 40 – 45 kDa and belongs to the Ig superfamily . The function of CD83 remains largely unknown .
Intercellular adhesion molecule-1 ( ICAM-1 , CD 54 ) is a member of immunoglobulin superfamily ( IGSF ), a transmembrance glucoprotein , and the major ligand of lymphocyte function associated antigen-1 ( LFA-1 ), involved in differentiation , adhesion and migration of cells .
Vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 ( VCAM - 1 ) is a member of immunoglobulin superfamily . The principal ligand for VCAM - 1 is integrin α 4 | β 1 / VLA - 4 ( very late antigen 4 ) .
Expression of adhesion molecules of immunoglobin super family on lymphatic endothelial cells and different vascular endothelial cells
Cloning and Analysis of Human α - 1B Glycoprotein Precursor Gene : A Novel Member of Human Immunoglobulin Superfamily
Then , the function of plasma membrane proteins was analysis , and 10 hypothetical plasma membrane proteins may belong to the immune globulin superfamily .
Abstract Immunoglobulin gene superfamily ( IgSF ) include many members which take part in immune response and immunoregulation .
ALCAM belongs to immunoglobulin gene superfamily . It is mainly expressed on leucocyte and thymic epithelial cell and is the ligand of CD6 lymphocyte antigen .