
  • 网络incomplete antibody;IgG;low-order antibody
  1. 目的为了缩短疑难配血、新生儿溶血病母婴血型不合抗体检测及Rh血型不完全抗体鉴定试验时间。

    Objective To shorten the time of the serological test for difficult blood matching , antibody determination in maternal fetal blood group incompatibility with neonatal hemolytic disease and identification of incomplete antibody for Rh blood .

  2. 凝聚胺法检测不完全抗体的评价

    Evaluation of the method of detecting incomplete antibody by polybrene

  3. ABO同型配血,结果检出1例不完全抗体,76次配血,没有发生输血反应;

    The results showed the incomplete antibodies were examined in 1 case of ABO compatible crossmatching test , and no transfusion reactions were observed after transfusion with 76 blood matching tests .

  4. 不完全抗体快速促凝剂的研制与初步应用报告

    Development of incomplete antibody rapid agglutinant and its preliminary application

  5. 不完全抗体检测在临床输血中的应用

    Detection of irregular antibodies in clinical blood transfusion

  6. 凝聚胺在交叉配血和不完全抗体检测的使用评价

    The Application of Polybrene Method in the Cross Matching Test and Determination of Incomplete Antibody

  7. 献血者O型血清抗-A、抗-B完全抗体与不完全抗体效价的调查分析

    Investigation and analysis of anti-A / B complete and incomplete antibody titers in blood group O serum

  8. 目的通过对临床申请输血患者不完全抗体的检测,以减少或杜绝溶血性输血反应的发生。

    Objective To detect irregular antibodies in serum samples of clinical patients , in order to decrease or avoid hemolytic transfusion reaction .

  9. 方法用不规则抗体Coombs卡对3200例患者血标本进行不完全抗体检测,并观察其阳性率。

    Methods 3200 samples were detected with Coombs test for irregular antibodies , and the positive rate was observed .