
  • 网络a Cleopatra
  1. 她正在试演克娄巴特拉这个角色。

    She 's trying out for the part of cleopatra .

  2. 克娄巴特拉意识到自己在罗马已没有前途可言,于是回到了家乡埃及。

    Realizing she has no future in Rome , Cleopatra returns home to Egypt .

  3. 克娄巴特拉女王王宫英国女王住在白金汉宫。

    The Queen of England lives in Buckingham Palace .

  4. 会见克娄巴特拉和她谈谈关于你找到马克安东尼的下一个任务。

    Meet Cleopatra and talk to her regarding your next task of finding Marc Antony .

  5. 克娄巴特拉是一位卓越的数学家和天生的语言学家,能流利地讲九种语言,同时她也是个精通权术的政治家,颇受国人爱戴。

    An accomplished mathematician and gifted linguist fluent in nine languages , Cleopatra was also skilled politician popular with her people .

  6. 而克娄巴特拉之所以如此有名,是因为她是托勒密王朝第一批会说埃及语的王室成员。

    In fact , Cleopatra was famous for being one of the first members of the Ptolemaic dynasty to actually speak the Egyptian language .

  7. 他于公元前31年打败马克·安东尼及克娄巴特拉,然后得到了整个帝国的统治权,于公元前29年称皇帝,并于公元前27年被授予奥古斯都荣誉称号。

    He defeated Mark Antony and Cleopatra in31 and subsequently gained control over the empire.In29 he was named emperor , and in27 he was given the honorary title Augustus .