
  • 网络croft;Lara Croft;William Croft;Steve Kroft
  1. 如果说辛明顿家族一直忙于撰写历史,那么他们的竞争对手费拉加特联合公司(旗下拥有泰来(Taylor),芳塞卡(Fonseca)和克罗夫特(Croft))应该属于一直重写历史的类型。

    If the Symingtons have been busy writing history , their rivals at The Fladgate Partnership ( Taylor , Fonseca and Croft ) could be said to have been rewriting history .

  2. 他正在捉摸不定,忽然看见前面克罗夫特猛地收住了脚步。

    He was still debating this when he saw Croft stop abruptly .

  3. 在选择毕业后的职业道路的时候,雷文斯克罗夫特青睐TeachFirst的原因是,它兼具两个世界的好处。

    What Mr Ravenscroft liked about it when he was choosing his graduate career path was that it of ­ fered the best of two worlds .

  4. 护士:恐怕不能,克罗夫特先生。

    NURSE : I 'm afraid that he can 't , Mr.

  5. 关于雷文斯克罗夫特小姐的情况我知道得不很多。

    I do not know very much about Miss ravenscroft .

  6. “你也许还没听说他结婚了吧?”克罗夫特夫人接着说道。

    " Perhaps you may not have heard that he is married ?" added Mrs Croft .

  7. 克罗夫特先生:早上好,护士.我想看牙科医生。

    Mr Croft : Good morning , nurse . I want to see the dentist , please .

  8. 我们只好拿出一套正常大小的防护服,然后把它裁剪到适合我的尺寸,他告诉巴克罗夫特。

    We had to take a normal suit and have it reduced down to fit me , he told Barcroft .

  9. 护士:恐怕他不能,克罗夫特先生,难道你不能等到下午吗?

    Nurse : I am afraid that he can 't , Mr Croft . Can 't you wait till this afternoon ?

  10. 克罗夫特先生:是的,很急.情况很紧急.我觉得很难受.牙齿痛极了。

    Mr Croft : Yes , it is . It is very urgent . I feel awful . I have terrible toothache .

  11. 西蒙兹和他家人迁离新墨西哥州克劳德克罗夫特城,执法人员紧随其后,因他涉嫌使他女儿希拉受孕。

    Simmons and his family moved from cloudcroft , n.m. , with authorities on his heels because he allegedly impregnated his daughter , sheila .

  12. 克罗夫特说他婚姻失败以后,并且当他决定绘画重于通勤上下班时,他就脱离了办公室的工作。

    Croft says he dropped out of the shirt-and-tie world after his marriage collapsed and when he decided that painting was more important than commuting .

  13. 第一部分分析小说中四个重要的女性人物:安妮、拉塞尔女士、史密斯夫人和克罗夫特夫人。

    In the first part , I will analyze four important female characters in the novel . They are Anne Elliot , Lady Russell , Mrs. Smith and Lady Croft .

  14. 她的对手声称已经从阿什克罗夫特那里拿到资金。阿什克罗夫特是一位颇有争议的保守党捐赠人。由于他的非永久性居住身份,按理说他在英国只需上交少量的税收。

    Rivals claim that she has received money from Lord Ashcroft , a controversial Conservative donor who has " non-domiciled " status and thus is presumed to pay little tax in Britain .

  15. 周二,凯特将重回王室活动,走访塞耶斯克罗夫特学习以及参观位于帕丁顿娱乐场的野生动物花园。

    Today it was announced the duchess will make her return to royal duties with a visit to the Sayers Croft Forest School and Wildlife Garden at Paddington Recreation Ground , London , on Tuesday .

  16. 克罗夫特夫人待她总是和和气气的,使她愉快地感到自己很受喜爱。眼下这次,她在大厦里接待她,更是关怀备至。

    Mrs Croft always met her with a kindness which gave her the pleasure of fancying herself a favourite , and on the present occasion , receiving her in that house , there was particular attention .

  17. 这些“穿着缀满珠母纽扣节日盛装的伦敦小贩”的历史可以追溯到一个世纪之前,那时有位名叫亨利•克罗夫特的清洁工。他将伦敦苹果商贩所穿的以纽扣镶边的服装加以改造,以吸引人们来参加他的募捐活动。

    The " pearlies " have their origins a century ago in a street sweeper named Henry Croft , who adapted the button-festooned clothes worn by London apple-sellers to help draw attention to his charity * fundraising .

  18. 不过,她还没达到十拿九稳的地步,急切地想打听一下克罗夫特夫妇有没有在大宅里说起这件事,因为他们是先去那里走访的。

    She could not , however , reach such a degree of certainty , as not to be anxious to hear whether anything had been said on the subject at the other house , where the Crofts had previously been calling .