
  • 网络kgf;gram-force;ACRYLICS
  1. 其中一例误诊为卵巢七克力囊肿。

    One of which was misdiagnosed as the ovary chocolate cyst .

  2. 要不要来杯热气腾腾的好喝的热麻克力?

    How about a nice steaming cup of hot Mockolate ?

  3. 凯夫拉纤维具有异乎寻常的高初始模量,其值为476克力;

    It has an unusually high initial modulus of476 grams per denier .

  4. 这是麻克力饼屑南瓜馅饼。

    This is pumpkin pie with a Macholate crust .

  5. 每款套餐均赠送两杯香槟或红酒、克力、瑰、情人节卡片。

    Includes two glass of champagne or wine and chocolate rose with card .

  6. 克力因为你走了。

    Kelly went away because of you .

  7. 莫妮卡找到一份新工作,为巧克力的代替品“魔克力”设计菜谱。

    Monica 's finds a new job creating Thanksgiving recipes for Mockolate , a synthetic chocolate substitute .

  8. 芝加哥和克力腐烂越来越好,我认为他们中的一支可以进入总决赛。

    Chicago and Cleveland are deeper and defend better , and that will put one of them over the top .

  9. 各国纷繁入支自外国入口的奶成品,或者制止入口,包含以奶粉为质料的减农食品,如拙克力。

    Countries seized or banned imports of Chinese dairy products , including processed goods made with milk powder , such as chocolate .

  10. 据怨国一个迷信野团队称,每地吃一面拙克力能够落低口血管徐病的收病率。

    Eating a little chocolate every day seems to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease , according to a team of German scientists .

  11. 要甜点心的话,你可以点苹果馅饼、酪蛋糕、克力夹心蛋糕、淇淋和冰淇淋圣代。

    For dessert you will be offered apple pie , cheese cake , chocolate layer cake , ice cream and ice cream sundaes .

  12. 英国爱德华三世的儿子(1330-1376);在百年战争中的克力参和帕贴斯打败了法国。

    Son of Edward III of England ; defeated the French at Crecy and Poitiers in the Hundred Years ' War ( 1330-1376 ) .

  13. 这并没有是道怪杰喝酒、长质的雪茄、或者是一片拙克力蛋糕会对于您有益。

    That is not to say that the occasional drink is bad for you , nor is the odd cigar or slab of chocolate cake .

  14. 有一位读者告诉了我他住在阿拉斯加时的一次经历:他在超市买了一盒克力架饼干却忘了拿,于是就开车回去取。

    One reader told me what happened when , while living in Alaska , he returned toa supermarket to retrieve a box of crackers he had paid for but mistakenly left behind .

  15. 真黑素决定了深色系,如黑、、克力色;棕黑素则影响浅色的红黄系,如茶色、色、色。

    Eumelanin is responsible for the darker colours such as black , blue , chocolate brown and phaeomelanin causes the lighter yellow / red colours such as tan , red , yellow .

  16. 我们正在制造金属罐,礼品装饰盒,茶叶铁罐,茶叶球童、币空罐、干罐、克力罐、化妆品铁罐。

    Also , we do the job of tinplate printing , molding , lid making and can making . We are manufacturers of Metal Tins , Decorative Gift Tins , Tea Tins , Tea Caddies , Mint Tins , Cookie Tins , Chocolate Tins , Cosmetic Tins .