
  1. 日食至少每磅体重一克之蛋白质,以建肌守肌也。

    Get at least1g / lbs protein daily to build & maintain muscle .

  2. 兰克史学之东传及其中国回响

    On the Moving East of the Historiography of Ranke and Its Response in China

  3. 因为历史上缺少直接记载,武王克商之年是历史年代学研究中的一个难题;

    The year of king Wu 's conquest over Shang is the most difficult chronological problem .

  4. 纵观现代竞技排球比赛,扬己之长克人之短、抑制与反制约的激烈斗争始终是永恒的主题。

    Throughout the modern competitive volleyball match , suppression and fierce struggle against the constraints is always the eternal theme .

  5. 赫尔巴特在美国马克思与诺奇克国家理论之比较研究

    Herbartianism in America Compare on State Theories between Marx and Nozick

  6. 在《伤寒论》中,既有明确的阴、阳数之提法,又有隐含的以斗历决病、以脏腑脉象生克决生死之说。

    In Treatise on cold , there was both clear definition of Yin-Yang and implicit decisions of disease according to calendar and organs-pulse communication .

  7. 即使重量仅有1克的二十分之几都可能是关键性的。

    A few twentieths of a gram can be critical .

  8. 弗兰克·安德伍德难得会有如此想置之于“六尺之下”的人,与他争夺沃克总统忠心的主要对手塔斯克便属其中之首。

    Raymond Tusk - There are certainly very few people who Frank Underwood would rather see six-feet-under than Tusk , his chief rival for President Walker 's loyalties .

  9. 奥林匹亚城曾经拥有众多教派,多年以来,从克罗诺斯,泰坦之王,到欲望美神——阿佛洛狄忒女神,居民们一直崇拜着好几种不同的神。

    Olympia has been occupied by several different cults over the years who worshiped several different gods , from Kronos , the King of Titans , to the goddess of lust and beauty , Aphrodite .