
guāng gé lí qì
  • optical isolator;optoisolator;optical coupler;optically coupled isolator
光隔离器[guāng gé lí qì]
  1. 光隔离器测量方法和系统的研究

    Research on the Method and System for the Optical Isolator Measurement

  2. 两段型高性能光隔离器的设计与分析

    The Design and Analysis of A Novel Polarization-independent Optical Isolator

  3. 基于NPS的集成光学型光隔离器的研究

    Research on Integrated Optical Isolators Based on Nonreciprocal Phase Shifters Configuration

  4. Walk-off型偏振无关光隔离器中偏振光分束研究

    Study of polarized beam splitting in walk - off mode polarization-independent isolators

  5. Walk-off型单级偏振无关光隔离器

    Walk-off Mode One stage Polarization independent Isolators

  6. 利用半导体激光器(LD)、光隔离器、光纤定向耦合器、自聚焦透镜等组成双路光纤斐索型干涉仪。

    The displacement sensor was realized on basis of a double channel optical fiber Fizeau type interferometer , which consists of laser diode ( LD ), optical isolator , optical fiber directional coupler , self focusing lens and etc.

  7. 介绍了新型的偏振无关光隔离器,给出了walk-off型单级偏振无关光隔离器的设计及原理分析,并对其性能进行了测试。

    This paper introduces a new kind of polarization independent isolator , presents the design of the walk off mode one stage polarization independent isolators .

  8. 再次对光隔离器的应用、光隔离器的发展、光隔离器中GRIN性能分析、光隔离器(Isolator)的作用和工作原理、光隔离器的性能及指标测试、光隔离器制作工艺等进行了分析和研究。

    Thirdly , this article analyses and researches the isolator 's appliance and development , the performance of GRIN , the operation and the principle , the capability and the measure methods , at last the fabrication .

  9. 接下来介绍了Bi-YIG材料在目前的应用,例如磁光隔离器、磁光电流/磁场传感器和磁光记录等。

    I also introduced the application of Bi-YIG as magneto-optical isolator , magneto-optical current / magnetic field sensors , and magneto-optical recording media .

  10. 这就使得ACS706系列传感器可用于要求电绝缘的应用,而不需要使用光隔离器或者其它昂贵的绝缘技术。

    This allows the ACS706 family of sensors to be used in applications requiring electrical isolation without the use of optoisolators or other costly isolation techniques .

  11. VMOS场效应晶体管有许多超过双极晶体管的优点,特别适合于功率电子学应用。我们使用VMOS管、光隔离器等器件研制的小型激光器电源,性能良好。

    VMOSFET have mary advantages over bipolar transistors , they are very effective , especially in power electronics applications , A compact laser power supply with good performances has been developed by using devices of VMOS , opto-isolator etc.

  12. 报道了一种自由空间型双级光隔离器,其隔离度大于59dB,插入损耗小于0.3dB,工作带宽达60nm,尺寸结构适于半导体激光器模块的内置封装。

    A two stage free space isolator is reported whose isolation is better than 59 dB , with the insertion loss of less than 0.3 dB within the bandpass of 60 nm . The physical size is fitted for the packaging of semiconductor laser module .

  13. 研究了使用多级反向泵浦喇曼光纤放大器的1080km光纤通信系统的传输特性,比较了信号和双重瑞利散射噪声在加入光隔离器前后沿传输光纤的功率变化。

    Simulation is carried out on a long distance ( 1080km ) optical fiber transmission system employing multiple back-pumped Raman fiber amplifiers . The evolution of signal and DRB noise powers along the fiber are calculated and compared for both before and after the isolators are inserted .

  14. 光隔离器法拉第旋光材料磁偏角的测量

    Measurement of Magnetic Dip for Faraday Rotatory Material of Optical Isolator

  15. 测量光隔离器隔离度的新方法

    The New Method of Measurement for the Isolation of the Optical Isolator

  16. 适于DFB&LD光源耦合的微型化光隔离器

    Miniature Optical Isolator for the Coupling of DFB ─ LD Light Source

  17. 与偏振无关光隔离器的插入损耗和隔离度的理论分析与实验研究

    Study of Isolation and Insertion Loss of Polarization-Independent Optical Isolator

  18. Walk-off型光隔离器的隔离度和插入损耗分析

    The Analysis About isolation and insertion Load of Walk-off Type Optical Isolator

  19. 一种用于宽带温度稳定光隔离器的新型磁光材料

    A new magneto-optical material for wideband and temperature-stabilized optical isolators

  20. 小型与偏振无关光隔离器的性能研究

    Study on the performance of compact polarization independent isolators

  21. 光隔离器用法拉第旋光器的研究

    Study on the Faraday Rotator used in Optical Isolator

  22. 偏振无关型光隔离器及其阵列的研究

    Study on Polarization-independent Optical Isolator and Its Arrayed Construction

  23. 与偏振无关光隔离器性能参数的测量

    Measurement of Performance Parameters of Polarization - Independent Isolators

  24. 偏振无关光隔离器的偏振相关损耗分析

    Analysis on Polarization-dependent Loss of a Polarization-independent Optics Isolator

  25. 光隔离器用微型晶体偏光棱镜的研制

    Study and design of the crystal mini polarizing prism used in an optical isolator

  26. 10.6μm收发合置天线的一种光隔离器

    A type of 10.6 μ m light isolator in common transmitter / receiver antenna

  27. 在线式双级光隔离器的隔离度分析

    Isolation Analysis of In-line Dual Stage Optical Isolator

  28. 采用菲涅尔菱体的高隔离度宽带光隔离器

    High Isolation Broadband Optical Isolator with Fresnel Rhomb

  29. 集成磁光隔离器的研究进展

    Research Progress of Integrated Magneto - optic Isolator

  30. 高隔离度的自由空间型光隔离器

    Free Space Optical Isolator with High Isolation