
  1. 本文在理论上对光有源器件的特性、光模块以及光收发器的工艺问题作了深入的探讨。

    In this study , the characteristic of photo active devices and the technology of optical transceiver modules are discussed thoroughly .

  2. 光纤激光器是一种先进的光有源器件,为光学工程领域内的重要器件之一。

    Fiber laser is an advanced optical active device and is also one of the most important devices in optical engineering field .

  3. 它能够非常容易地与隔离器、相位阵列波导、分插复用器、调制器、光开关等损耗器件集成在同一基片上,从而制成多种光通信集成有源器件。

    It is easy to integrate with isolators , array - waveguide gratings , multiplexers , modulators , switches etc in an optical circuit .