
guāng bō
  • light wave;optical wave
光波 [guāng bō]
  • [light wave] 光,光线。因为光是电磁波的一种,故有此称

光波[guāng bō]
  1. 应用Maxwell经典电磁理论,结合旋波介质的本构关系,研究耗散旋波介质中光波的色散关系。

    The dispersive relationships of light wave in dissipative chiral medium are investigated by use of Maxwell 's classical electromagnetic theory combining with the constitutive relation of the chiral medium .

  2. ALA的培养时间为4h;辐射光波长为412nm;

    The cultivation time of ALA is 4 h , it is 412 nm that the irradiation light wave is efficient ;

  3. 声波、光波或无线电波等都有特定的频率,或者说是每秒的波数。

    Sound waves , light waves , and radio waves have a certain frequency , or number of waves per second .

  4. 一种基于ARM的光波长路由器的控制与网管技术

    Control and Network Management Technology Based on ARM in a Kind of All-Optical Wavelength Router

  5. 多模干涉型GaAs光波分复用器的设计与研究

    Design and study of MMI optical wavelength division multiplexer in GaAs

  6. 硅基二氧化硅平面光波线路技术(PLC)具有与硅微电子工艺兼容等优点,广泛用于集成光波导器件的制作。

    PLC technology is compatible with Si-microelectronics techniques and is widely used in integrated light waveguide device .

  7. 在平面光波器件(PLC)的研制过程中,芯片测试与设计和制作处于同等重要的地位。

    Fiber-optic test and measurement on planar lightwave circuit components is the same important procedure as computation and fabrication .

  8. 双光子激发钾5d~2DJ态的光波混频和参量过程

    Two-photon resonant optical wave-mixing and parametric processes using potassium 5D ~ 2d_j state

  9. 激光器非线性失真对SCM光波系统的影响

    Nonlinear distortions of laser in a SCM lightwave system

  10. 光道使光波保持集中并加强其与DNA粒子的相互作用,防止它们流走。

    The channels keep the light waves focused and enhance their ability to interact with the DNA particles , preventing them from flowing by .

  11. 图1:三种cone类型的光波被感知到的颜色([4])。

    Fig.1 : Color perception is achieved through three cone types ( after [ 4 ] ) .

  12. 保偏SiO2光波导环形谐振腔温度特性研究

    Temperature characteristic of ring resonator in polarization maintaining silica optical waveguide

  13. 利用CD和DVD光盘片进行了实验,用光栅衍射法测定了光盘轨迹间距和光波的波长。

    The orbit distance of CD and DVD and the light wavelength are measured in this experiment .

  14. 一种采用基于石英的平面光波回路技术(PLC)制造的热光型光开关正越来越引起关注,它具有低耦合损耗、高稳定性及适于大规模集成等优点。

    Thermo-Optic ( TO ) switches which employ silica-based planer lightwave circuit ( PLC ) technology are getting more and more attention today .

  15. 光波导显微术是在表面等离子波显微术(SPM)基础上的一项新技术。

    Optical glass waveguides microcopy is a new promising technology based on SPM .

  16. 光在流场中的传输采用傍轴近似光波传输方程描述,用相屏法和快速傅里叶变换(FFT)技术求解。

    Light propagation is described by paraxial wave equations and solved by a phase-screen method combined with the FFT technique .

  17. 光波导用MgO∶LiNbO3晶体光学均匀性的测定

    Measurement of optical homogeneity of MgO ∶ LiNbO_3 crystal for optical waveguide

  18. 光波能量运动,将允许一个更完整完全的提升被培育,以及更大能力来再生和将生物体转形到全意识水平的DNA中。

    The light movements shall allow for a more whole and complete ascension to be fostered and a greater capacity to regenerate renew and transfigure the biology into full consciousness level DNA .

  19. 密集型光波分复用(DWDM)能组合一组光波长用一根光纤进行传送。

    Dense wave-length division multiplexing ( DWDM ) can transmit a set of light waves in one fiber .

  20. 本文研究了特定边界条件下非对称型Kerr类介质膜漏波导中TE0光波的传播特性。

    The propagation characteristics of TE_0 modes is studied in an asymmetric leaky waveguide of Kerr-type dielectric film under certain boundary condition .

  21. 最后在n型SiC不同光波段的C-V光照实验研究中,我们发现不同频率光波的光照的得出的C-V曲线界面态台阶不相同,该结果说明利用不同单色光波可以得到界面态分布的信息。

    Finally , different wavelengths of light-wave were applied to the photo-excited C-V , which indicated that the information of interface states could be obtained .

  22. 硅基二氧化硅光波导环形谐振器的技术研究保偏SiO2光波导环形谐振腔温度特性研究

    Research on the Technology of the Silicon-Based SiO_2 Waveguide Passive Ring Resonator Temperature characteristic of ring resonator in polarization maintaining silica optical waveguide

  23. 本研究采用了红外光谱固体粉末分析法,利用其在指纹光波区的结构敏感特性研究了α-Fe2O3的结晶动力学问题。

    This study adopts IR analysis of the solid powder . We study crystal kinetics problem of α - Fe_2O_3 by the structure sensitivity of finger-print region of IR .

  24. 在光波分复用(WDM)系统中,不稳定的载波频率给合、分波器与光纤的耦合带来了相当大的困难。

    The non-steady carrier frequency of optical Wavelength Division Multi-plexing ( W.D.M ) systems have some influence on coupling between multiplexing ( or demultiplexing ) stage and optical fiber .

  25. 光学方法制作H2时,必须配以合适的平面镜,使再现的光波按光的可逆原理展开成原状。

    When H 2 is made on optical setup , two right mirrors must be matched in order to returning the reconstructed wave to the original condition .

  26. 采用时域有限差分法(FDTD)直接求解Maxwell方程组,分析了二维随机激光器中环形随机腔的构成、形成条件及光波模式特性等。

    A finite-difference time-domain ( FDTD ) method is used to solve Maxwell 's equations directly . We have studied the structure , condition of formation and mode characteristic .

  27. 由于在区域网络中使用光时分复用技术,而在长距离骨干网络中使用光波分复用技术,因此称之为TWT光突发网络。

    We call it TWT photonic burst network because it employs OTDM in the regional network and OWDM in the long haul backbone network .

  28. 研究在由一薄片Kerr介质与一块二维反馈镜组成的非线性光学系统中光波前相位与光强的转换过程。

    The transformation of phase modulation to light intensity modulation in the system that consists of a slice of Kerr medium and a 2 dimension feedback mirror is studied .

  29. 使用该方法,在1280nm~1650nm带域内,对Si基SiO2光波导作了包括偏振变动优化在内的50%和20%功率耦合比的消波长依存波导耦合器的设计。

    Using the method , silica waveguides type 50 % and 20 % coupling ratio WINCs are designed with the optimization of the polarized light fluctuation .

  30. 光分插复用器(OADM)是光波分复用(WDM)系统的节点器件,OADM的性能直接关系到WDM系统的整体性能。

    Optical Add-Drop Multiplexer ( OADM ) is nodal point of Wave Division Multiplexer ( WDM ) . Performance of WDM relies on the performance of OADM device .