
guāng shí
  • light time
光时[guāng shí]
  1. 她把钱全亏光时,决意佯装若无其事。

    When she lost all her money , she was determined to keep up appearances .

  2. 亲爱的夏洛克告诉他给手机照X光时发现了什么

    Sherlock , dear , tell him what you found when you x-rayed my phone .

  3. 根据PSD的原理及特征方程,分析了存在背景光时PSD输出信号是非线性的。

    Following the principle and feature equations of the PSD , it is found that the output signal of PSD is nonlinear when there exists background light .

  4. 叶绿素α-水寡聚体水悬浮液在照光时有pH值变化,变化幅度0.2&0.3pH单位,停止照光pH恢复原值。

    This suspension underwent pH change under light , the range was 0.2 ~ 0.3 unit . When light was turned off , the pH of suspension returned to the original value . It indicated that there was an exchange of ion between the chlorophyll oligomer and water under light .

  5. 结果表明在注入相对高的功率,同时波长处于增益区的辅助光时,DFB-SOA增益恢复较快。

    Results show that the recovery time in the DFB-SOA is successfully reduced by injecting relatively high power assist light , whose wavelength is set at the gain region .

  6. 当她的钻石戒指遇到光时,有阵突然的闪耀。

    There was a sudden sparkle as her diamond ring caught the light .

  7. 当公司的资金快要用光时

    When the company was running out of money ,

  8. 在对抗无情的真相之光时就会轻易崩溃

    Easily broken when held up to the unforgiving light of the truth .

  9. 温度对荞麦生长发育的影响远大于光时的影响。

    The temperature effect on buckwheat growth and development is greater than that of day-length .

  10. 用曙暮光时的天光光强反演平流层气溶胶散射系数廓线

    Retrieval of the Profile of Stratospheric Aerosols from the Intensity of Skylight During Twilight Periods

  11. 它在等虫子汇集无人售货机的光时,捉吃呢。

    It was waiting insects gathering under the light of a vending machine to hunt them .

  12. 当我知道我丈夫把我们的存款都赌光时,我气疯了。

    I was so mad when I found out my husband had gambled our entire savings .

  13. 这就是你用棱镜分解一束光时所看到的东西。

    This is what you see when you break up a beam of light with a prism .

  14. 褪黑激素在夜间的浓度水平达最高而在白天(眼睛感受到光时)降低。

    Melatonin production peaks at night and is lower during the day when your eyes register light exposure .

  15. 许多公司让库存缩减很多使得当库存用光时订单数量回升。

    Many companies let inventories run down so much that when they ran out , orders picked up .

  16. 两正交偏振光作为记录光时,光栅生长曲线只有一个过程,前者的慢过程和后者过程的响应时间近于相同。

    The responding time of the former 's slow process is almost the same as that of the latter 's.

  17. 当他的钱全都用光时,彼得只好转而求助于一个朋友。

    When all his money had been used up , Peter had to turn to a friend for help .

  18. 当电压到系统、光时产生的电流通过这两个有机层。

    When voltage is applied to the system , light is generated when electricity passes through the two organic layers .

  19. 在寻找光时,你或许会突然被黑暗吞噬而找到真正的光。

    While looking for the light , you may suddenly be devoured by the darkness and find the true light .

  20. 在离地面约6000公里的高空中,云里面会有冰晶体,当这些冰晶体反射太阳光时,这种现象才会出现。

    It only appears when ice crystals create high clouds in the air around 6000 meters above ground , reflecting sunlight .

  21. 当观察被反射的光时,中心形成暗斑,就像薄肥皂膜一样。

    When viewed by reflected light , the center of the pattern is black , as is a thin soap film .

  22. 在地球上,当有太阳光时,大气使光线漫射,从而使光线似乎无处不在。

    On the earth , when the sun is up , our atmosphere diffuses light , making it seem to be everywhere .

  23. 当输入为单波长信号光时,可以通过测量探测器输出的电信号来获得光纤光栅所承受的温度和应变信息。

    The amount of the temperature or strain imposed on this device was obtained by measuring the electric signals changing with the shift of resonant wavelength .

  24. 当你研究这些光时,你就能知道恒星距地球的距离,辨别出它们的组成,了解它们的化学成分。

    When you analyze this light , you can figure out their distance from the earth and identify what they are made of , determine their chemical composition .

  25. 谭恩捡起一名死去守卫的长剑,这把剑正好落在纽明尼的神像附近。当剑身上涌现神圣之光时,坦恩和杰若感到豪气干云。

    Tanin picked up the sword of a fallen defender , one that had landed near Numiennen 's statue , when it began to glow with a holy light .

  26. 催化剂在利用太阳光时,太阳光不但提供了所需的紫外光和可见光,而且还提供了红外线,红外线会导致催化剂温度升高。

    When photocatalyst utilize sunlight , the light from sun not only provides ultraviolet and visible light , but also offers infrared which can lead to improvement of catalyst temperature .

  27. 激光为宽带非相干光时,随着时间延迟的增加,拉曼增强非简并四波混频信号强度的共振项和非共振项之间的比值增加。

    An enhancement of the ratio between the resonant and nonresonant Raman-enhanced nondegenerate four-wave mixing signal intensities was found as the time delay is increased when the laser has broadband linewidth .

  28. 对根冠遮光而给根尖其他部分照光时,稻根不发生负向光性反应。

    If root cap was shaded when the root was irradiated , the root showed no negative phototropism'And the root lost the characteristics of negative phototropism when root cap was divested completely .

  29. 血清5-羟色胺、褪黑素、皮质酮含量同样存在着昼夜节律的变化,三者表现为大致相同的波动规律,都是光时相(白昼)含量较低,暗时相(夜间)含量较高。

    Serum of 5-hydroxytryptamine , melatonin , corticosterone levels also exist changes in circadian rhythm , all three showed similar fluctuations , light phase ( day ) is lower , the dark phase ( night ) were higher .

  30. 这两种变化成分既可以解释为两子星间的物质转移和第三天体引起的光时效应,也可以解释为磁活动(包括引力四极矩机制和磁联机制)。

    The two variational components can be explained by the mass transfer between two component stars and light-time effect arising from a tertiary star , or by magnetic activities , including the gravitational quadrupole model and magnetic connection model , can also explain the two variational components .