
  • 网络Photovoltaic power generation system;photovoltaic system;PV system;PVPS
  1. Z源逆变器光伏发电系统变量调制范围随动的两级控制研究

    Two-Stage Control Strategy with Variable Shoot-Through Duty Cycle Maximum Range on Z-Source Inverter PV System

  2. 光伏发电系统最大功率点跟踪控制方法研究

    Tracing and Control of Maximum Power Point Application in PV System

  3. 天和家园43kWp屋顶并网光伏发电系统设计

    Design of 43kW_p Rooftop Grid-connected Photovoltaic Generating Electricity System at Tianhe Housing District

  4. 基于DSP的光伏发电系统并网技术的仿真研究

    Simulation and Research of Technology in PV-connected System Based on DSP

  5. 温差式最大用电功率计光伏发电系统最大功率跟踪的Boost电路改进

    Improvement of the Maximum Power Point Tracking Boost Circuit in the Photovoltaic Power Generation System

  6. 基于Z源逆变器的光伏发电系统研究

    Study of Z-source Inverter for Grid-connected PV Systems

  7. 光伏发电系统蓄电池SOC预测技术研究

    Study on the estimation technology of state of charge of battery in photovoltaic system

  8. 光伏发电系统变步长MPPT控制策略研究

    Research on Variable Perturb Step MPPT Control of Photovoltaic System

  9. 基于数值方法的光伏发电系统MPPT控制算法研究

    Research on MPPT Control Algorithm Based on Numerical Method for PV Generation Systems

  10. 基于粒子群算法的局部遮阴光伏发电系统MPPT控制的研究

    Research on MPPT Control of Partially Shaded PV System Based on PSO Algorithm

  11. 提出了一种适用于光伏发电系统或大容量UPS系统的高性能逆变器并联的控制方案。

    A control scheme of two parallel high-performance inverters is proposed , suitable for photovoltaic generation system and large scale UPS system .

  12. 对应用于光伏发电系统的最大功率点跟踪(MPPT)方法和反孤岛保护进行分析和概述。

    Analyzing and Summarizing the maximum power point tracking ( MPPT ) control method and non-islanding protection .

  13. 一种新颖的光伏发电系统Cuk型软开关变换器的研究

    Research on novel Cuk converter for photovoltaic power generating system

  14. 本文介绍一种户用太阳能光伏发电系统(又称PV系统)的计算流程,仅供参考。

    This paper introduces a kind of calculation process of the solar energy light volt generating electricity system ( called PV system ), Providing to consult only .

  15. 本文研究的太阳能水下滑翔机器人(SolarUnderwaterGlider),是一款新型观测类水下航行器,其自身搭载的太阳能光伏发电系统可为长航提供动力。

    In this paper , we study Solar Underwater Glider , is a new kind of underwater vehicle , and carry its own solar photovoltaic power generation system can provide power for long endurance .

  16. 给出了基于DSP控制的光伏发电系统的整体设计,包括MPPT控制和逆变器并网控制两部分,并给出控制系统具体工作流程。

    General design of PV generation system based on DSP control is given , in which MPPT control and grid-connected control of inverter are conclude . Concrete working flow of the control system . 3 .

  17. 因此,本文讨论了一种供电模式,通过对建筑原有电路进行改造,将光伏发电系统与市电并联,以UPS模式向负载供电。

    Therefore , in this paper , we discussed a sort of mode which make PV system connect with urban power net through rebuilding the old circuit in building then supply power to the load with UPS mode .

  18. 探讨了把软开关技术、三电平技术应用于光伏发电系统的可行性,并详细分析了应用于光伏发电系统的移相全桥ZVSDC/DC变换器电路的换流过程。

    Discussed the feasibility of the application of soft-switch and three-level technology using in the photovoltaic power generation and detailed the convertor process of the phase-shift full-bridge ZVS DC / DC convertor .

  19. 为光伏发电系统辅助电源设计了一种采用UC3863控制芯片的多路输出LLC谐振变换器。

    In this paper , a multiple output LLC resonant converter which uses UC3863 as supply control IC is designed for photovoltaic auxiliary power supply .

  20. 分析了光伏发电系统的主电路结构和工作特性、原理,在此基础上对DC/DC变换器进行了详细的分析,在几种常用的拓扑结构中选出最合适的拓扑结构boost变换器。

    The structure and work principle , characteristics of the main circuit of photovoltaic power system are analyzed . And based it , DC / DC converter is analyzed in detail , and the most appropriate topology structure boost converter is chosen from some commonly used topological structures .

  21. 介绍了VRLA蓄电池工作原理及其充放电特性,分析了光伏发电系统常用充电控制的优缺点,为兼顾充电效率和蓄电池使用寿命,采用了基于最大功率跟踪的三段式充电控制方法。

    And simulation in MATLAB proves the correctness of this control method . ( 2 ) Introduction of the VRLA battery working principle and the characteristics of the charging and discharging , the advantages and disadvantages of commonly used charging control are analyzed in PV power generation system .

  22. 3,最大功率点跟踪问题是光伏发电系统中的重点问题,基于此,详细介绍了几种常用的MPPT控制方法。

    Describing the operating characteristics of solar array . 3 , introducing the type and common operation of grid-connected inverter . Maximum power point tracking is the key issue in photovoltaic power generation system . Based on this , introducing several common MPPT control method in detail .

  23. BIPV将光伏发电系统与建筑物有机集成为一体,能有效降低光伏发电系统成本,缩短能量回收期,提高建筑物能效,是解决世界能源与环境问题,实现可持续发展的关键策略之一。

    The BIPV , as an important policy to mitigate energy and environmental issues and implement sustainable development , integrates organically photovoltaic power system into buildings , and can reduce the investment costs , shorten energy pay-back time , and improve the energy efficiency of buildings .

  24. 同时,介绍了在光伏发电系统中的孤岛保护效应。4.设计了4Kw小型光伏并网发电系统,包括发电形式、阵列设计等,并对系统需要的设备:逆变器、光伏电池等进行了选择。

    Meanwhile , introducing the islanding protection effect of photovoltaic power generation system . 4.4 KW solar photovoltaic system was designed : system power form , array design etc ; inverter , solar photovoltaic panels , etc were chosen in this system . 5 .

  25. 利用光伏发电系统抑制电网功率振荡的研究

    A Study on Damping Power System Oscillations Based on Photovoltaic System

  26. 光伏发电系统及其孤岛效应的仿真与实验研究

    Simulation and Experiment Research of Photovoltaic Generation System and Its Islanding

  27. 太阳能光伏发电系统数据采集和测试平台

    Development of a Data Acquisition Facility for the Photovoltaic Power System

  28. 光伏发电系统高效逆变器的研制

    Development high efficiency convertor for electricity generation system using light energy

  29. 独立光伏发电系统数据采集装置的研制

    Research and Designing of Data-Acquiring Equipment for Individual Photovoltaic System

  30. 自适应算法在光伏发电系统最大功率追踪中的应用

    Application of Adaptive Algorithm in Maximum Power Point Tracking of the Photovoltaic