
  • 网络aperture;stop;DIAPHRAGM;Iris
光阑 [guāng lán]
  • [diaphragm;aperture] 限制透镜或光学系统装置光孔的(如带孔的板);光阑光圈快门

  1. 式中X是点光源与可动光阑S间的距离(cm),即移动吸收槽直至透射光强度为定值的距离;

    Where x is the distance between the point light source and the movable diaphragm ( in cm ), i.e. the distance when the emergent intensity is a constant value ;

  2. 镜头光阑是非接触式光学成像系统中的一个重要部件,并对CCD相机上采集到的图像具有重大影响。

    The camera lens diaphragm is an important component in a noncontact optical imaging system and has a crucial influence on the images registered on the CCD camera .

  3. 并通过在不同位置快速测量辐射野,实现X射线主射束、光阑、快门、过滤片、定位装置同轴性的调整。

    The coaxial adjustment of the X-ray beam , aperture and shutter , the filter , positioning device is realized .

  4. 基于mms技术的光谱仪,通过大口径编码光阑能够同时对1000条光学通道进行采样。

    Mms-based spectrometers sample up to1000 optical channels simultaneously through the large coded aperture .

  5. 该文从Collins公式出发,对受光阑限制厄米-高斯光束的聚焦特性进行了研究。

    Starting from the Collins formula , the focusing property of apertured Hermite-Gaussian beams is studied .

  6. 高斯光束通过多高斯光阑ABCD系统的传输

    Propagation of Gaussian beams through a multi-Gaussian apertured ABCD system

  7. 最后给出了描写矩形硬边光阑焦移特性的ABCD矩阵。

    And a ABCD matrix for the rectangular aperture is also given .

  8. 贝塞尔光束通过环形硬边光阑的ABCD光学系统传输

    Propagation Properties of Bessel Beams Through a Hard-edged Annular Apertured ABCD Optical System

  9. 通过有光阑近轴ABCD光学系统激光束的近似解析传输公式

    Approximate analytical propagation equations of laser beams through a paraxial optical ABCD system with aperture

  10. 高斯光束通过有环形光阑限制的ABCD光学系统的传输

    The Propagation of Gaussian Beams Going through a ABCD Optical System with an Annular Aperture

  11. 在MMS光谱仪中,使用了色散光栅质谱法,并以大口径编码光阑代替了传统狭缝入口。

    In MMS Spectrometers , a dispersive-grating geometry with a wide-area coded aperture takes the place of a traditional slit entrance .

  12. 定义两种描述高斯光束被硬边光阑弱衍射的远场下的光阑ABCD矩阵。

    Two ABCD matrices for describing hard apertured Gaussian beams weakly diffracted in the far field are defined .

  13. 使用Collins公式推导了拉盖尔-高斯光束通过光阑-透镜分离系统的光强分布。利用数值计算详细分析和说明了其聚焦特性。

    In this paper , the expression for axial intensity distribution of Laguerre-Gaussian beams passing through an aperture-lens separation system is derived using Collins formula .

  14. 使用Collins公式研究了厄米高斯光束通过光阑透镜分离光学系统的聚焦特性。

    The focusing properties of Hermite-Gaussian ( H-G ) beams in passage through an aperture-lens separation optical system are studied based on the Collins formula .

  15. 用同样方法分析得到了离轴余弦高斯光束通过受光阑约束的傍轴ABCD轴对称光学系统传输后的解析式。

    In a similar way , the corresponding analytical expressions of off-axial Cosine-Gaussian beams through apertured ABCD matrix were also given .

  16. 给出部分相干光通过硬边光阑后的强度二阶矩的计算公式,由此可得到部分相干光通过硬边光阑后的推广光束传输M2因子。

    The formulae of second-order intensity moments of partially coherent beams passing through hard-edged apertures were given . The generalized propagation parameter M 2-factor of partially coherent beams was obtained .

  17. 对焦距缩放、光阑位置优化、节省几何光学传递函数(OTF)计算时间等提出了看法。

    A discussion is made regarding scaling focal length , optimization of stop distance and saving the time for OTF calculation .

  18. 系统由光源、光阑和聚光镜、标尺光栅、显微物镜及CMOS电子目镜组成,光栅图像进入PC机,采用软件进行细分。

    Whole system included lamp-house , diaphragm and condenser lens , metrological grating , microscope objective and CMOS image sensor . The grating image transfer to PC by USB , and subdivide it by software .

  19. H-G光束经内含光阑光学系统传输的递推算法

    The recurrence algorithm of Hermit-Gaussian beams through a paraxial optical system with an internal hard-edge aperture

  20. 用傅立叶级数展开法研究光束通过有光阑限制的近轴ABCD光学系统的传输特性,导出了光阑透射率函数不同时的传输公式。

    By using the Fourier series expansion , approximate analytical propagation equations of laser beams through a paraxial optical ABCD system with different apertures are derived .

  21. 本文介绍了在设计鱼眼镜头时,在不同的视场角情况下,入瞳和光阑的位置,以及对f′1、D、lp和hp的要求。

    In the condition of different angles of viewfield , the locations of entrance pupil and diaphragm are discussed , when the fish-eye lens is designed . The requirements of f '_1 , D , l_p and h_p are also given .

  22. 实验采用了不同光阑孔径的积分球系统及He-Ne激光,并根据测量数据计算和分析了大鼠组织对该波长激光的漫反射特性。

    Integrating sphere system and He Ne laser were used in the experiment . Diffuse reflection characteristic of He Ne laser irradiation for rats tissues were analyzed and it was evaluated by measured datum .

  23. 由于列车行使过程中外界景物照度会随着环境的不同而变化,改变光阑的大小和调节电子快门曝光时间可以获得CCD最佳的曝光量,从而达到良好的观察效果。

    Because of the illuminance of external world change with train working , we can change the iris diaphragm size and adjust shutter exposure time access to the best of the CCD exposure , So as to achieve good results observed .

  24. 对高斯光束通过有硬边光阑近轴ABCD光学系统的传输进行了研究,采用将矩形函数展开为复高斯函数的技巧,推导出了近似的解析传输公式。

    Based on the Collins formula and Sylvester theorem , the propagation equation of Gaussian beams passing through a multi-Gaussian apertured paraxial optical ABCD system is derived .

  25. 研究结果表明:高斯反射率平凹腔和加孔径光阑七折叠稳定腔容易获得基模输出,可用于高功率横流CO2激光器以获得高功率高质量的激光光束。

    It is shown that the Gaussian-reflectivity plano-concave resonator and the seven-folded resonator with circular diaphragms can easily output the fundamental-mode laser beams , respectively . Therefore , laser beams with high power and good quality can be obtained by using two resonators above .

  26. 推导出了平顶高斯光束通过有线性增益(损耗)的近轴ABCD光学系统、无光阑和有光阑ABCD光学系统后解析形式的传输方程。

    The analytical propagation equations of flattened Gaussian beams through a paraxial ABCD optical system with linear gain ( absorption ), unapertured and apertured ABCD systems are derived .

  27. 为了要让整体系统获取最高能量利用率,本文把孔径光阑放置在前置变焦系统上,使其出瞳经后端系统成像在AOTF晶体中心处。

    In order to obtain the highest energy utilization , we set the aperture stop on the front zoom system to image at the center of AOTF .

  28. 然而,在大气湍流中,如果以瑞利区间ZR作为光束质量的特征参数,则受光阑限制的振幅调制和相位畸变光束的光束质量可能会比受光阑限制的高斯光束的要好。

    However , in turbulence the beam quality of truncated laser beams with AMs and PFs may be better than that of truncated Gaussian beams if the zR is taken as the characteristic parameter of beam quality .

  29. 针对Li提出的平顶光束的新描述模型,分别采用广义二阶矩方法和矩形函数的复高斯函数展开方法,推导出平顶光束通过硬边光阑的广义光束传输M2因子和模相关系数的解析表达式。

    By using the definition of generalized second-order moments and complex Gaussian functions expansion of rectangular function , the analytical expressions for the generalized M2-factor and mode coherence coefficients of the new model of flat-topped beams introduced by Li have been derived .

  30. 根据这些结论,设计了φ100mm高分辨率干涉仪的光源、扩束系统、准直物镜、光阑,成像透镜和CCD等单元。完成了波前倾斜、波像差和元件表面反射率等公差分析。

    Based on theses conclusions , the φ 100 high resolution interferometer has been designed and the tolerances of the system have been analyzed , including wavefront slope tolerances , aberration tolerances and reflectivity tolerances .