
xiān tiān xìnɡ jí bìnɡ
  • congenital diseases;inborn disease
  1. 用IHA法检测患先天性疾病儿童147例,患一般疾病儿童396例和健康儿童150例血清弓形虫抗体。

    Using IHA method , serum toxoplasmatic antibody was measured in 147 children afflicted with congenital diseases , 369 children with general diseases and 150 healthy children .

  2. 磁共振尿路成像对肾盂输尿管先天性疾病的诊断价值

    Evaluation of MR urography in the diagnosis of pelvis and ureter congenital diseases

  3. 在人类,SOX基因的缺失或突变可导致许多先天性疾病。

    In human , the deletion or mutation of SOX proteins results in developmental defects and congenital disease .

  4. 慢性肉芽肿性疾病(CGD)是一种少见的先天性疾病,其特征为反复细菌和真菌感染。

    Chronic granulomatous disease ( CGD ) is a rare congenital disorder characterized by repeated bacterial and fungal infections .

  5. Joe可以控制他的旅行计划,工作安排和其他事情,却无法控制自己的孩子有先天性疾病或者母亲逝世这样的事情。

    While Joe could control his travel schedule , work agenda , and other things , he could not control the fact that his child was born with a medical issue or that it was his mothers time to go .

  6. 结论SRY基因是人类性别决定的主导基因,但尚有其他基因参与性别分化。人类的性别决定与先天性疾病

    Conclusion : Sex was mainly determined by SRY , but normal sexual development may result from the functional and developmental integration of a number of different genes that play roles in determination , sexual differentiation and sexual behavior . Sex Determination and Congenital Disease of Mankind

  7. 四年之内,患有先天性疾病的成年人也将纳入偿付范围。

    Adults with pre-existing conditions will be added in four years .

  8. 疾病分布以呼吸系统占首位,其次为先天性疾病、循环系统疾病。

    Most errors occurred in respiratory , congenital and cardiovascular diseases .

  9. 方法脊柱裂与脊髓栓系综合征是一种先天性疾病。

    Methods Spinal bifida and tethered cord syndrome are congenital malformations .

  10. 染色体技术诊断遗传性疾病病因的应用遗传性与先天性疾病

    Application of chromosomal technology in the etiological diagnosis of hereditary diseases

  11. 结论:小儿精阜增生症为先天性疾病;

    Conclusions : Hyperplasia of verumontanum is a congenital disease .

  12. 排除标准:患各种先天性疾病及异常的婴幼儿。

    Exclusive criteria : infants with congenital disease or abnormality .

  13. 手术及经导管栓塞皆是治疗此先天性疾病的选择。

    Both surgery and coil embolism are options for correcting this anomaly .

  14. 莉齐患有一种尚未命名的罕见的先天性疾病。

    Lizzie has a rare congenital condition that does not have a name .

  15. 先天性疾病筛选是当前公共卫生项目中的一个重要部分。

    Congenital malformation screening program is now an important part of public health program .

  16. 人类的性别决定与先天性疾病

    Sex Determination and Congenital Disease of Mankind

  17. 干细胞宫内移植为先天性疾病治疗开辟了一条新途径。

    Stem cell transplantation in uterus developed a new approach for the treatment of congenital disease .

  18. 先天性疾病11人;

    11 cases were congenital ;

  19. 胃重复畸形是一种少见的先天性疾病,常在婴幼儿时期发现,成人胃重复十分罕见。

    Gastric duplication anomaly is an uncommon congenital disease , mostly reported in children , rare in adults .

  20. 吸烟、酒精以及许多合法非法药物会造成先天性疾病,在妊娠期间应该避免。

    Smoking , alcohol , and many legal and illegal drugs can cause congenital disorders and should be avoided .

  21. 因肿瘤、先天性疾病、炎症或其他原因引起的气管狭窄,在临床并非罕见。

    Tracheal stenosis caused by tumor , congenital disease , inflammation and other reasons is very common in clinical practices .

  22. 疾病包括良性及恶性肿瘤,先天性疾病,特异性炎症等,都累及颅腔。

    The diseases included benign and malignant tumor , congenital disease , specific infection , which were all related to cranium .

  23. 由于肿瘤、外伤、先天性疾病或严重的牙周炎等造成的牙槽骨缺损直接影响口腔修复重建。

    Alveolar bone defects resulting from trauma , tumor , congenital deformities or serious periodontitis present a challenge to prosthetic reconstruction .

  24. 它患有一种名为“独眼畸形”的先天性疾病,很多动物都会出现独眼畸形,包括人类在内。

    The eye is a hallmark of a congenital condition called cyclopia , which occurs in several animal species , including humans .

  25. 颁布此禁令的一个主要原因是人们相信近亲结婚易导致下一代不幸地患上严重的先天性疾病。

    A major reason for this ban is the belief that kids of first cousins are tragically susceptible to serious congenital illnesses .

  26. 例如,六个月之内,新的法律将禁止保险公司拒绝为存在先天性疾病的儿童进行赔付。

    For example , in six months the new law will bar insurance companies from denying coverage to children with pre-existing health conditions .

  27. 骨缺损是因骨创伤、感染、肿瘤切除或先天性疾病等造成骨质局部缺失的一种疾病。

    Bone defect may be the result of a variety of causes such as trauma , infection , tumor resection and skeletal abnormalities .

  28. 目的:通过对山东省9个县(市、区)0~7岁儿童出生缺陷的调查,了解影响山东省出生人口素质的重要遗传病、先天性疾病及其影响因素。

    Objective : To investigate childhood congenital and genetic diseases from age 0 to 7 in Shandong province and the relevant risk factors .

  29. 遗传印记基因影响哺乳动物细胞的生长、发育和行为,与人类先天性疾病、发育不全和肿瘤等密切相关。

    Genetic imprinting genes affect mammalian cell growth , development and behavior , and closely relate to human genetic diseases , hypoplasia and tumors .

  30. 背景:烧伤后瘢痕或先天性疾病引起头额部皮肤缺损修复是整形外科较为棘手的问题。

    BACKGROUND : Repair of scalp and forehead skin defects caused by postburn scars or congenital factors is a fairly challenging problem in plastic surgery .