
zhào bǐ tè
  • megabit;Mb;megabyte
  1. 文章阐述了交换型多兆比特数据服务的概念、性能、特点、结构、协议接口、用途、分组及信元格式,并与帧中继和异步传输模式(ATM)作了比较。

    This paper expounds the concept , performance , characteristics , architecture , protocol interface , uses , packet and cell format of switched multi - megabit data services , and compares it with frame relay and ATM .

  2. 200兆比特/秒注入式GaAs-GaAlAs双异质结激光器的调制实验

    A 200 Mb / s modulation experiment employing an injection GaAs GaAlAs DH laser

  3. 注意:键入k或m可分别指定千比特或兆比特。

    Note : type K or m to specify kilobits or megabits , respectively .

  4. 这款名为MyTouch的4G手机采用了高速分组接入HSPA14.4的技术,上网速度将达到每秒7兆比特。

    The myTouch 4G uses HSPA plus 14.4 networking which gives speeds up to 7 mbps .

  5. 昨天,美国通信监管机构——联邦通信委员会(FederalCommunicationCommission,简称FCC)以3比2的票数,将宽带定义为下载速度至少达到每秒25兆比特的互联网服务。相比之下,此前宽带的定义为每秒4兆比特。

    The US communications watchdog voted 3-2 yesterday to define broadband as an internet service with download speeds of at least 25 megabits per second , compared with its previous definition of 4 Mbps .

  6. 今年,德国弗朗霍夫海因里希赫兹研究所科学家称,在实验室的数据连接中,一个LED灯泡已经可以实现1兆比特每秒的速度,这样一个三色的灯泡传达数据的速度将可以达到3兆比特每秒。

    This year , the Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute claimed that data rates of up to 1Gbit / s per LED light frequency were possible in laboratory conditions , making one bulb with three colours potentially capable of transmitting data at up to 3Gbit / s.

  7. FCC内部存在沿着党派界线的分歧。三位民主党成员表示,移动设备、视频流服务和“物联网”的激增,意味着消费者需要超高网速。而共和党成员表示,10兆比特的下载速度足够了。

    The FCC split along party lines , with the three Democrats saying the proliferation of mobile devices , video streaming and the " internet of things " meant consumers needed superior internet speeds and Republicans saying 10Mb download speeds were sufficient .

  8. 嵌入式SRAM在片上系统中占据很大的面积,是一种很重要的功能模块,它们的容量一般是几千到几兆比特不等。

    Embedded SRAMs are an important intellectual property block and occupy a large area in modern system-on-chip ( SoC ) . They are used in different sizes ranging from a few kilobits to a few megabits .

  9. 第一版的HDBaseT标准支持10兆比特(Mbit)每秒的数据传输,相当于目前普通中低端电脑“快速以太网”的标准。

    The first version of the cable will have a data throughput of100 megabits a second , the " Fast Ethernet " standard that is now common on low-and mid-range computers .

  10. 上面这幅地图根据内容分发网络(CDN)服务商Akamai记录,以兆比特每秒为单位,展示了世界各国的网络连接速度,Akamai目前的服务范围涵盖了全球15%-30%的互联网流量。

    The map above shows the world according to average connection speed in Mbits / s , as recorded by Akamai - the content delivery network ( CDN ) responsible for serving between 15 and 30 percent of all web traffic .

  11. 按每个国家或地区的宽带每秒的平均网速排名(单位是兆比特每秒Mbps),美国排在第17位,上榜国家或地区的网速都比美国的网速快。

    Each of these countries is ranked by the average speed of their broadband internet connection in megabits per second ( Mbps ) . And they are all faster than the United States , which ranks 17th in the world in internet connection speed , according the list .

  12. 本榜单按每个地区宽带每秒的平均网速排名(单位是兆比特每秒,Mbps),上榜地区的网速都比美国的网速快,美国排在第17位。

    Each of these countries or regions is ranked by the average speed of their broadband internet connection in megabits per second ( Mbps ) . And they are all faster than the United States , which ranks 17th in the world in internet connection speed , according the list .

  13. 他们提供安全的,128位加密的数据传输,以高达54兆比特每秒的速度传输达2英里。

    They offer secure , 128-bit encrypted data transmission of up to two miles at54 Mbps .

  14. 亚州欧州接入家庭的传输速率在25-100兆比特每秒(不够快流高清晰度电视)。

    Asian and European customers get home connections of25 to100 megabits per second ( fast enough to stream high-definition video ) .

  15. 在日本将近40%的家庭到年底宽带运行速度有望达到每秒12兆比特。

    In Japan , some 40 % of homes are expected to have broadband running as fast as 12 Mbps by year-end .

  16. 通过使用免许可证信息基础频段,无线局域网可以提供高达几十兆比特每秒的速率。

    Using the unlicensed national information infrastructure ( U-NII ) band , WLAN systems can provide data rates up to several tens of megabits per second .

  17. 分析结果表明跳频技术应用于高速电力线通信不但可以提高传输数据的可靠性,还可以使传输速率达到每秒兆比特数量级。

    The results show that the application of frequency hopping in high-speed power line communication can not only enhance the reliability of transmission but also transmit the data as fast as Mbps .