
  • 网络MPA;megapascals;kpa;MPa MPa
  1. 离心惯性力变化引起的应力其主方向为SN向和EW向,应力的大小随着地球自转角速度的持续增加而积累,其量级可能达到几十到几百兆帕或更大。

    The principal stress resulting from the change of centrifugal inertial force is South North and East West oriented , and the magnitude of the stress may reach to tens to several hundreds MPa .

  2. 地基板、侧墙板和沟渠盖使用E级混凝土(17.5兆帕)建造,并与GECELCA的核准图所注明的细节一致。

    The slab of base , lateral walls and the covers of the canals will be in concrete Class E ( 17.5 MPa ) and in agreement with the details indicated in the plans approved by GECELCA .

  3. 本文介绍了内径达20毫米的活塞圆筒式高压静水压缩试验装置,该装置可在0~4500兆帕压力范围内进行P-V关系试验;

    A new , cylinder-piston high pressure hydrostatic testing equipment was briefly introduced .

  4. 依据现有的流变学定律估算的流变应力应该在几十兆帕以上。

    Stress level is estimated at tens of MPa based on existing flow laws .

  5. 最大工作压力等于或大于69兆帕。

    Maximum working pressure of69 MPa or greater .

  6. 杯子成型需要气压提供,正常气压为6-8兆帕。需要配三立方空压机。

    Glass forming pressure needed to provide air pressure , the normal pressure is6-8 MPa .

  7. 氢气被介绍给一个兆帕的压力,然后在高压釜非常激烈。

    Hydrogen was introduced to a pressure of1MPa , and then the autoclave was heated .

  8. 把泵压保持在20兆帕以下。

    Keep the pump pressure under20Mpa .

  9. 模拟结果表明中国西部的岩石圈挠曲应力的量值达数百兆帕。

    The result shows that the flexural stress of the western China is about several hundred MPa .

  10. 上述密闭容器中的易燃液体,其对容器底部所产生的压强通常为几个兆帕。

    The flammable liquid in sealed container usually produces several million PA pressure for the bottom of container .

  11. 实验结果显示该系统控制器在排气压力0.6兆帕以下时是可行的。

    The experimental results show that the system controller is feasible when its exhaust back pressure is under 0.6 Mpa .

  12. 它是在类似压力锅的一个大的不锈钢锅炉里,放入碱液,加热到300度,压强为0.414兆帕的条件下将尸体溶解掉。

    It uses lye , 300-degree heat and60 pounds of pressure per square inch to destroy bodies in big stainless-steel cylinders that are similar to pressure cookers .

  13. 金属切削是一个伴随着高温的塑性大变形过程,在加工表面往往产生高达几百兆帕的残余应力。

    Metal cutting generally involves a large amount of plastic deformation and is coupled thermomechanical process . It always comes with several hundred MPa of residual stresses on the machined surface .

  14. 测量结果表明,现在唐山地区的应力水平很低,在接近300米的深度上最大水平主应力仅7.8兆帕,最大水平剪应力值也仅1兆帕。

    The results indicate that the horizontal principal stresses are very low presently in Tangshan area , the maximum horizontal principal stress is only 7.8 Mpa near depth of 300m , and the maximum horizontal shear stress is 1 Mpa .

  15. 但鼹鼠星大部分内核的压强在100兆帕以上,这么高的压强足以杀死任何细菌,并把鼹鼠的尸体都蒸熟。这样鼹鼠体内就不存在可以分解鼹鼠肉的微生物了。

    But throughout the majority of the planet 's interior , the pressure would be over 100 megapascals , which is high enough to kill all bacteria and sterilize the mole remains-leaving no microorganisms to break down the mole tissue .

  16. 应力降在0.01兆帕到10兆帕的范围内变化,且主要集中在0.1兆帕和1兆帕之间,因此取1兆帕以上为高应力降,用以评定该区的应力积累情况。

    The stress drops vary in the range from 0.01 MPa to 10 MPa and are concentrated mainly between 0.1 MPa and 1 MPa , so 1 MPa and more have been taken as high stress drop for evaluating the tectonic stress accumulation in this region .