
sēng ní
  • Monk and nun;Buddhist monks and nuns
僧尼 [sēng ní]
  • [Buddhist monks and nuns] 统称和尚和尼姑

僧尼[sēng ní]
  1. 本案以七居八水为基础,依据建筑定律以数、行、物为指导方针,设计了这一全国僧尼养老场所,籍此达到生生不息的理念。

    The project is designed for a rest home for Buddhist monks and nuns in the nationwide , based on the principle of seven houses eight waters and construction law of number , row and object , so as to meet the concept of the circle of life .

  2. 韶关地区佛教僧尼血压状况及其相关因素的调查

    Blood Pressure Conditions And Its Correlated Factors Of Buddhist Monks And Nuns In Shaoguan District

  3. 现在是对僧尼的要求:不可以大量地煮肉。

    Some people give up meat altogether , but some people cannot .

  4. 其次,关于隋唐时期的僧尼的实际角色。

    The second , about actual part of monastic in Sui and Tang dynasty .

  5. 首先,关于隋唐社会所认可的僧尼的理想角色。

    The first , about ideal part of monastic considered by Sui and Tang society .

  6. 论晚明通俗小说中的僧尼形象

    On Buddhist Monk and Nun Characters in Chinese Popular Novels of the Late Ming Dynasty

  7. 隋唐时期的法律对于僧尼违法犯戒的行为,也有严格的处罚规定。

    The laws had also some rigorous punishment prescribe to monastic ' actions of disobeying Buddhism commandment .

  8. 该影响又不仅仅局限于得道高僧,更多地亦体现在普通僧尼之中及民间。

    And this influence is not only on the learned monks or nuns , but also on the common monks , nuns and lay people .

  9. 晚唐五代时期敦煌地区僧尼人口的增长及原因探析

    The Growth of Dunhuang Population of Buddhist Monks and Nuns in the Period of Late Tang and Five Dynasties as Well as Its Growth Reasons

  10. 于是,在戏曲小说中对不危害他人的僧尼道姑的情爱行为予以宽容和同情。

    Therefore , the love affairs of the monks and nuns , if harmless to others , accepted tolerance and sympathy in novels and dramas .

  11. 第三类是恶俗僧尼形象,可以具体划分为恶俗男僧和恶俗女尼两大类。

    The third category is the vulgar monastic image which can be divided into two kinds : the vulgar monk image and the vulgar nun image .

  12. 海宁斜桥等地则由僧尼捧观音木像,敲木鱼磬钹沿街求雨。

    Haining bridge of Buddhist monks and nuns hailed by the Goddess of Mercy and other places , like wood , Qiao Muyu rain chime cymbals street .

  13. 这些僧尼形象体现了晚明的社会思潮、因果观念和女性观念的多层意义。

    These images embody multiple significance , that is , social trends of thought in later Ming Dynasty , concept of cause and effect and concept of women .

  14. 而随着社会的变化,隋唐时期僧尼的理想角色发生了变化,僧尼的角色冲突也在不断地发生变化。

    The ideal part of monastic considered by Sui and Tang society changed along with society , the part 's conflict of monastic also changed along with society .

  15. 当时寺院僧尼的经商行为也较之前代更普遍,形式更多样,更加堂而皇之而不顾及原始佛教教义的约束。

    At that time , the business run by the monks was even commoner than before with various forms and without the bounds of the doctrines of original Buddhism .

  16. 这两位比丘尼了解我的情况,慈悲地告诉我说:许多人出家,通常是在过去生中发过愿,要再回来当僧尼。

    The nuns , understanding my naivet é, kindly explained that many people who enter monastic life , usually make vows in past lives to return as monks or nuns .

  17. 导致僧尼角色冲突的原因很多,除了社会方面的原因之外,还有僧尼自身的原因。

    It had a good many of causes came into being part 's conflict of monastic , the monastic oneself was very important one besides the aspect of Sui and Tang society .

  18. 僧尼形象作为一类独特的宗教人物形象,丰富了世情小说的人物画廊,反映了明代社会的宗教现状和风俗人情。

    As a kind of special religious images , the Buddhist monks and nuns enriched the characters in human relationship novels , reflected the religious situation and the local customs in the Ming dynasty .

  19. 从时人的言论及他们对僧尼的态度可以看出,社会对僧尼应该做什么、不应该做什么都有明确的规范和要求。

    We can see the society had specific criterion and desire for monastic about what should to do and what should not to do from people 's saying and attitude to monastic of the day .

  20. 保护寺院,控制僧尼,奖掖高僧,弘扬佛教文化,使佛教发展纳入理性的轨道,取得了较好的社会效果。

    They protected temple , controlled Buddhist monks and nuns , praised the masters of the Buddhism and carryded forward the Buddhism culture , so that the Buddhism started to get into the rational way .

  21. 千百年来,九华山就成为文人游客向往骏奔的圣地、香客僧尼顶礼膜拜的道场。

    For centuries Jinhua Mountain has become a scared place where scholars and visitors look forward to going , and it also is a Buddhist rite which pilgrims , monks and Buddhist nuns pay homage to .

  22. 他们是僧尼形象中最具普遍性、性格最丰富的一类,凡俗僧尼形象的大量出现源于明代适俗化的佛教政策、世俗社会的宗教需求对佛教世俗化的影响。

    The emergence of a large number of profane monastic images derives from the influence of the secular Buddhism policy and the religious needs from the secular society in the Ming dynasty to the secularization of Buddhism .

  23. 第三章探讨僧侣在理论和实践中如何争取统治阶级对佛教的理解和支持,统治阶级中的崇佛者如何对僧尼产生影响,并进一步对佛教产生影响。

    Chapter Three discusses how the Buddhists have gained the understanding and support from the rulers theoretically and realistically and how the Buddhism believers among the ruling class have influenced the Buddhists positively and further influenced Buddhism .

  24. 有的僧尼违背了戒律规定,超越了传统的出家观念,他们或饮酒食肉,或过问政治军事,或追名逐利。

    But some monastic breached Buddhism commandment , exceeded conventional conception of breaking away family , they kissed the cup , or ate meat , or concerned politics and military affairs , or aspired after fame and gain .

  25. 本文运用社会学的角色理论,通过掌握的各种史料特别是石刻史料,分析了隋唐时期僧尼的理想角色、实际角色,并对这一时期僧尼角色冲突的特点及原因进行了考察。

    By all sorts of historical materials especially of stone inscription , the paper analyzes ideal part and actual part and characteristic and cause of part conflict of monastic in Sui and Tang dynasty by sociological theory of society part .

  26. 他对佛教传播、佛经翻译以及僧尼管理制度的确立,特别是对佛教文献学都做出了巨大的贡献,并且产生了积极而深远的影响。

    He made great contributions to the spread of buddhism , the translation of Buddhistical scriptures and promoted the establishment of the administrative system of monks and nuns and especially poured active and profound effects on the documentation of buddhism .

  27. 运用专家评分法对安徽九华山旅游集团公司核心利益相关者进行实证研究,结果表明:员工、居民/经营户、游客、僧尼和九华山风景区管理委员会为该公司的核心利益相关者。

    The empirical study of Anhui Jiuhua Mountain Tourist Co. , by expert grading method , shows that the staff , the residents / business owners , the tourists , the monks and nuns and the Jiuhua Mountain Scenic Area Management Committee is the company 's core stakeholders .