
  • 网络Locker;Stash;Storage Bins;storage lockers;Chest
  1. 倘遗失储物箱锁匙,按金概不发还。

    Deposit will be forfeited if the locker key is lost .

  2. 每名学生只能租借一个储物箱。

    Each student is restricted to rent one locker only .

  3. 我会把你那恶心的小脸打进那个储物箱。

    I 'd smash your pathetic little face right into that locker .

  4. 她长得就跟当年偷我奶奶储物箱的人一样

    She looks like the people that stole my grandmother 's good hutch .

  5. 租借期及租金:请参阅租借储物箱须知。

    Rental Period and rental : Please refer to Information on Locker Renting .

  6. 杰纳斯租车行在车上的储物箱里找到的

    Janus Cars.Just found this in the glove compartment .

  7. 带通风储物箱的座椅扶手/中央控制台

    Armrest / centre console with ventilated stowage compartment

  8. 从中控台储物箱中拆下控制台。

    Remove console from centre console storage bin .

  9. 在车上的储物箱里找到的。

    Just found this in the glove compartment .

  10. 客人需不少于一个工作天预约提取及存放常满储物箱。

    The customer should order their pick-up and deposit prior to one working day .

  11. 把所有的储物箱打开!

    I want those lockers open now !

  12. 日本传统家具木作技术研究&以传统泡桐矮柜为例五斗橱橱柜的储物箱,特指放衣服的矮衣柜

    Study on the Woodworking of Japanese Traditional Furniture : Paulownia Low Cabinet as an Example

  13. 常满储物箱的容积及质料则以本公司为准。

    Dimension and material of Sheung Moon Box are subject to our company 's standards .

  14. 我得从储物箱里拿登记证

    I 'm gonna have to reach inside the glove compartment to get the registration .

  15. 常满储物箱不限于被存放在香港任何地点。

    Sheung moon Box is not limited to be put in any place in HongKong .

  16. 她说她也要偷你的储物箱

    She says she wants your hutch .

  17. 如果你没有一个足够大的抽屉,那就找个大的储物箱吧。

    If you don 't have a drawer large enough , you could do a bin .

  18. 选择所需要的储物箱。

    Select a locker and submit .

  19. 起租日期由首次将客户所属之常满储物箱运送往本公司货仓当天起开始计算。

    The starting renting day of the box is calculated frome the day of the first delivery .

  20. 惟书院可能在有需要情况下,不再提供储物箱借用服务,届时将另行通知借用同学。

    However , the College may terminate the locker service anytime by giving one month 's notice .

  21. 购置各种尺寸的储物箱,把每件东西都标记好,然后放进去。

    Buy storage containers of all sizes , give everything a place and then label the containers .

  22. 借用者须保持储物箱整洁,并避免于箱内存放贵重物品。

    The lockers must be kept clean at all times and no valuables should be kept inside lockers .

  23. 这款手机是作为“备用”手机设计的,你可以把它放在汽车储物箱里应急。

    The phone is designed as a " backup " phone you can keep in the glove compartment for emergencies .

  24. 还有一张床则被当成储物箱,那些他看不上的东西都被丢到这儿了。

    The other bed serves as a catch-all where he throws anything that ` s not pretty enough for his domain .

  25. 常满储物箱不可存放于一年期内会过期之对象及食物。

    The Sheung Moon box also can 't be used for the storage of goods which will become perishable within one year .

  26. 常满储物箱不可存放一切跟据香港特别行政区法例定为非法之物件。

    Illegal objects that was forbidden in the laws of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region can not be stored in the Sheung Moon Box .

  27. 宝易存的员工上门取送,提供标准尺寸的储物箱和预约取件/送件服务,费用从每月49港元起。

    Boxful 's staff go to the customers , providing standard-size crates , and offer an on-demand pick-up and drop-off service from HK $ 49 a month .

  28. Spacebox还在研究一项新的服务,让客户分享装有自己物品(从婴儿衣物到电子设备)的储物箱。

    Spacebox is also working on a new service that will allow customers to share boxes of their belongings , whether they contain baby clothes or electronics .

  29. 在2006年点球战胜西汉姆之后,贝尼特斯已经有了一块足总杯的金牌在他的储物箱中,而那天他认为是他足球生命中最棒的时刻之一。

    Benitez already has one FA Cup medal in his cabinet following the penalties victory over West Ham in2006-a day he counts as one of his best in football .

  30. 当他终于有机会讲话时,他叫我打开汽车仪表板上的储物箱,拿出上面写有我名字的一个信封。

    When he finally had a chance to respond , he asked me to open the glove compartment of the car and take out an envelope with my name on it .