
jiàn kānɡ zhènɡ mínɡ
  • medical certificate
  1. 我的健康证明丢了。

    I lost my medical certificate .

  2. 她得出示她的健康证明。

    She had to show the paper to certify that she was in good health .

  3. 请让我看一下你的飞机票、护照和健康证明行吗?

    May I see your airplane ticket , passport and health certificate , please ?

  4. 餐饮业的卫生管理、建筑流程与布局、卫生设施、从业人员健康证明持有率、环境卫生等方面均有明显改进,P值均小于0.05,前后差异比较有统计学意义。

    The hygienic management , building procedure and outlet , hygienic facilities and environment , and the holding rate of health certificate in employees are apparently improved .

  5. 医生为我父亲开了健康证明。

    The doctor gave my father a clean bill of health .

  6. 这是我的机票、护照和健康证明。

    Here are my ticket , passport and health certificate .

  7. 健康证明(资质)和形式发票在箱子里。

    Healthy certificate and form invoice are in the box .

  8. 你有北京市卫生检疫局提供的健康证明吗?

    Do you have health certificate issued by Beijing health and quarantine bureau ?

  9. 这是我的健康证明和学员许可证。

    This is my fitness certificate and this is my trainee 's permit .

  10. 健康证明必须是经授权医生或医院出具的有效的证明。

    The health certificate must be valid , provided by authorized physician or hospital .

  11. 有厨师等级资格证书、健康证明。

    A chef level qualifications , health certificate .

  12. 你得给我出健康证明。

    You have to clear me for duty .

  13. 您最后一次预防注射是在什么时候?请出示您的健康证明。

    When did you get your last vaccination ? Show me your health certificate , please .

  14. 自从医生给我开了健康证明,我就开酒戒了。

    I 've been off the wagon ever since my doctor gave me a clean bill of health .

  15. 我履行了提供身体健康证明的义务。

    I fulfilled my obligation to provide proof of good health . I had a chest x-ray taken .

  16. 好,请给我一张一寸彩色照片、您的身份证和健康证明。

    Ok , please give me a one-inch color photo , your ID card and a health certificate .

  17. 随机抽查的105名加工人员中,93.33%持有有效健康证明和卫生知识培训合格证;

    Among 105 workers , 98 of them had health and training certificate for health knowledge ( 93.33 % ) .

  18. 咨询者应向委托方提供一份他们的简历和合格的健康证明供审查和批准。

    The consultants shall submit to the client a copy of their biographical data and a copy of a satisfactory health certificate for review and approval .

  19. 欧元区每一位财长都应该解释解释粉饰过的“压力测试”,这在今年早些时候甚至给了德克夏一份“无疫健康证明”。

    Every euro-zone finance minister should be forced to explain the whitewash " stress tests " that gave even Dexia a clean bill of health earlier this year .

  20. 批评人士抨击欧洲银行管理局给德克夏银行和其他银行出具了健康证明,虽然即便是最宽松的会计标准都显示事实正好相反。

    Critics jumped on the EBA for giving drexia and others a clean bill of health for 2011 when anything but the most generous kind of accounting showed the opposite .

  21. 例句我昨天接受了全面体检之后,医生给我开了身体健康的证明,所以我这周末就可以重新回到团队中去了。

    After a full medical test yesterday I was given a clean bill of health , so I 'm fit to be on the team this weekend .

  22. 他的健康状况证明他生活有规律。

    His health speaks well for his mode of life .

  23. 你的健康状况证明你的生活方式很好。

    Your health speaks well for your model of life .

  24. 此外,该法规还规定:申请结婚的男女双方。还须提交婚姻登记机关指定医院出具的婚前健康检查证明。

    In addition , the regulation stipulates that both the man the woman applying for marriage registration shall also present the pre-marital health check-up report signed and issued by a hospital designated by the marriage registration department .

  25. 更有可能的是,你可能需要见你的GP,就你的健康状况出具证明,以判断你申领哪种类型的津贴。

    More than likely , you 're also going to need to go and see your GP as well to get some kind of medical certificate to kind of kick start your claim .

  26. 除非海员的健康状况经证明适合履行其职责,否则不得上船工作。

    Seafarers shall not work on a ship unless they are certified as medically fit to perform their duties .

  27. 诺伊表示,欧洲各银行目前的情况好于投资者的判断,她希望健康检查将证明这一点,因为检查将给银行资产带来更大透明度。

    Mrs Nouy said European lenders were in a better state than investors thought and hoped that the health check would prove this by providing more transparency on banks ' assets .

  28. 模特需要提供医生证明,以证实其整体健康状况,证明中需注明其身体质量指数,这是一种根据身高体重比例衡量胖瘦程度的标准。

    Models will need to provide a doctor 's certificate attesting to their overall physical health , with special regard to their body mass index ( BMI ) - a measure of weight in relation to height .

  29. 半个世纪以来,我国飞行人员健康疗养实践证明,健康疗养对消除飞行疲劳、增强体质、提高飞行耐力、延长飞行年限具有重要作用。

    In the past fifty years , air force health service practice shown that aircrew 's furlough at sanatorium played an important role in aircrew 's physical relaxation , emotional balance , health promotion and flying time prolonging .

  30. 但这一次,这种方式的流行不是因为雇主能够在办公室多塞进几个人,以及节省椅子的成本——正好相反:员工站着工作不再证明雇主不关心他们的健康,而是证明他们关心。

    But this time it is not fashionable employers can pack people in , and save on the cost of a chair - just the opposite . Workers no longer stand as a sign that employers do not care about their wellbeing , but as evidence that they do .