
  • 网络healthy family
  1. 健康家庭的沟通和直接的方式明确他们的想法和感受。

    Healthy families communicate their thoughts and feelings in a clear and direct manner .

  2. 像更安全的化工产品,健康家庭这样主要组织的努力已陷入停滞。

    Efforts by major coalitions like Safer Chemicals , Healthy Families have been stalled .

  3. 来自英国名校华威大学的AndrewOswald教授是该研究的合作者,说道:这项研究表明了建立一个健康家庭环境的必要性。

    Professor Andrew Oswald of Warwick University , the studys co-author , said : This research provides yet another reason for the need to create an emotionally healthy home environment .

  4. 深圳市开展健康家庭行动示范项目的实践

    Practice of " Health Family Action " Demonstration Program in Shenzhen City , Guangdong Province

  5. 健康家庭小贴士

    Top tips for a healthy home

  6. 最后,该公司希望推行其他健康家庭设备,包括一个血糖监控器。

    Eventually , the company hopes to also release other home health kits , including a blood glucose monitor .

  7. 中西部地区生殖健康家庭保健服务能力建设项目实践的启示

    Inspirations from the Project to Strengthen Capacity Building in Reproductive Health and Family Health Care Service in Central and West China

  8. 即使是发生在最健康家庭中的青少年问题,我们也不应该放松警惕,不该将其视作一种正常的过渡阶段而忽略它。

    The teenage conflicts that erupt in most healthy families should not be taken lightly or ignored as a passing phase .

  9. 观察组健康家庭照料者经家庭干预治疗后,对精神卫生知识的掌握情况明显高于对照组。

    Through family intervention treatment , mastering the mental health knowledge was higher than healthy family caregivers of the control group . 5 .

  10. 健康家庭的基础依赖于父母传递给每一个孩子爱、信任和自我价值的能力。

    The foundation of a healthy family depends on the ability of the parents to communicate messages of love , trust , and self-worth to each child .

  11. 确立家庭对子女教育的投资理念和机制,是现代健康家庭生活所必需的,对国家宏观教育规划也有着积极支持的作用。

    The establishment of the idea and mechanism of the investment in education from families is a necessity of modern life , which will become a strong support to the government 's macroscopic education planning .

  12. [方法]分别为25个HIV/AIDS家庭和25个普通健康家庭提供了小额无息贷款服务,以发展适合目标家庭需求的创收性生产项目,一年后50个贷款户均如数还清贷款。

    Methods : the service of small sum of loan but without interest was offered to 25 families with HIV / AIDS and 25 normal families simultaneously in order to develop feasible housing productive programs , and after one year all of the families paid off the loan .

  13. 女士们花了点时间叙旧,聊了聊彼此的健康和家庭状况。

    The ladies spent some time catching up on each other 's health and families

  14. 目的:男性不育症影响着人类健康及家庭幸福,泌尿生殖道解脲脲原体(UU)感染和男性不育密切相关。

    Objective Male infertility affects human health and well-being of families , genitourinary tract Ureaplasma urealyticum ( UU ) infection is closely related to male fertility .

  15. BCS及照料者生活变化问卷测评显示,老年性痴呆患者的照料负担依次为经济负担>心理健康>家庭生活>家庭关系>躯体健康>家庭活动。

    BCS and the changes of caregiver 's living questionnaire revealed that the burden of care of patients with AD from high to low was as follows : economic burden , mental health , family living , family relationship , body health and family activity .

  16. 中国国家健康与家庭规划委员会已证实,已有三个人感染新型H7N9流感,其中来自上海的两名患者已死亡,年龄分别是87和27岁,均是在二月底发病。

    China 's National Health and Family Planning Commission confirmed that three people had been infected with the new H7N9 flu , with two deaths of men in Shanghai aged 87 and 27 who fell sick in late February .

  17. 影响儿童心理健康的家庭因素

    A Review on the Factors of Influence Children 's Psychological Health

  18. 影响学生健康的家庭教育因素及对策研究

    Influences of Family Education on Students ' Health and Their Countermeasures

  19. 最后,恭祝在座各位新春愉快、身体健康、家庭幸福!

    Finally , wish all of you a happy Spring Festival .

  20. 健康的家庭都能够在这两个领域沟通很好。

    Healthy families are able to communicate well in both areas .

  21. 他们也将监控我们家人的健康和家庭安全。

    They 'll monitor our families ' health and home security .

  22. 幸福健康,家庭美满,心情平和。

    Hope god bless everybody happily , healthy , heart , home .

  23. 营造良好的教育环境,创建和谐健康的家庭、社会环境。

    Constructing harmonious healthy family social milieu to establish good education environment .

  24. 与灾害相关的身心健康中家庭医生的角色

    Disaster-Related Physical and Mental Health : A Role for the Family Physician

  25. 让她看看一个正常的健康的家庭是怎样的。

    Let her see how a normal , healthy family can live .

  26. 祝大家新学期工作愉快顺利,身体健康,家庭幸福!

    Wish you work happily with good health and a harmonious family !

  27. 影响小学生心理健康的家庭因素与干预的研究现状

    Study of family factors affecting psychological health of primary students and the intervention

  28. 研究证实,受教育妇女会有更健康的家庭。

    Research confirms that educated women have healthier families .

  29. 基于觉察上下文计算的健康智能家庭研究

    Research on healthy smart home based on context-aware computing

  30. 健康的家庭功能麦克马斯特模型视图。

    The McMaster Model View of Healthy Family Functioning .