
  • 网络healthy environment
  1. 尊重正是促成这一健康环境的关键所在。

    And respect is the key to a healthy environment .

  2. 第六,抗菌防霉,耐老化、抗腐蚀保证健康环境。

    Antisepsis , ageing resistance , and anticorrosion , ensuring a healthy environment .

  3. 可持续发展和健康环境部门被撤销。

    The cluster of Sustainable Development and Healthy Environments no longer exists .

  4. 创造更多的健康环境,特别是在贫困和弱势群体中;

    Create more healthy environments , especially for poor and disadvantaged populations ;

  5. 建筑安装施工企业健康环境管理的方法

    The method of healthy and environmental management of architectural erection construction enterprise

  6. 确保顾客于物业及设施之安全及良好健康环境;

    To assure the users environmental health and safety at the properties and facilities ;

  7. 他还敦促联合国成员国加入儿童健康环境联盟。

    Mr. Annan also urged UN members to join the Healthy Environments for Children Alliance .

  8. 如果你也想为我们的健康环境贡献一份力量,那就一定不要错过本期节目!

    If you want to make a contribution to environmental protection , be sure to watch our program !

  9. 多功能环境、绿色环境、健康环境、生态环境是室内设计所追求的高质量、高智能环境的内涵;

    The implication of the indoor designs is the high quality and high intelligent environment , including multi-functional surroundings , green and healthy and ecological atmospheres .

  10. 从4个方面对大气气溶胶研究的前沿问题作了总结和分析:气溶胶的基本特征、气溶胶的气候效应、沙尘气溶胶以及气溶胶对健康环境的影响。

    Frontier of atmospheric aerosols researches are summarized from four aspects : aerosol characteristics , effects on radiative forcing , dust aerosols , effect on environment and human healthy .

  11. 作为一个新西兰人,一个已经给绿党捐款以使他们为清洁食品和健康环境工作的人,我是不是可以希望澳大利亚人把他带回去?

    As a New Zealander , and a person who has donated money at times to Greens for their work with clean food and a healthy environment , may I say that I I wish Australia would take him back .

  12. 我的结论是,汉堡包的利润远非它们对健康和环境造成的损害所能抵消的。

    I concluded that the profit from burgers is more than offsetby the damage they cause in health problems and environmental harm .

  13. PM2.5对人体健康和环境有害。

    PM 2.5 is bad for harmful to people 's health and the environment .

  14. 我们都需要一个健康的环境,但却每天都会制造垃圾,对环境造成损害。

    We all need a healthy environment , but we produce waste every day and it does harm to our environment .

  15. Reach法规旨在改善对人类健康和环境的保护,方式是更好、更早地鉴别化学物质的性质。

    Reach aims to improve " the protection of human health and the environment through the better and earlier identification of the properties of chemical substances " .

  16. POPs具有环境持久性、生物累积性、半挥发性和高毒性的特点,是对人类健康及环境造成有害影响的化学物质。

    With the characteristics of environmental persistence , bioaccumulation , semi-volatility and high toxicity , POPs are harmful chemicals to human health and environment .

  17. 本文通过阐述聚氯乙烯(PVC)对人体健康和环境的影响,从科学、技术和经济等方面分析,介绍了PVC产品的原料组成。

    This text explains poly vinyl chloride ( PVC ) impact on health and environment right away , and analyses , recommends PVC raw materials of product make up from science , technology , etc.

  18. 来自英国名校华威大学的AndrewOswald教授是该研究的合作者,说道:这项研究表明了建立一个健康家庭环境的必要性。

    Professor Andrew Oswald of Warwick University , the studys co-author , said : This research provides yet another reason for the need to create an emotionally healthy home environment .

  19. 前言:室内空气品质(IAQ)是一个重要的健康、环境和经济问题,能否提供一个“安全”的工作环境已经成为公众健康的焦点。

    The IAQ is an important problem relate to the health , environment and economy , and whether being able to provide a " safe " working environment or not has become a focal point of the public health .

  20. cpe-sw应严格遵守所有相关法规,这些法规应不低于公司标准,是关于职业安全与健康以及环境保护的,适用于金秋项目的前端工程设计现场。

    Cpe-sw will strictly comply with all relevant statutory regulations , which shall be comparable to that of the company 's standard , pertaining to occupational safety and health and environmental protection which are applicable to the local where Jinqiu TPO feed design is performed .

  21. 维持各自部门的安全健康工作环境。

    Maintain safe and healthful working conditions in their respective departments .

  22. 饲料添加剂对动物和人体健康及环境的影响

    Effect of Feed Additive to Human and Animal Health and Environment

  23. 论影响青少年心理健康的环境要素

    On The Environment Factors that Affect Mental Health of Adolescence

  24. 绿色植物对健康家居环境的影响

    The Affects Made By Green Plant To Healthy Home Environment

  25. 高层住宅健康外环境规划设计研究

    A Study on the Planning Design of Healthy Environment in High-rise Residence

  26. 关于可持续人类发展方面的健康与环境问题的泛美会议

    Pan-American Conference on Health and Environment in Sustainable Human Development

  27. 转换为生态农业将益于健康和环境

    A switch to ecological farming will benefit health and environment

  28. 泛美可持续发展中的健康和环境会议

    Pan-American Conference on Health and the Environment in Sustainable Development

  29. 创建健康精神环境,是思想政治环境优化的关键;

    Creating the healthy spirit environment is the key of the improvement .

  30. 而基础设施浪费所造成的健康和环境后果将会是毁灭性的。

    The health and environmental consequences of wasteful infrastructures could be devastating .