
  • 网络closed injury;Close Injuries;closed trauma
  1. 腹部闭合性损伤88例临床救治分析

    Analysis of Clinical Treatment on 88 Cases ' Abdominal Closed Injury

  2. 胰腺闭合性损伤21例手术治疗分析

    Surgical treatment for 21 cases of closed injury of pancreas

  3. 腹部闭合性损伤的CT诊断(附50例分析)

    CT diagnosis of abdominal closed injury ( 50 cases analysis )

  4. CT在胸部闭合性损伤诊断中的价值

    Value of computed tomography in the diagnosis of blunt thoracic injury

  5. 腹部闭合性损伤致胃肠道破裂的平扫CT诊断

    CT Scan Diagnosis in Gastrointestinal Tract Rupture after Blunt Abdominal Trauma

  6. 腹部闭合性损伤致肠和肠系膜损伤的CT平扫诊断

    CT Diagnosis in Intestinal and Mesenteric Injury after Abdominal Closed Trauma

  7. 胸部闭合性损伤的X线与CT诊断

    X - ray and CT diagnosis of closed chest injury

  8. 结果阴囊闭合性损伤CT表现为:阴囊肿大7例;

    Results Characteristic CT features were : enlargement of scrotum in 7 cases ;

  9. 结论用CT横断面平扫检查急性阴囊闭合性损伤病人是一种精确诊断睾丸及其被膜损伤的影像学检查方法。

    Conclusion The plain CT scan could precisely demonstrate acute traumatic lesion of the scrotum .

  10. CT对腹部空腔脏器闭合性损伤的诊断价值

    The significance of spiral CT scanning in diagnosis of closed injury of abdominal viscera with lumen

  11. 肝脏闭合性损伤的CT诊断

    CT Diagnosis of closed hepatic trauma

  12. 目的探讨平扫CT在诊断腹部闭合性损伤致胃肠道破裂中的作用。

    Objective To evaluate the role of CT in diagnosis of the gastrointestinal tract rupture after blunt abdominal trauma .

  13. 结论:MRI术前诊断跟腱闭合性损伤的准确性较高,有助于制定跟腱撕裂手术方案。

    Conclusion : MRI scan is an accurate method of choice in the diagnosis of close injury of Achilles tendon , therefore , it is helpful in the surgical planning of Achilles tendon tear .

  14. 结果:156例腹部闭合性损伤病人中,腹腔穿刺诊断率,X线检查诊断率,B超及CT检查诊断率分别是91.3%,38%,84.6%。腹腔镜检查对腹部闭合性损伤诊断是安全,有效的方法。

    Results : The positive rate of abdominal puncture , X-ray , B type ultrasonography and CT was 91.3 % , 38 % and 84.6 % respectively , Laparoscopy in the diagnosis and treatment of occlusive abdominal injuries is accurate , safe and effective .

  15. 闭合性损伤8例,开放性损伤7例膈肌破口小者3cm,大者15cm。

    There were 8 close and 7 open cases . The size of the rupture on the diaphragm was from 3 to 15cm . The importance of earlier diagnosis and treatment were also discussed .

  16. 腹部闭合性损伤患者血浆内皮素水平的观察

    Observation of plasma endothelin levels in patients with abdominal closed injury

  17. 腹部闭合性损伤外科治疗127例临床分析

    Clinical analysis of surgery treatment for 127 cases abdominal closed trauma

  18. 腹部闭合性损伤急诊抢救体会(附255例报告)

    The Emergency Experience of Blunt Abdominal Trauma ( 255 cases )

  19. 四肢主干动脉闭合性损伤

    Closed Injuries of Artery in Limbs Q & A on Sex

  20. 应用超声显象检查腹部闭合性损伤28例。

    28 patients with blunt abdominal trauma were evaluated by ultrasonography .

  21. 方法对近年来国内外腹部闭合性损伤诊断进展行回顾性分析。

    Methods Literature on BAT diagnosis in recent years was reviewed .

  22. 胰腺闭合性损伤合并主胰管断裂23例诊治分析

    23 cases of pancreatic trauma with injury of the pancreatic duct

  23. 37例妊娠期腹部闭合性损伤的临床分析

    Clinical analysis on 37 cases with occlusive abdominal injuries during pregnancy

  24. 腹腔镜诊断和治疗腹部闭合性损伤120例报告

    Diagnosis and treatment of blunt abdominal trauma by laparoscope in 120 cases

  25. 腹部闭合性损伤131例抢救体会腹部闭合性损伤131例抢救体会

    Emergency treatment of closed abdominal injury : a report of 131 cases

  26. 心脏闭合性损伤后晚期并发症和后遗症的诊断与治疗

    Diagnosis and Treatment of Delayed Complications and Sequelae after Closed Cardiac Injury

  27. 腹部外伤及闭合性损伤87例诊治体会

    The diagnosis and treatment of abdomenal injured and closed wound

  28. 喉闭合性损伤诊断与治疗中的一些问题

    Some problem in diagnosis and treatment of closed laryngeal trauma

  29. 非手术治疗腹部闭合性损伤脾破裂

    Nonoperative management for splenic rupture caused by closed abdominal injury

  30. 腹部闭合性损伤合并颅脑外伤的诊治

    Diagnosis and treatment of abdominal injury combined with head injury